The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has introduced comprehensive Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in 2023 for the usage of explosives within the province. These SOPs aim to ensure the safe and secure handling, transportation, storage, and use of explosives in mining and construction activities, thereby preventing misuse, pilferage, and accidents.

Key Provisions of the SOPs

  1. Establishment of District Explosive Committees (DEC)
    Each district will have a DEC comprising various officials, including the Deputy Commissioner (Chairperson), District Police Officer, Director Explosives, and representatives from the military and intelligence agencies. The DEC is responsible for:

    • Recommending the issuance of explosive licenses (EL-04 and BL-05) after verification.
    • Ensuring the proper application of rules and procedures for safe handling, transportation, storage, and usage of explosives.
    • Conducting physical verifications and security audits of explosive magazines and working sites.
    • Monitoring the consumption of explosives by active mine leases and construction blasters.
    • Overseeing the inter-district transportation of explosives, ensuring it is conducted with proper NOCs from respective Deputy Commissioners .
  2. Role of Deputy Commissioners and District Focal Persons
    Deputy Commissioners are tasked with appointing IT-literate officials as district focal persons to handle explosive-related matters. These officials will:

    • Liaise with provincial counterparts and receive necessary training.
    • Train explosive license holders in data entry and monitor compliance.
    • Keep track of progress and report non-compliance to the DEC .
  3. Responsibilities of Explosive License Holders (EL-03, EL-04, and EL-05)
    Explosive license holders must:

    • Ensure safe transportation and storage of explosives in accordance with the Explosives Rules, 2010.
    • Appoint technically competent persons to manage explosive magazines.
    • Construct and maintain magazines as per specified guidelines, ensuring they are equipped with safety measures like lightning conductors and fire extinguishers.
    • Register and update their data on the designated website and report any issues faced.
    • Conduct blasting operations during daylight hours only and ensure all activities are supervised by competent persons.
    • Maintain detailed records of explosive consumption and report to the DEC monthly .
  4. Responsibilities of Explosive Magazine Owners (EL-02)
    EL-02 license holders must:

    • Establish magazines as per the Explosives Rules, 2010, ensuring necessary security arrangements.
    • Hire security personnel for the transportation of explosives and notify the Deputy Commissioner in advance.
    • Regularly update their sales records on the website and share reports with district focal persons.
    • Comply with all provisions of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Explosives Act, 2013, and related rules and SOPs .
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Critical Analysis

While these SOPs provide a structured framework for the safe management of explosives, several areas require further scrutiny and improvement:

  1. Complex Administrative Structure
    The establishment of DECs involving multiple stakeholders from various departments could lead to bureaucratic delays and inefficiencies. Simplifying the committee structure and streamlining the approval process may enhance operational efficiency.
  2. Technological Dependency
    The heavy reliance on IT infrastructure, including mandatory online registrations and real-time data updates, may pose challenges in remote areas with limited internet access. Ensuring robust IT support and alternative reporting mechanisms is crucial for effective implementation.
  3. Enforcement and Compliance
    The effectiveness of these SOPs hinges on strict enforcement and regular audits. Adequate training and resources must be provided to inspectors and DEC members to ensure consistent compliance. Clear penalties for non-compliance should be established to serve as a deterrent.
  4. Environmental and Safety Considerations
    While the SOPs emphasize safety, there is a need for more detailed environmental impact assessments and guidelines for mitigating the ecological effects of explosive usage. Incorporating best practices for environmental protection would make the framework more comprehensive.
  5. Training and Capacity Building
    Continuous training programs for all stakeholders, including license holders, DEC members, and district focal persons, are essential for maintaining high safety standards. Regular drills and mock exercises can enhance preparedness for emergency situations.


The SOPs for the usage of explosives in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa represent a significant step towards ensuring the safety and security of mining and construction operations. However, addressing the identified gaps and enhancing the framework through simplified procedures, robust IT infrastructure, strict enforcement, environmental safeguards, and continuous training will be vital for their successful implementation.

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For further assistance or legal consultation regarding compliance with these SOPs, please contact Josh and Mak International.

By The Josh and Mak Team

Josh and Mak International is a distinguished law firm with a rich legacy that sets us apart in the legal profession. With years of experience and expertise, we have earned a reputation as a trusted and reputable name in the field. Our firm is built on the pillars of professionalism, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to providing excellent legal services. We have a profound understanding of the law and its complexities, enabling us to deliver tailored legal solutions to meet the unique needs of each client. As a virtual law firm, we offer affordable, high-quality legal advice delivered with the same dedication and work ethic as traditional firms. Choose Josh and Mak International as your legal partner and gain an unfair strategic advantage over your competitors.

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