Lis Pendens in PakistanLis Pendens in Pakistan

Lis pendens is a Latin term that translates to “pending litigation.” In legal terms, it refers to a doctrine that ensures any property subject to ongoing litigation cannot be transferred or dealt with in a manner that would affect the rights of the parties involved in the suit.

Key Points of Lis Pendens:

  1. Notice to the Public:
    • The doctrine of lis pendens serves as a notice to all potential buyers or interested parties that the property is under litigation. This means anyone who acquires an interest in the property does so subject to the outcome of the pending legal proceedings.
  2. Purpose:
    • The primary purpose of lis pendens is to preserve the status quo of the property involved in litigation, ensuring that the final court decision is meaningful and enforceable. It prevents the litigants from transferring the property in a way that could undermine the court’s authority or the litigation process.
  3. Effect on Transactions:
    • Any transaction involving the property during the period of litigation is not considered void but is subject to the final judgment of the court. The new owner (transferee) cannot claim lack of knowledge as a defense if they acquire the property while the litigation is ongoing.
  4. Codification:
    • In many jurisdictions, the doctrine of lis pendens is codified in statutory law. For example, in Pakistan, Section 52 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, embodies this principle, stating that the property in question cannot be transferred or otherwise dealt with during the pendency of a suit without affecting the rights of the other party involved.

Practical Implications:

  • For Buyers:
    • Potential buyers must conduct thorough due diligence to ensure that the property they intend to purchase is not subject to any ongoing litigation.
  • For Parties in Litigation:
    • Parties involved in a lawsuit concerning property must be aware that any actions they take to transfer or modify the property could be rendered ineffective by the final court decision.


Imagine you file a suit for specific performance of a contract to sell a piece of property. While the case is still pending in court, the property owner sells the property to someone else. Under the doctrine of lis pendens, the new buyer purchases the property subject to the outcome of your lawsuit. If the court eventually rules in your favor, you may enforce the contract against the new buyer, and the transfer made during the litigation will be subject to the court’s final decision.

In summary, lis pendens is a crucial legal concept that protects the integrity of judicial proceedings involving property disputes, ensuring that the rights of litigants are not undermined by subsequent transactions involving the property in question.

Update 31st July 2024

Question : I have filed a suit for specific performance based on an agreement to sell. During the ongoing litigation in the trial court, the owner sold the property to another party. I have requested the court to add the new purchaser as a party to the suit under the doctrine of lis pendens. Can I do this?

Answer: Yes, you can request the court to include the subsequent purchaser as a party to the suit under the principle of lis pendens. Lis pendens is a doctrine that means “pending litigation” and it is designed to prevent any actions that could affect the subject matter of the ongoing litigation. Here’s a more detailed explanation and the legal basis for your situation:

Legal Basis:

Section 52 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 is particularly relevant here. This section states that during the pendency of any suit or proceeding in a court which is not collusive and in which any right to immovable property is directly and specifically in question, the property cannot be transferred or otherwise dealt with by any party to the suit or proceeding so as to affect the rights of any other party thereto under any decree or order which may be made therein, except under the authority of the court and on such terms as it may impose.

Steps to Follow:

  1. File an Application:
    • You need to file an application in the court where your suit for specific performance is pending, requesting to implead the subsequent purchaser as a party to the suit. This application can be filed under Order 1 Rule 10 of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC), 1908, which allows the court to add necessary or proper parties to a suit.
  2. State the Facts:
    • In your application, clearly state the facts of the case, including the original agreement to sell, the pendency of the litigation, and the subsequent sale of the property by the owner to the new purchaser.
  3. Invoke Lis Pendens:
    • Invoke the doctrine of lis pendens, explaining that the property was sold during the pendency of the litigation and that the subsequent purchaser had or ought to have had notice of the ongoing litigation.
  4. Serve Notice:
    • Once the court allows your application, the subsequent purchaser will be made a party to the suit and will be served notice of the proceedings. This ensures that any decree passed by the court will be binding on the subsequent purchaser as well.

Points to Consider:

  • Proof of Knowledge: The subsequent purchaser should be aware of the pending litigation. If they purchased the property despite knowing about the ongoing suit, they can be bound by the doctrine of lis pendens.
  • Good Faith Purchaser: If the subsequent purchaser claims to be a bona fide purchaser for value without notice of the pending suit, it might complicate the matter. However, the principle of lis pendens still generally applies to protect the rights of the parties involved in the original litigation.

