
Appeal number 5048/2022  titled Muhammad Sultan Mehmood vs. Additional IGP, South Punjab adjudicated by the Punjab Service Tribunal, centres on the procedural irregularities and the legal missteps in the departmental inquiry and subsequent punishment meted out to the appellant, Muhammad Sultan Mehmood.

Case Background

Muhammad Sultan Mehmood, the appellant, faced charges under the Punjab Police (E&D) Rules, 1975, through a charge sheet issued on 7th December 2021. The charges stemmed from allegations of unlawful detention and misconduct in handling the custody of Muhammad Azam. The inquiry officer, appointed by the Deputy Inspector General (DIG), Muzaffargarh, found Mehmood guilty, resulting in his dismissal from service on 7th December 2021. Dissatisfied with the decision, Mehmood pursued a departmental appeal, which led to further complications.

Legal Proceedings and Findings

Upon filing the departmental appeal, the appellate authority conducted a denovo inquiry, which culminated in the rejection of Mehmood’s appeal and the confirmation of his dismissal. Mehmood then approached the Punjab Service Tribunal, challenging the legality of the inquiry and the resultant orders.

Nullity of Denovo Inquiry

The Tribunal, chaired by Justice (R) Atir Mahmood, highlighted significant legal missteps in the proceedings. It was observed that the appellate authority overstepped its jurisdiction by appointing an inquiry officer and conducting a denovo inquiry, an act not sanctioned under the rules. The Tribunal underscored that the appellate authority should have remanded the matter to the competent authority for a proper denovo inquiry if deemed necessary. This procedural anomaly rendered the orders passed as legally void, establishing the nullity of the entire process.

Lack of Evidence

Another critical aspect noted by the Tribunal was the insufficiency of evidence. The inquiry officer failed to record substantial evidence to substantiate the charges against Mehmood. The Tribunal reiterated the principle that the burden of proof lies with the prosecution to present unimpeachable and trustworthy evidence. In this case, the absence of such evidence further weakened the standing of the charges.

Precedent and Judicial Scrutiny

The Tribunal referred to the precedent set by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of Pakistan in “Chief Secretary, Government of the Punjab vs. Muhammad Ali Saqib” (2021 SCMR 1245). This case established the necessity for competent and appellate authorities to meticulously scrutinise evidence before passing orders of punishment. The failure to adhere to this judicial standard in Mehmood’s case further validated the Tribunal’s decision to set aside the impugned orders.

Conclusion and Tribunal’s Decision

In light of the procedural violations and lack of substantial evidence, the Tribunal allowed Mehmood’s appeal, setting aside the impugned orders dated 7th December 2021, 13th April 2022, and 13th October 2022. Mehmood was restored to his original rank of Sub Inspector with all back benefits. This case underscores the importance of adhering to procedural fairness and the rigorous scrutiny of evidence in departmental inquiries to uphold justice and prevent miscarriage of justice.


  • Chief Secretary, Government of the Punjab vs. Muhammad Ali Saqib, 2021 SCMR 1245.
  • Punjab Police (E&D) Rules, 1975.
  • Punjab Service Tribunal, Order dated 16.11.2023.

The decision in Muhammad Sultan Mehmood vs. Additional IGP, South Punjab, carries significant legal implications and establishes critical precedents for future cases involving departmental inquiries and disciplinary actions within public services in Pakistan. The following are the key legal implications:

Procedural Fairness and Jurisdictional Boundaries

  1. Adherence to Jurisdictional Limits: The Tribunal’s decision underscores the importance of adhering to the jurisdictional boundaries prescribed by law. The appellate authority’s overreach in conducting a denovo inquiry, which is beyond its jurisdiction, sets a clear precedent that any deviation from legally prescribed procedures will render such actions void ab initio. Future disciplinary proceedings must strictly adhere to the roles and responsibilities delineated in the governing rules.
  2. Necessity of Remanding Cases: The ruling establishes that appellate authorities should remand cases requiring further inquiry to the competent authority instead of conducting inquiries themselves. This reinforces the procedural integrity of departmental inquiries, ensuring that only authorised officials conduct such investigations.

Evidentiary Standards

  1. Burden of Proof and Evidence Quality: The Tribunal’s emphasis on the necessity for substantial, unimpeachable, and trustworthy evidence establishes a stringent standard for the quality of evidence required in disciplinary proceedings. Future cases will need to meet this high evidentiary threshold to sustain charges and resultant punishments, ensuring that employees are not wrongfully penalised based on inadequate or insufficient evidence.
  2. Judicial Scrutiny: The decision reaffirms the judiciary’s role in scrutinising the evidence and procedural conduct of disciplinary authorities. This sets a precedent that courts and tribunals will closely examine the evidence and procedural adherence in disciplinary actions, promoting accountability and preventing arbitrary decisions.

Legal Precedents and References

  1. Reliance on Established Precedents: The reference to the Supreme Court’s judgment in “Chief Secretary, Government of the Punjab vs. Muhammad Ali Saqib” (2021 SCMR 1245) signifies the importance of judicial precedents in guiding future legal interpretations. This ensures consistency and uniformity in the application of legal principles across similar cases, strengthening the legal framework governing departmental inquiries.
  2. Enhanced Legal Framework: The decision contributes to the evolving legal framework governing public service disciplinary actions, reinforcing the principles of natural justice, procedural fairness, and the necessity of substantial evidence. This development will guide future amendments and interpretations of the relevant rules and regulations.

Impact on Public Sector Governance

  1. Accountability of Authorities: The ruling serves as a deterrent against the misuse of power by disciplinary and appellate authorities within the public sector. It mandates that all actions must be within the legal confines, promoting transparency and accountability in public service governance.
  2. Employee Rights and Protections: The decision enhances the protection of public sector employees’ rights by ensuring that disciplinary actions are based on fair procedures and reliable evidence. This bolsters employees’ confidence in the justice system and their protection against arbitrary or unjust actions by superiors.


The decision in Muhammad Sultan Mehmood vs. Additional IGP, South Punjab, significantly impacts future legal proceedings involving departmental inquiries and disciplinary actions. By establishing clear precedents on procedural fairness, evidentiary standards, and jurisdictional limits, the Tribunal’s ruling reinforces the principles of natural justice and accountability. This case will serve as a guiding reference for future legal interpretations and amendments, ensuring that disciplinary actions within the public sector adhere to the highest standards of fairness and legality.

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