Yes, in Pakistan, a marriage can be dissolved by means other than Talaq (divorce). The dissolution of a marriage is governed by different laws and procedures depending on the circumstances and the applicable personal laws.

In addition to Talaq, the other recognized methods of dissolving a marriage in Pakistan include:

  1. Khula: Khula is a right granted to the wife to seek a divorce from her husband. It involves the wife filing a suit in a family court, requesting the dissolution of the marriage. The court then considers the grounds provided by the wife and may grant the khula if it deems appropriate.
  2. Dissolution by mutual consent: If both spouses mutually agree to end their marriage, they can file a joint application for dissolution of marriage in a family court. The court will review the application, and if satisfied that the consent is genuine, it may grant the dissolution.
  3. Annulment: An annulment is a legal declaration that declares a marriage void or invalid from its inception. Grounds for annulment in Pakistan include prohibited degrees of relationships, the absence of consent, underage marriage, and non-consummation of the marriage due to impotency or other reasons.

It’s important to note that the specific procedures and requirements for dissolution may vary depending on the personal laws applicable to the individuals involved, such as the Muslim Personal Law, Hindu Marriage Act, or Christian Marriage Act. Each personal law has its own set of rules and procedures for dissolution.

To seek dissolution of a marriage through any of these methods, it is advisable to consult with a lawyer specializing in family law in Pakistan. Our team can guide you through the process, explain the relevant legal provisions, and assist you in fulfilling the necessary requirements for the dissolution of your marriage.Send us an email now at

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Some Useful Links on Family Law are below :

Can a wife Divorce her husband in Pakistan? (Column 18 Nikahnama)

Pakistanis Filing for Divorce, Khula and Custody Matters in Pakistan when either of the Parties are Abroad 

Josh and Mak International: Expert Legal Services for Divorce and Khula in Pakistan for Local and Overseas Pakistanis

A Primer on Child Custody, Interim Custody , Visitation and Guardianship as per Pakistani law

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