Relevant Case law:

The below cited cases provide valuable insights into whether you can request the court to include the subsequent purchaser as a party under the doctrine of lis pendens. Here’s how each case addresses this question:

Citation Name: 2022 CLC 1670 ISLAMABAD

  • Key Points: The rule of lis pendens codified in Section 52 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, restrains any party to litigation from transferring property that is the subject matter of the suit. Anyone dealing with the property during the pendency of litigation is deemed to have notice of the litigation. The plea of being a bona fide purchaser without notice cannot override this rule.
  • Conclusion: You can indeed request to include the subsequent purchaser as a party, as their lack of knowledge of the litigation is immaterial under the doctrine of lis pendens.

Citation Name: 2021 PLD 236 ISLAMABAD

  • Key Points: The plea of being a bona fide purchaser for valuable consideration without knowledge does not offset the principle of lis pendens. The doctrine makes any transfer during the pendency of a suit subordinate to the rights of the original plaintiff.
  • Conclusion: The subsequent purchaser can be impleaded as a party because the doctrine of lis pendens applies regardless of their awareness of the litigation.

Citation Name: 2019 YLR 1158 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT

  • Key Points: The court upheld the principle of lis pendens, stating that any transaction during the pendency of a suit is subject to the final judgment. The subsequent mutations were canceled, and the suit was decreed in favor of the plaintiff.
  • Conclusion: This supports your ability to implead the subsequent purchaser, as any sale during pending litigation is subject to the court’s final decision.

Citation Name: 2018 MLD 151 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH

  • Key Points: The protection under Section 41 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, does not apply to transactions during pending suits. The subsequent purchaser must verify the seller’s title, and failing to do so makes the transaction void.
  • Conclusion: This case reinforces the doctrine of lis pendens and justifies including the subsequent purchaser as a party.

Citation Name: 2017 YLR 2173 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE

  • Key Points: The court stated that a transferee during the pendency of a suit could not defend the suit independently and must “swim and sink” with the original vendor. The principle of lis pendens applies.
  • Conclusion: The subsequent purchaser should be made a party to the suit, as the transaction is subject to the court’s final judgment.

Citation Name: 2016 PLD 19 ISLAMABAD

  • Key Points: The court discussed the burden of proof for a bona fide purchaser and concluded that the principle of lis pendens applies unless the subsequent vendee can prove good faith and lack of knowledge of the original agreement.
  • Conclusion: This case indicates that the subsequent purchaser can be impleaded, especially if they cannot prove they acted in good faith without knowledge of the litigation.

Citation Name: 2014 SCMR 33 SUPREME-COURT

  • Key Points: The Supreme Court ruled that a fraudulent transfer during pending litigation is void, and the principle of lis pendens applies even if the subsequent purchaser claims to be bona fide.
  • Conclusion: You can request to include the subsequent purchaser as a party, given the transfer is subject to the litigation’s outcome.

Citation Name: 2013 SCMR 551 SUPREME-COURT

  • Key Points: The court affirmed the applicability of lis pendens, emphasizing that a suit for specific performance filed before an alleged purchase binds the subsequent purchaser.
  • Conclusion: The subsequent purchaser can be impleaded, as the transfer is governed by the principle of lis pendens.

Citation Name: 2012 SCMR 1172 SUPREME-COURT

  • Key Points: The Supreme Court reiterated that transactions during pending litigation are hit by the principle of lis pendens, regardless of the bona fide status of the purchaser.
  • Conclusion: The subsequent purchaser should be made a party to the suit, and the principle of lis pendens applies.

Citation Name: 2011 CLC 1566 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE

  • Key Points: The court confirmed that transactions during the pendency of a suit are subject to the principle of lis pendens and cannot be protected under Section 41 unless due diligence is proven.
  • Conclusion: This supports your request to implead the subsequent purchaser, as their transaction is subject to the litigation’s outcome.


These cases collectively affirm that under the principle of lis pendens, you can request the court to include the subsequent purchaser as a party to the suit. The principle ensures that any transfer of property during pending litigation is subject to the final judgment of the court, regardless of the subsequent purchaser’s knowledge of the litigation.

Main Article Continues Below : 

The legal maxim, ‘there should be an end to litigation’, underscores the importance of devising policies and laws aimed at reducing the probability of continuous suits emerging from a single case, barring the path of appeals which are viewed as an extension of the same legal proceeding. Within this framework, the doctrine of Lis Pendens, or Lite Pendente, has emerged as a significant mechanism to curb potential future litigations concerning the property at the heart of a lawsuit, especially if further transfers aren’t curtailed during the litigation process. This article aims to encapsulate the essence and operationality of the Lis Pendens doctrine in Pakistan, shedding light on the prevailing laws and judicial opinions surrounding it.

