Jet fuel

Josh and Mak International is a premier law firm based in Islamabad, Pakistan, renowned for its expertise in drafting, reviewing, and negotiating complex commercial agreements, including Sales and Purchase Agreements (SPAs) for jet fuel and similar commodities. Our services encompass a broad range of legal support tailored to ensure that our clients’ commercial transactions are secure, efficient, and compliant with international standards.

Legal Drafting and Review

At Josh and Mak International, we understand that the foundation of any successful commercial transaction lies in a meticulously drafted agreement. Our team of experienced lawyers specialises in drafting SPAs that are clear, comprehensive, and customised to meet the specific needs of our clients. Key aspects of our drafting and review services include:

  1. Comprehensive Agreement Drafting: We draft SPAs from scratch, ensuring that all essential terms, conditions, and clauses are included. This involves defining the commodity, outlining the quantity and quality specifications, and setting forth detailed payment and delivery terms.
  2. Detailed Review and Analysis: For agreements provided by clients or their counterparties, we conduct thorough reviews to identify any potential risks, ambiguities, or deficiencies. Our detailed analysis ensures that the terms are fair, enforceable, and aligned with our clients’ interests.
  3. Customisation and Localisation: We tailor agreements to comply with the relevant local laws and international standards. This is particularly crucial for clients engaged in cross-border transactions, where compliance with multiple jurisdictions is necessary.

Negotiation Support

Our firm excels in providing robust negotiation support, ensuring that our clients achieve favourable terms in their commercial agreements. Our negotiation services include:

  1. Strategic Advice: We provide strategic advice on key negotiating points, helping clients understand their leverage and the implications of various terms.
  2. Representation in Negotiations: Our lawyers represent clients in negotiations with counterparties, aiming to secure the best possible terms and conditions. This includes negotiating price, payment terms, delivery schedules, and risk mitigation measures.
  3. Drafting Amendments: As negotiations progress, we draft and review any necessary amendments to the agreement, ensuring that all changes are accurately captured and legally sound.

Risk Management and Compliance

Ensuring that SPAs are compliant with relevant laws and regulations is a cornerstone of our service. We offer:

  1. Regulatory Compliance: We ensure that all agreements comply with local and international regulations, including import/export laws, environmental regulations, and industry-specific standards.
  2. Risk Assessment: We identify and mitigate potential legal and commercial risks associated with the transaction. This includes assessing force majeure clauses, performance guarantees, and insurance requirements.
  3. Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute, we provide expert advice and representation in arbitration and litigation. Our goal is to resolve disputes efficiently while protecting our clients’ interests.

Ongoing Legal Support

Beyond the initial drafting and negotiation phases, Josh and Mak International provides ongoing legal support throughout the lifecycle of the agreement. Our services include:

  1. Contract Management: We assist in the management of SPAs, ensuring that all contractual obligations are met and any issues are promptly addressed.
  2. Compliance Audits: We conduct regular audits to ensure ongoing compliance with the terms of the agreement and any applicable regulations.
  3. Advisory Services: Our team is available to provide advisory services on any legal issues that may arise during the execution of the agreement, offering timely and practical solutions.

Expertise in Similar Agreements

In addition to SPAs for jet fuel, our expertise extends to similar agreements in various sectors, including:

  1. Oil and Gas: We have extensive experience in drafting and negotiating agreements for the sale and purchase of crude oil, natural gas, and other petroleum products.
  2. Energy: Our services cover agreements related to the sale and purchase of electricity, coal, and renewable energy sources.
  3. Commodities: We provide legal support for agreements involving the sale and purchase of agricultural products, minerals, and other commodities.

At Josh and Mak International, our commitment is to provide high-quality legal services that protect our clients’ interests and facilitate smooth, successful transactions. Our depth of experience and dedication to excellence make us the trusted choice for clients seeking expert legal guidance on SPAs and other commercial agreements.

Client Information Article continues below

The Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) for Jet Fuel Aviation Kerosene, , outlines the contractual relationship between OAO NK Russneft (the seller) and the buyer for the sale and purchase of aviation kerosene. A good agreement specifies the terms and conditions under which the seller agrees to supply, and the buyer agrees to purchase, a minimum quantity of ten million barrels of aviation kerosene per month, over a twelve-month period, with provisions for extensions.

Hallmarks of a Good Sales and Purchase Agreement for Jet Fuel Aviation

  1. Clear Identification of Parties: The agreement must clearly identify the parties involved, including their legal names, addresses, and representatives. This ensures that both parties are legally bound by the terms of the contract.
  2. Precise Definition of the Commodity: The specific type of fuel (e.g., Aviation Kerosene Colonial Grade 54) should be defined, along with its technical specifications. Annex A in this agreement provides these details.
  3. Quantity and Quality Specifications: The agreement should specify the quantity of fuel to be delivered, any acceptable variations in quantity, and the quality standards the fuel must meet. This agreement includes a detailed description of the quality standards and specifications.
  4. Delivery Terms: Clear terms regarding the delivery schedule, designated ports, and responsibilities for transportation are essential. The agreement specifies delivery terms under FOB (Free on Board) conditions and includes a shipping and lifting schedule.
  5. Price and Payment Terms: The pricing structure and payment terms should be explicitly stated. This agreement fixes the price at USD 69 per barrel and outlines the payment process through an Irrevocable Non-Transferable Documentary Letter of Credit (DLC).
  6. Inspection and Testing: Provisions for the inspection and testing of the fuel to ensure it meets the agreed specifications are critical. The agreement appoints SGS as the independent surveyor to assess the quality and quantity at both the loading and discharge ports.
  7. Insurance and Risk: The agreement should detail the insurance coverage for the cargo and specify when the risk transfers from the seller to the buyer. This agreement includes a clause on marine insurance covering 110% of the cargo’s value.
  8. Force Majeure: Clauses that address events beyond the control of the parties, such as natural disasters or acts of war, which may impact the fulfillment of the contract, are important. This agreement includes a detailed force majeure clause.
  9. Performance Bond: To secure the performance of contractual obligations, a performance bond can be included. This agreement includes a 2% performance bond to be posted by the seller.
  10. Dispute Resolution: Clear mechanisms for resolving disputes, such as arbitration, should be provided. The agreement specifies arbitration under the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce in London.
  11. Confidentiality: Provisions to maintain the confidentiality of the terms and any information exchanged between the parties are essential. This agreement includes a non-circumvention and non-disclosure agreement.
  12. Governing Law: The agreement should state the governing law and jurisdiction. This agreement is governed by the laws of the United Kingdom.

