What is 'ijazat aapki' by NADRA in Pakistan? How does it support data protection?What is 'ijazat aapki' by NADRA in Pakistan? How does it support data protection?

Ijazat Aap Ki (Your Permission) is a service launched by the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) in Pakistan in March 2023. The service allows citizens to give their consent before their CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) is verified by an institution. This helps to protect the privacy of citizens’ data and prevents unauthorized access.

To use Ijazat Aap Ki, citizens need to register their mobile number with NADRA. Once their mobile number is registered, they can give their consent for their CNIC to be verified by sending an SMS to a short code. When an institution requests to verify a citizen’s CNIC, NADRA will send an SMS to the citizen’s mobile phone asking for their consent. If the citizen consents, NADRA will share the citizen’s CNIC information with the institution.

Ijazat Aap Ki is a valuable tool for protecting the privacy of citizens’ data. It helps to prevent unauthorized access to citizens’ CNIC information and can help to prevent identity theft and fraud. Ijazat Aap Ki is a positive step forward for data protection in Pakistan.

Here are some of the ways in which Ijazat Aap Ki supports data protection:

  • It gives citizens control over their data. Citizens can choose whether or not to give their consent for their CNIC to be verified.
  • It helps to prevent unauthorized access to data. Only institutions that have been authorized by the citizen can access their CNIC information.
  • It can help to prevent identity theft and fraud. By giving citizens control over their data, Ijazat Aap Ki can help to make it more difficult for criminals to steal their identities.

Ijazat Aap Ki is a valuable tool for protecting the privacy of citizens’ data. It is a positive step forward for data protection in Pakistan.


“Ijazat Aapki” is an initiative by the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) in Pakistan designed to enhance data protection and privacy for individuals. It translates to “Your Permission” in English and aims to give citizens more control over their personal data.

Key Features of “Ijazat Aapki”

  1. Consent-Based Data Sharing: This initiative mandates that individuals must give explicit consent before their personal data can be shared with third parties. This ensures that data sharing is transparent and that individuals are aware of and agree to how their data will be used.

  2. Verification and Authentication: NADRA uses advanced biometric verification methods to authenticate individuals before they can give consent. This includes using fingerprints and other biometric data to ensure that the person giving consent is indeed the data subject.

  3. Control and Autonomy: The initiative empowers individuals by giving them the autonomy to approve or deny requests for their personal data. This control helps to prevent misuse or unauthorised access to sensitive information.

Supporting Data Protection

“Ijazat Aapki” supports data protection in several significant ways:

  1. Minimising Unauthorised Access: By requiring explicit consent, the initiative reduces the likelihood of unauthorised access to personal data. Only those entities that have obtained the individual’s permission can access their information.

  2. Enhancing Transparency: It fosters transparency in data handling processes. Individuals are informed about who is requesting their data, for what purpose, and how it will be used, which builds trust in data processing activities.

  3. Strengthening Compliance: This initiative aligns with global data protection standards and principles, such as those found in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It encourages compliance with legal and ethical standards in data management.

  4. Protecting Sensitive Information: By securing personal and biometric data through stringent verification methods, NADRA ensures that sensitive information is protected from breaches and cyber threats.

  5. Empowering Citizens: Providing individuals with the power to control their data enhances their privacy rights and gives them a sense of security regarding their personal information.


While “Ijazat Aapki” is a commendable initiative by NADRA aimed at bolstering data protection and privacy, there are several deficiencies and challenges that could potentially impact its success:

Deficiencies in “Ijazat Aapki”

  1. Technological Limitations:

    • Biometric Authentication Issues: The reliance on biometric data for authentication, such as fingerprints, can pose problems if the biometric systems are not highly accurate or if there are issues with the quality of the data collected.
    • Digital Divide: A significant portion of the population, especially in rural areas, may lack access to the necessary technology or digital literacy to use the system effectively.
  2. Implementation Challenges:

    • Infrastructure: Effective implementation requires robust technological infrastructure, which may not be uniformly available across Pakistan. This includes reliable internet access, secure databases, and up-to-date hardware.
    • Training and Awareness: Both users and operators need adequate training and awareness to understand the importance of consent and how to use the system properly.
  3. Legal and Regulatory Framework:

    • Inadequate Legal Protections: Pakistan’s legal framework for data protection is still evolving. There may be gaps or weaknesses in the existing laws that could undermine the effectiveness of the consent-based model.
    • Enforcement Issues: Effective enforcement of data protection laws is crucial. Without strong enforcement mechanisms, the programme might struggle to prevent misuse or unauthorised access to personal data.
  4. User Trust and Adoption:

    • Trust Deficit: There may be a lack of trust among citizens regarding how their data is handled, especially given past instances of data breaches or misuse by authorities or private entities.
    • Adoption Rate: The success of the programme hinges on widespread adoption by the public. If people are hesitant or face difficulties in using the system, the overall impact may be limited.
  5. Operational Efficiency:

    • Data Management: Managing consent records and ensuring they are updated and accurate can be a complex task. Any lapses in this process could lead to data being shared without proper consent.
    • Response Time: The system needs to be efficient in processing consent requests. Delays or inefficiencies could frustrate users and discourage them from using the service.

Likelihood of Success

The success of “Ijazat Aapki” will depend on several factors:

  1. Effective Implementation and Support:

    • Government Commitment: Continued support from the government in terms of funding, resources, and policy backing will be essential.
    • Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration with private sector entities can help in improving technological solutions and expanding the reach of the programme.
  2. User Engagement and Education:

    • Awareness Campaigns: Comprehensive awareness campaigns are needed to educate the public about the benefits and usage of the system.
    • Feedback Mechanisms: Implementing feedback mechanisms to address user concerns and improve the system based on public input will be critical.
  3. Legal and Regulatory Enhancements:

    • Strengthening Laws: Enhancing the legal framework to provide robust data protection and clear guidelines for data sharing and consent.
    • Enforcement: Ensuring that there are strong enforcement mechanisms to penalise violations and protect user rights.
  4. Technological Advancements:

    • Improving Infrastructure: Investing in technological infrastructure, particularly in underdeveloped areas, to ensure equitable access.
    • System Upgrades: Continuously upgrading the system to handle increasing loads and countering emerging security threats.

In conclusion, while “Ijazat Aapki” has the potential to significantly enhance data protection and privacy in Pakistan, its success will largely depend on addressing the aforementioned deficiencies and ensuring sustained efforts in implementation, legal reforms, public engagement, and technological advancements.

By The Josh and Mak Team

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