Understanding Lis Pendens:

Lis Pendens, a term rooted in Latin, translates to a pending suit or cause, with ‘Lis’ denoting an action or suit, and ‘pendens’ indicating a continuing or pending state. The doctrine essentially outlines the jurisdiction, power, and control a court attains over the property that is the subject matter of litigation. Over time, rules like Lis Pendens have evolved to ensure the efficacy of legal remedies throughout the legal proceedings. It’s noteworthy that a transfer made Pedente Lite doesn’t become void instantaneously; however, it cannot impinge on the rights of other parties involved in the suit. The Lis Pendens doctrine, steered by public policy, applies uniformly to bona fide transfers for consideration and without notice affected pendent lite.

Historical and Theoretical Underpinnings:

The foundations of the Lis Pendens doctrine can be traced back to ancient Civil Law, from which it transitioned to equity before being encapsulated in Lord Bacon’s Ordinances. According to some legal scholars, the doctrine is erected upon the doctrine of notice, presuming that the institution of a suit serves as a notice to the world regarding its pendency. Contrarily, other classical authorities assert that the rule is based on necessity, not notice, aimed at preventing litigants from disposing of property during pendency and barring them from meddling in the court’s execution process.

Application in Pakistan:

In Pakistan, the doctrine of Lis Pendens operates under the overarching legal maxim, “Pendente lite nihil innovetur”, which implies that nothing new should be introduced during litigation. The primary goal is to avert a multiplicity of suits and shield the litigants from adversarial alienations by their opponents throughout the lawsuit’s pendency. The doctrine’s effect is akin to that of registration, charging subsequent purchasers with a constructive notice of the ongoing suit, and making the rights subject to the court’s decision. It acts to maintain the status quo, ensuring that any transfer of immovable property concerning a pending lawsuit does not infringe upon the rights of the other party under any court decree or order.

The doctrine of Lis Pendens plays a pivotal role in the legal landscape of Pakistan, serving as a bulwark against potential complications arising from property transfers during ongoing litigation. By upholding the principle of maintaining the status quo and shielding the rights of involved parties, the doctrine significantly contributes towards the overarching goal of reducing incessant litigations and promoting a more streamlined, effective legal process.

This article draws from various legal authorities and references to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Lis Pendens doctrine and its application in Pakistan. As a legal practitioner or enthusiast, delving into the nuances of this doctrine not only enriches one’s legal acumen but also sheds light on the intricate mechanisms at play in Pakistan’s legal system aimed at ensuring justice and order.

Preconditions and Underlying Principles

The doctrine of Lis Pendens plays a fundamental role in the realm of litigation, especially in matters pertaining to immovable property. Its importance is magnified in a legal landscape like Pakistan’s, which seeks to mitigate the instances of multiple litigations springing from a single lawsuit. At the heart of this doctrine is the concept of ensuring that the legal process remains unaffected by private dealings during the pendency of a suit, a principle that is echoed in the stipulations of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (TPA). This article aims to delve into the preconditions for invoking the doctrine of Lis Pendens as laid down by TPA and explores the foundational principles that underpin this doctrine.

Preconditions for Invoking Lis Pendens:

The TPA elucidates certain preconditions that govern the applicability of Lis Pendens. These conditions serve as a framework to ensure the doctrine’s effective implementation. They are as follows:

  • Transfer During Litigation: The core of Lis Pendens lies in the occurrence of a transfer during the ongoing litigation process.
  • Transfer by Any Party to Suit: The transfer must be conducted by a party involved in the suit.
  • Suit Must be Pending: The doctrine applies only while the suit is pending.
  • Absence of Collusive Proceedings: The suit or proceedings must not be of a collusive nature.
  • Competent Court: The court adjudicating the matter must possess the requisite competence.
  • Involvement of Right or Interest in Immovable Property: The doctrine applies when there’s a direct and specific involvement of any right or interest in immovable property.
  • Impact on the Other Party’s Rights: The alienation must have a potential effect on the rights of the other party involved.
  • Non-conclusive Stage of Suit: The suit should not be at a conclusive stage.
  • Unauthorized Transfer: The transfer in question must not have the authorization of the court.

Foundational Principles:

The doctrine of ‘Pendente Lite Nihil Innovetur’, from which Lis Pendens derives, has its roots in the natural law rule ‘Jus Gentium’, and further traces back to Roman law, embodying the maxim that prohibits the alienation of a matter under controversy during the pendency of a suit. This doctrine safeguards against any potential prejudice towards one party by disallowing the litigant parties from transferring any rights relating to the disputed property to others during the litigation process. It’s crucial to note that while the doctrine doesn’t impede the vesting of title in the transferee during the pendency of a suit, it does make such transfer subject to the rights of other parties as determined by the suit. The efficacy of this doctrine extends to bind individuals who acquire property during the pendency of a suit by the decree that may be rendered against the person from whom they derive title.