Upon reviewing many  Sales and Purchase Agreements for Jet Fuel Aviation Kerosene, Colonel Grade JP54, we have identified several deficiencies and areas that could be improved for clarity, efficiency, and legal soundness. Addressing these issues can help avoid potential disputes and ensure smoother execution of the contracts.

Identified Deficiencies and Suggested Improvements

  1. Incomplete Buyer Information:
    • Deficiency: The agreement lacks complete information about the buyer, including the company name, address, telephone number, email address, and representative’s details.
    • Improvement: Ensure all details for both parties are fully documented to avoid ambiguity and ensure enforceability.
  2. Ambiguities in Force Majeure Clauses:
    • Deficiency: The force majeure clause is often broad and lacks specificity regarding the procedures for notification and mitigation of force majeure events.
    • Improvement: Clearly define what constitutes a force majeure event and outline the steps each party must take if such an event occurs, including prompt notification, mitigation efforts, and timelines for resolution.
  3. Lack of Detailed Penalty Provisions for Non-Performance:
    • Deficiency: While there is a mention of penalties, the agreement does not detail the specific amounts or the process for calculating damages in cases of non-performance.
    • Improvement: Include specific penalty amounts and detailed calculation methods for damages due to non-performance to provide clarity and deterrence against breaches.
  4. Unclear Dispute Resolution Mechanism:
    • Deficiency: The arbitration clause is somewhat vague about the procedures and the choice of arbitrators.
    • Improvement: Provide a more detailed arbitration clause specifying the number of arbitrators, the selection process, the location of arbitration, and the procedural rules to be followed.
  5. Inadequate Confidentiality Provisions:
    • Deficiency: The confidentiality clause is broad and does not specify the types of information covered or the consequences of a breach.
    • Improvement: Define the scope of confidential information explicitly and outline the specific obligations of each party to maintain confidentiality, along with the penalties for breaches.
  6. No Provisions for Amendments and Updates:
    • Deficiency: The agreement lacks a clear process for making amendments or updates to the contract terms.
    • Improvement: Include a clause detailing how amendments can be made, requiring written agreement from both parties, and specifying how such amendments will be documented and incorporated.
  7. Missing Specifics in Delivery Schedule:
    • Deficiency: The delivery schedule is referenced but not detailed in the main body of the agreement.
    • Improvement: Include the detailed delivery schedule within the main body of the agreement or ensure it is clearly referenced and attached as an annex, with all specifics on quantities, dates, and delivery locations.
  8. Lack of Clarity on Financial Instruments:
    • Deficiency: The agreement references financial instruments like the Documentary Letter of Credit (DLC) but lacks detailed terms on their issuance, operability, and conditions.
    • Improvement: Provide detailed terms for the issuance and operability of financial instruments, including conditions for activation, timelines, and any required documentation.
  9. Ambiguous Terms in Quality and Quantity Assessment:
    • Deficiency: The procedures for quality and quantity assessment by the surveyor are mentioned but lack specific standards and protocols.
    • Improvement: Clearly define the standards and protocols for quality and quantity assessment, referencing the specific ASTM standards to be used and detailing the steps in the assessment process.
  10. Unclear Shipping and Laytime Provisions:
    • Deficiency: The shipping and laytime provisions are somewhat general and do not provide detailed steps for handling delays or demurrage.
    • Improvement: Include more detailed provisions for shipping schedules, laytime calculations, and procedures for handling delays and demurrage, including clear definitions and responsibilities.
  11. General and Special Conditions Mismatch:
    • Deficiency: The agreement references general and special conditions but does not clearly differentiate or detail them.
    • Improvement: Clearly separate and detail the general conditions applicable to all transactions and any special conditions that apply to specific transactions or scenarios, ensuring that both are well understood by the parties.

By addressing these deficiencies, an agreement can be made more robust, reducing the risk of disputes and ensuring a smoother transactional process. A more detailed and clear agreement will protect the interests of both parties and provide a solid foundation for the commercial relationship.

By The Josh and Mak Team

Josh and Mak International is a distinguished law firm with a rich legacy that sets us apart in the legal profession. With years of experience and expertise, we have earned a reputation as a trusted and reputable name in the field. Our firm is built on the pillars of professionalism, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to providing excellent legal services. We have a profound understanding of the law and its complexities, enabling us to deliver tailored legal solutions to meet the unique needs of each client. As a virtual law firm, we offer affordable, high-quality legal advice delivered with the same dedication and work ethic as traditional firms. Choose Josh and Mak International as your legal partner and gain an unfair strategic advantage over your competitors.

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