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The Petroleum Act, 1934 is a foundational legislative document in Pakistan, designed to regulate the import, transport, storage, production, refining, and blending of petroleum and other inflammable substances. Enacted on 6th September 1934, this Act aims to consolidate and amend existing laws to ensure safe and efficient handling of petroleum products. The Act applies to the entire territory of Pakistan and provides a structured framework for managing petroleum-related activities, ensuring public safety and compliance with international standards.

Key Provisions of the Petroleum Act, 1934

1. Definitions (Section 2) The Act defines key terms essential for its application:

  • Petroleum: Any liquid hydrocarbon or mixture of hydrocarbons, including inflammable mixtures containing liquid hydrocarbons.
  • Dangerous Petroleum: Petroleum with a flashing point below seventy-six degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Flashing Point: The lowest temperature at which petroleum vapour ignites momentarily.
  • Transport and Import: Movement of petroleum within Pakistan and bringing petroleum into Pakistan, respectively.

2. Control Over Petroleum (Chapter I) This chapter outlines the regulatory framework for managing petroleum operations:

  • Import, Transport, and Storage (Section 3): These activities must be conducted in accordance with rules made under Section 4, ensuring safe handling and prevention of unauthorized activities.
  • Rules for Handling Petroleum (Section 4): The Federal Government prescribes detailed rules covering places of import, conditions for storage, transportation, nature of receptacles, and licensing requirements.
  • Production, Refining, and Blending (Section 5): No production, refining, or blending of petroleum is allowed without adhering to prescribed conditions and regulations to ensure safety and quality control.

3. Receptacles and Exemptions (Sections 6-12)

  • Receptacles of Dangerous Petroleum (Section 6): Must display warnings indicating the dangerous nature of the contents, with specific exemptions for small quantities and particular storage conditions.
  • Licensing Exemptions (Sections 7-11): Small stocks of non-dangerous petroleum, small quantities of dangerous petroleum not intended for sale, and petroleum used in motor conveyances or engines have specific exemptions from licensing requirements.
  • General Power of Exemption (Section 12): The Federal Government can exempt any petroleum specified in the notification from certain provisions of the Act.

4. Inspection and Testing (Chapter II)

  • Inspection and Sampling (Section 14): Authorized officers can inspect and take samples of petroleum for testing, ensuring compliance with safety standards.
  • Standard Test Apparatus (Section 15): Establishes a standard apparatus for determining the flashing point of petroleum, which must be maintained and verified regularly.
  • Certification and Testing Procedures (Sections 16-20): Detailed procedures for testing petroleum, issuing certificates, and re-testing upon request to ensure accuracy and reliability of test results.

5. Penalties and Enforcement (Chapter III)

  • General Penalty (Section 23): Violations of the Act can result in fines up to five hundred rupees, with increased penalties for repeated offences.
  • Confiscation (Section 24): Petroleum and its receptacles can be confiscated if found in contravention of the Act.
  • Jurisdiction and Search Powers (Sections 25-26): Offences are triable by Magistrates, and authorized officers have the power to enter and search premises suspected of violating the Act.

6. Accident Reporting and Inquiries (Sections 27-28)

  • Accident Reporting (Section 27): Requires immediate reporting of accidents involving petroleum that result in serious injury, death, or significant property damage.
  • Inquiries (Section 28): Mandates inquiries into serious accidents to determine causes and implement preventive measures.

7. Supplemental Provisions (Chapter IV)

  • Rule-Making Powers (Section 29): The Federal Government can make ancillary rules necessary for implementing the Act, ensuring public safety and addressing specific provincial needs.
  • Application to Other Substances (Section 30): The Act’s provisions can be extended to other dangerously inflammable substances by notification.
  • Local Authority Powers (Section 31): The Federal Government can limit the powers of local authorities regarding petroleum regulation to maintain uniformity and safety standards.


The Petroleum Act, 1934, provides a comprehensive regulatory framework essential for the safe and efficient management of petroleum operations in Pakistan. By establishing detailed rules and guidelines for handling, testing, and storing petroleum, the Act ensures public safety and aligns with international standards. The Federal Government’s authority to make rules and enforce penalties further strengthens the regulatory regime, making it a crucial legislative instrument in Pakistan’s petroleum sector.

For further details or specific legal advice regarding the Petroleum Act, 1934, and its application, please contact Josh and Mak International. Our team of experienced legal professionals is equipped to assist with all matters related to petroleum laws and regulations in Pakistan.

By The Josh and Mak Team

Josh and Mak International is a distinguished law firm with a rich legacy that sets us apart in the legal profession. With years of experience and expertise, we have earned a reputation as a trusted and reputable name in the field. Our firm is built on the pillars of professionalism, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to providing excellent legal services. We have a profound understanding of the law and its complexities, enabling us to deliver tailored legal solutions to meet the unique needs of each client. As a virtual law firm, we offer affordable, high-quality legal advice delivered with the same dedication and work ethic as traditional firms. Choose Josh and Mak International as your legal partner and gain an unfair strategic advantage over your competitors.

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