The doctrine of Lis Pendens, bolstered by the stipulations of the TPA, establishes a robust framework to uphold the integrity of the legal process, particularly in cases concerning immovable property. By setting forth clear preconditions for its invocation and being anchored in time-tested legal maxims, Lis Pendens serves as an indispensable tool in the pursuit of justice and order in the legal arena. Through a meticulous adherence to the provisions of the TPA and a thorough understanding of the principles underlying Lis Pendens, the legal fraternity in Pakistan is better equipped to navigate the complex terrain of property-related litigations, thereby contributing to a more equitable and efficient judicial system.

 Broader Implications 

The doctrine of Lis Pendens, encapsulated within the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (TPA), serves as a pivotal cornerstone in the arena of litigation concerning immovable property in Pakistan. Its essence is captured in the Latin maxim ‘Pendente Lite Nihil Innovetur’, which advocates for the maintenance of the status quo concerning the disputed property during the pendency of a suit. The doctrine’s applicability extends to various legal scenarios, including cases pending before the High Court and applications for restitution of suit. This article aims to unfold the broader spectrum of Lis Pendens, delving into its relationship with other legal principles and its ramifications on different legal acts and proceedings.

Lis Pendens and Res Judicata:

Lis Pendens, often seen as an extension of the law of Res Judicata, shares a symbiotic relationship with this legal principle. Both doctrines underscore the importance of attaining finality in litigation, ensuring that adjudicated matters are not re-litigated, thus promoting judicial efficiency and certainty among litigants.

Good Faith and Notice:

While the doctrine of Lis Pendens generally operates irrespective of good faith, a nuanced exception exists. In instances where a purchaser, in good faith, establishes a lack of notice regarding the interest of a third party, the rigid application of Lis Pendens may be relaxed, showcasing the doctrine’s inherent flexibility to ensure justice.

Authorized Transfers and Court’s Discretion:

Transfers made under the court’s authorization stand exempt from the purview of Lis Pendens. However, such transferees only acquire rights or interests subject to the court’s judgment or order. Moreover, the court holds the discretion to allow transfers between parties to a litigation, as they will ultimately be bound by the court’s decree.

Acts Exempt from Lis Pendens:

Certain acts are not construed as transfers for the purposes of Lis Pendens. These include compromises with a third person recognizing pre-suit transfers, admissions regarding deed execution before a registering officer, institution of a suit concerning the same property, and mere filing of a suit for partition.

Prohibitions Under Civil Procedure Code, 1908:

The Civil Procedure Code, 1908, reinforces the essence of Lis Pendens through various provisions. For instance, Section 64 prohibits alienation of property post-attachment, while Section 74 and Rules 97 to 104 of Order 21 uphold the principle of Lis Pendens, thus forming a robust legal framework that complements the stipulations of the TPA.

Lis Pendens and Movable Property:

Although Section 52 of the TPA primarily concerns immovable property, the underlying principles of Lis Pendens can be judiciously applied to movable property as well. This broader application underscores the doctrine’s significance in ensuring that litigation can be brought to a conclusive end without hindrance from alienations pendente lite.

A Judicial Exposition through Recent Case Law

The doctrine of Lis Pendens, enshrined in Section 52 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, is a crucial legal principle that maintains the status quo of a disputed property during litigation. The maxim ‘Pendente Lite Nihil Innovetur’ reflects the core of this doctrine, implying that no new changes should be introduced concerning the disputed property while litigation is pending. The recent judgements have elucidated various facets of this doctrine, reinforcing its significance and outlining its scope and limitations in different circumstances.

Quetta High Court: Syeda Nayyar Sultana vs Syeda Shumaila Zaidi (2023 PLD 93):

The case revolved around the petitioner’s attempt to implead a vendee, who purchased the disputed property during the pendency of the suit, as a necessary party to the suit. The courts below dismissed the petitioner’s applications. The Quetta High Court affirmed the lower courts’ decisions, elucidating that a purchaser pendente lite is neither a necessary nor a proper party, even if the purchase was made bona fide and without notice of the pending suit. The court emphasized that the doctrine of Lis Pendens is predicated on public policy to prevent endless litigation and to ensure that the litigating parties reap the fruits of the decree.

Karachi High Court: Ms. Gulnar vs Muhammad Yousuf Barakzai (2023 PLD 96):

In this case, the plaintiff, after divorce, contended her contribution towards the purchase of the disputed property, which the defendant sold during the litigation despite a restraint. The court validated the plaintiff’s claim and held that the sale was barred by Section 52 of the Transfer of Property Act, emphasizing the doctrine’s applicability in maintaining the status quo of the disputed property during litigation.

Quetta High Court: Muhammad Ashraf Kasi vs Muhammad Yahya Kasi (2022 YLR 910):

Here, the plaintiffs sought an interim injunction to prevent alienation of the disputed properties pending the suit. The appellate court’s denial was overturned by the Quetta High Court, reinforcing that the principle of Lis Pendens is not a ground to refuse a temporary injunction aimed at preserving the status quo pending litigation.

