Category: Articles

Discussion: (a) Whether simply passing a written examination and being invited for an interview establishes any legal right or legitimate expectation for the candidates regarding their selection or appointment. (b) Whether the outcome of an interview process can be legally challenged within the constitutional jurisdiction of the High Court.

Case Comment (a) Whether simply passing a written examination and being invited for an interview establishes any legal right or legitimate expectation for the candidates regarding their selection or appointment. (b) Whether the outcome of an interview process can be legally challenged within the constitutional jurisdiction of the High Court (C.Ps.No. 154-K of 2022 and 166-K of 2022)

Facts of the Case C.Ps.No. 154-K of 2022 and 166-K of 2022 The petitioners, Waheed Gul Khan and Mumtaz Ali, applied for employment in the Food Department of the Government…

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