Peshawar High Court: Muhammad Zaman vs Syed Zain-ul-Abideen (2022 CLC 277):

This case underscored the doctrine’s object to prevent meddling with a property under litigation, stating that any rights acquired during litigation are subject to the final outcome of such litigation under the doctrine of Lis Pendens.

Lahore High Court: Muhammad Aslam vs Muhammad Yousaf (2022 YLR 2479):

The court dismissed a civil revision aimed at validating an alienation made pendente lite, highlighting that such alienations, if validated, would trigger endless litigation, negating the doctrine’s objective to uphold the administration of justice.

Lahore High Court: Allah Ditta vs Muhammad Anwar & Muhammad Yasin (2022 YLR 336 & 2022 YLR 46):

In a series of related cases, the court delved into the pre-requisites for the application of Lis Pendens, emphasizing that anyone acquiring property during pending action is bound by the judgment against their predecessor in title, even without being a party to the action or having notice of the pending litigation.

The doctrine of Lis Pendens, codified under Section 52 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, serves as a pivotal rule in the realm of property transactions during the pendency of a litigation concerning the said property. Through a meticulous examination of the provided citations, a coherent understanding of the doctrine and its implications on various legal scenarios can be deduced.

At the core, the doctrine of Lis Pendens propounds that any transaction concerning a property under litigation, conducted during the pendency of the litigation, will be subject to the outcome of the litigation. The underlying principle, as delineated in the citation from 2021 CLC 1319 Lahore-High-Court-Lahore, is encapsulated in the maxim “pendente lite nihil innovetur”, which translates to “pending litigation nothing new should be introduced.” This rule, akin to the principle of res judicata, aims at rendering a sense of finality to judicial determinations, thereby curtailing endless litigation.

The 2022 MLD 1459 Islamabad citation enlightens on the procedural aspect, particularly under Order I, Rule 10 of the Civil Procedure Code (V of 1908), regarding the impleading of a necessary party, such as a pendente lite purchaser. It elucidates that the court, on a discretionary basis, may allow the impleading of such a purchaser to ensure a comprehensive adjudication, whilst also preventing technical dismissals against bona fide claimants. However, it’s noteworthy that the impleading of a pendente lite purchaser does not entitle them to contest the suit independently from the original party to the suit.

Further, the doctrine’s breadth extends to even those transactions where a bona fide purchaser acquires the property without knowledge of the ongoing litigation, as expounded in the 2021 PLD 22 Peshawar-High-Court and 2022 CLC 1670 Islamabad citations. The rule of Lis Pendens operates irrespective of the knowledge or the bona fide nature of the subsequent transaction, essentially binding the purchaser to the litigation’s outcome.

Moreover, the doctrine delineates that the pendente lite transaction does not nullify the conveyance but merely subordinates it to the litigation’s verdict, as illustrated in 2022 MLD 1459 Islamabad. This implies that the rights of the pendente lite purchaser are tethered to the fate of the litigating party from whom they derive their title.

In a nuanced scenario presented in 2022 MLD 1459 Islamabad, where the petitioners did not purchase the plots from any parties in the suit but a third party, the High Court’s verdict underscored that the doctrine of Lis Pendens would not be applicable as the sale was not pendente lite. This brings forth an interesting dimension to the doctrine’s application, tethered to the specifics of the transaction and the parties involved.

Moreover, the citations also touch upon the procedural recourse available to parties aggrieved by transactions orchestrated in contravention to the doctrine of Lis Pendens. For instance, the 2021 PLD 22 Peshawar-High-Court citation mentions that a petitioner, finding themselves at the receiving end of a fraudulent or misrepresented transaction conducted during the pendency of a suit, may seek remedy through a suit for damages and recovery of the amount paid.

The principle of Lis Pendens, as elucidated through these citations, primarily serves to maintain the status quo concerning the title and rights associated with a property during the pendency of litigation. This principle is fundamentally rooted in ensuring that the eventual judgement in a property-related dispute isn’t rendered nugatory due to any alienation or transfer of the subject property while the litigation is ongoing.

In 2021 PLD 236 Islamabad, the case highlighted that while Lis Pendens doesn’t strictly prohibit the transfer of suit property pendente lite, any such transferee’s rights would be subject to the judgement or decree subsequently passed in the ongoing suit. This underscores the principle’s essence to ensure that litigation concerning property rights reaches a conclusive and just determination, undeterred by interim transfers.

A similar theme was echoed in 2020 CLC 813 Peshawar-High-Court, where the court reinforced that any transfer of property, whether through inheritance, mutation, or sale, during the pendency of a suit, would be governed by the principle of Lis Pendens.

The case of 2020 YLR 461 Lahore-High-Court-Lahore presented a nuanced scenario where the appellate court accepted an application for impleadment by a party claiming to have purchased the suit property during the pendency of the appeal. However, the judgement underscored the legal soundness of the Lis Pendens principle in maintaining the integrity and finality of judicial determinations, thereby dismissing the application for impleadment.

In 2020 CLC 1835 Lahore-High-Court-Lahore, the case further expounded on the scope of Lis Pendens in the context of auction sales and subsequent transfers during the appeal process. Here, the court denied the subsequent transferee any independent rights to challenge the setting aside of the auction sale, affirming the applicability of the Lis Pendens principle.

The 2020 MLD 1875 Lahore-High-Court-Lahore case reiterated the protective ambit of Lis Pendens, especially in disputes involving claims based on unregistered documents, where it served as a safeguard against irreparable loss.

The protective shield that the Lis Pendens principle extends to the aggrieved party was also evident in 2019 YLR 1158 Peshawar-High-Court, where the court dismissed the revision against a decree in favour of a plaintiff in a suit for specific performance, citing the principle of Lis Pendens against a defendant who had alienated the suit property during the pendency of the litigation.

The role of Lis Pendens in upholding the sanctity of judicial processes was further emphasised in 2019 YLR 805 Lahore-High-Court-Lahore and 2019 MLD 1876 Lahore-High-Court-Lahore, where the court highlighted that any transaction made pendente lite that contradicts a decree would be deemed void ab initio under the Lis Pendens rule.

Lastly, in the 2019 PLD 148 Lahore-High-Court-Lahore case, the court reaffirmed that a subsequent purchaser during the pendency of a suit is bound by the judgement against the transferor, reinforcing the wide application and the consequential significance of the Lis Pendens principle in preserving the rights of parties in litigation concerning property disputes.

In several of the highlighted cases, the courts have unambiguously set aside subsequent transactions or denied impleadment of parties who sought to enter the fray during the pendency of litigation, thereby reinforcing the primacy and binding nature of the Lis Pendens principle. The overarching theme across these judgements is the unwavering commitment to safeguarding the rights of litigants from being undermined by interim transactions, which is central to achieving a just and fair resolution of property disputes.

Moreover, the cases also shed light on various procedural aspects intertwined with the application of Lis Pendens, such as the necessity or otherwise of framing additional issues, impleadment of parties, and the scope of Section 12(2) of the Civil Procedure Code (C.P.C.) in the context of Lis Pendens as seen in 2019 CLC 252 Lahore-High-Court-Lahore. These procedural considerations play a crucial role in ensuring that the principle of Lis Pendens is aptly applied and serves its intended purpose of maintaining the status quo concerning the disputed property.

Furthermore, the case citations provided reflect a broad consensus among the various High Courts in Pakistan regarding the essence and the applicability of the Lis Pendens principle, thus exhibiting a coherent and unified jurisprudential approach towards this significant legal doctrine.

In conclusion, the principle of Lis Pendens embodies a fundamental aspect of the Pakistani legal framework governing property disputes. By preserving the status quo of the disputed property during the pendency of litigation, it ensures that the judicial process unfolds in a manner that is fair, just, and immune to any extraneous interference. The detailed examination of these case citations underpins the indispensable role of Lis Pendens in fortifying the adjudicative process and upholding the rule of law in property litigation within Pakistan.

In the case of Ch. Muhammad Jamil versus Chaudhary Muhammad Ramzan, 2019 YLR 825 Islamabad, the court dismissed an appeal for an interim injunction on a family settlement based on allegations of fraud, reiterating that the allegations needed to be substantiated with cogent evidence. The court also reinforced that any pendente lite sale of properties under dispute would fall under the principle of Lis Pendens, underscoring the principle’s applicability in preserving the integrity of the litigation process.

Similarly, the case of Muhammad versus Sheikh Taj Muhammad, 2018 YLR 1543 Peshawar, delved into the implications of transactions carried out during the pendency of a suit. It categorically stated that any such transaction would be at the risk and cost of the purchaser and seller, rendering the transaction devoid of protection under the doctrine of Lis Pendens.

Furthermore, the case of Mst. Samina Bibi versus Abdur Rahman, 2018 CLC 1029 Peshawar, addressed the issue of improvements made during proceedings. It established that any improvements made would not impede the enforcement of a decree, thereby underlining the essence of the Lis Pendens principle in maintaining the status quo of the disputed property.

In Babar Farooq Butt versus Khalid Mahmood, 2018 YLRN 253 Lahore, the court dealt with a pre-emption suit where the vendee transferred land before the filing of a suit for possession through pre-emption. The court elucidated that the principle of Lis Pendens would not apply in such a scenario, thereby illustrating the boundary within which this principle operates.

The case of Muhammad Aslam versus Muhammad Azam, 2018 CLCN 15 Lahore, delved into a suit for specific performance of an agreement to sell, where the court upheld the dismissal of an application for an interim injunction, stating that any transfer of the suit property would be governed by the principle of Lis Pendens.

The case of Nazeer Ahmed versus Ahmed Khan, 2018 MLD 151 Karachi, and Muhammad Farooq versus Muhammad Aslam, 2018 MLD 1160 High Court Azad Kashmir, further extended the discourse on Lis Pendens, reiterating the centrality of this principle in ensuring the validity and enforceability of transactions concerning disputed property during litigation.

What is the difference between Pendente Lite and Lis Pendens ?

The terms “Pendente Lite” and “Lis Pendens” often emerge within the legal lexicon, particularly within the ambit of litigation, and while they may appear to be similar due to their Latin origins and the context in which they are employed, they delineate distinct legal concepts.

Lis Pendens:

The doctrine of Lis Pendens, derived from the Latin phrase “Lis Pendens” which means “a pending lawsuit”, is a doctrine under property law that comes into effect during the pendency of a litigation concerning certain property. Its crux is to ensure that the property under litigation maintains its status quo, preventing any transactions or alienations that may hinder the judicial process or the enforcement of a subsequent judgment. Under this doctrine, any transfer of the property under dispute, undertaken post the initiation of litigation and before its disposal, is subject to the outcome of the litigation, thus serving to apprise prospective buyers or transferees about the ongoing litigation and the ensuing risks.

Pendente Lite:

On the other hand, “Pendente Lite” is a Latin phrase which translates to “pending the litigation”. This term is often associated with interim or temporary orders which are passed by the court during the course of litigation, before reaching a final decision. These orders are geared towards ensuring justice, equity, and sustenance of the status quo insofar as it is necessary to prevent irreparable harm, maintain the effectiveness of the judicial process, and safeguard the interests of the parties involved. Pendente Lite orders can cover a wide array of issues including but not limited to temporary custody arrangements, spousal support, child support, and maintenance, among others.

Contrasting the two:

  • Scope and Applicability:
    • Lis Pendens is primarily applicable to disputes revolving around property, serving to maintain the status quo of the property under litigation.
    • Pendente Lite has a broader scope encompassing various interim measures spanning maintenance, custody, spousal support, and others, irrespective of the nature of the dispute.
  • Purpose:
    • Lis Pendens aims to caution potential buyers and to ensure that the property under litigation retains its original status until the final adjudication.
    • Pendente Lite seeks to provide interim relief, ensuring that the rights and interests of the parties are safeguarded during the pendency of the litigation.
  • Effect:
    • Lis Pendens does not create new rights but serves to preserve the property in its prevailing state.
    • Pendente Lite, on the other hand, may establish temporary rights or obligations during the course of the litigation.
  • Duration:
    • The effect of Lis Pendens continues for the entire duration of the litigation concerning the property.
    • Pendente Lite orders are temporary in nature and last until the court reaches a final decision or until they are modified or rescinded by the court.
  • Legal Outcome:
    • Lis Pendens does not alter the rights of the parties but merely serves as a notice to third parties.
    • Pendente Lite orders can significantly impact the parties involved by providing temporary relief or imposing temporary obligations.

Both Lis Pendens and Pendente Lite are indispensable tools within the legal framework, each serving its unique purpose towards ensuring justice, equity, and the smooth conduct of the litigation process. While Lis Pendens seeks to preserve the integrity of the property under dispute, Pendente Lite provides a mechanism for addressing urgent and interim issues that arise during the course of litigation, thereby significantly contributing to the overall efficacy and fairness of the judicial process.

What are the key takeaways from the cases above in invoking a successful case of Lis Pendens or and Pendente Lite, write separately and comprehensively about both 

Lis Pendens:

  • Unambiguous Identification of Disputed Property:
    • For Lis Pendens to apply, the property in question must be clearly identified and should be the subject matter of the litigation. This is evident in various cases where the court scrutinizes the nature and title of the property under litigation before applying the doctrine of Lis Pendens.
  • Notification of Pending Litigation:
    • The purpose of Lis Pendens is to notify third parties about ongoing litigation concerning a particular property. Any subsequent transactions regarding that property are subject to the outcome of the litigation, thus potentially discouraging alienation or transfer of the property during the pendency of the litigation.
  • Preservation of Status Quo:
    • Lis Pendens seeks to preserve the status quo of the disputed property pending the litigation. This is showcased in multiple cases where any alterations or transactions concerning the property were scrutinized and often set aside if found to be in violation of this principle.
  • Non-Applicability to Pre-Existing Titles or Transactions:
    • As noted in one of the cases, Lis Pendens does not apply to transactions or title transfers that occurred before the initiation of litigation. This principle ensures that only transactions attempted post-litigation initiation are scrutinized under Lis Pendens.
  • Inability to Bypass Through Devices or Disguises:
    • Parties cannot evade the doctrine of Lis Pendens by employing devices or disguises to alter the status of the property. The courts are vigilant in discerning such attempts and ensuring that the principle of Lis Pendens is upheld.

Pendente Lite:

  • Provision of Interim Relief:
    • Pendente Lite is instrumental in providing interim relief to parties during the course of litigation. This is highlighted in several cases where temporary injunctions or orders are passed to preserve the rights and interests of the parties involved.
  • Maintenance of Status Quo:
    • Similar to Lis Pendens, Pendente Lite also aims at maintaining the status quo but in a broader spectrum, encompassing not only property matters but other issues such as maintenance, custody, and support.
  • Discretion of the Court:
    • The courts exercise discretion in granting Pendente Lite relief, weighing the merits of the case, the potential harm to parties, and the necessity of such interim measures to ensure justice and equity.
  • Temporary Nature:
    • Pendente Lite orders are temporary in nature, lasting until a final adjudication is reached or until further orders are issued. This temporary nature underscores the doctrine’s purpose of providing interim relief.
  • Prompt Action:
    • Prompt action in seeking Pendente Lite relief is crucial. Delay in seeking such relief could be detrimental, as illustrated in some cases where parties’ failure to promptly seek redress affected the outcome.

The delineation of these key takeaways provides a nuanced understanding of how Lis Pendens and Pendente Lite are invoked and operationalised within the litigation process. Each doctrine, while distinct in its scope and application, serves the overarching aim of ensuring justice, equity, and the smooth conduct of litigation, showcasing the indispensable role they play within the legal framework.

Key takeaways on defending against a plea of Lis Pendens and Pendete Lite?

Defending a plea of Lis Pendens and Pendente Lite requires a nuanced understanding of each doctrine and the ability to apply legal principles judiciously. Here are comprehensive strategies that could be employed in defending against these pleas:

Defending Against a Plea of Lis Pendens:

  • Challenge the Relevance of the Doctrine:
    • It’s paramount to challenge the applicability of Lis Pendens in the given case. Demonstrating that the doctrine is irrelevant or misapplied can be a powerful defence. This might include proving that the litigation does not directly concern the property in question or that the plea of Lis Pendens is being used to unduly restrain the property rights of the party.
  • Question the Validity of the Pending Litigation:
    • If the litigation itself is baseless or frivolous, Lis Pendens naturally loses its ground. Challenging the legitimacy, merits or jurisdiction of the pending litigation could therefore be a strategy to counter a Lis Pendens plea.
  • Prove Pre-existing Rights or Transactions:
    • If you can demonstrate that the transactions or rights over the property in question existed prior to the initiation of the litigation, then Lis Pendens may not apply, as it only concerns transactions that occur after litigation has commenced.
  • Seek Court Permission for Transaction:
    • If circumstances necessitate a transaction concerning the property, seeking the court’s permission for the transaction could be a way to bypass the constraints imposed by Lis Pendens.
  • Showcase Urgency or Necessity:
    • Demonstrating the urgency or necessity of a transaction concerning the disputed property could also serve as a defence, especially if the transaction is in the interest of justice or prevents undue hardship.

Defending Against a Plea of Pendente Lite:

  • Challenge the Necessity of Interim Relief:
    • The essence of Pendente Lite is to provide interim relief. If you can demonstrate that such interim relief is unwarranted, unnecessary, or could lead to injustice, it may serve as a strong defence.
  • Prove Adequate Alternative Remedies:
    • If there are other sufficient remedies available that can address the issues at hand without the need for Pendente Lite relief, this could form the basis of a defence.
  • Demonstrate the Lack of Urgency:
    • Pendente Lite is often granted in cases of urgency or where immediate relief is necessary to prevent harm. Proving that there is no such urgency or immediate harm could counter a plea for Pendente Lite.
  • Challenge the Equity of the Plea:
    • Pendente Lite is grounded in equity. If the plea for Pendente Lite relief is inequitable, unjust, or biased, challenging it on these grounds could form a strong defence.
  • Provide Assurance or Security:
    • Offering adequate assurance or security to address the concerns leading to the plea for Pendente Lite may also serve as a defence. This could include financial assurances, guarantees, or other forms of security that mitigate the risks or concerns necessitating the Pendente Lite relief.
  • Question the Discretion Exercised by the Court:
    • If the court’s discretion in granting Pendente Lite relief is found to be flawed, biased, or misapplied, challenging the discretion exercised could also form part of the defence strategy.

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