Messages for Interns

14th of August

Dear Team,

In light of our upcoming research discussions and collaboration, we kindly request that all team members consider installing WhatsApp Desktop on their laptops. This step will help facilitate efficient communication and enhance our ability to engage in meaningful discussions within the group.

WhatsApp Desktop offers several advantages, including the ability to:

  • Convenient Research Discussions: With WhatsApp Desktop, you can seamlessly participate in research discussions without the need to switch between devices. This will enable us to engage in real-time conversations and share insights more effectively.
  • Multi-Device Access: Installing WhatsApp Desktop allows you to access your messages and discussions from both your laptop and your mobile device, providing flexibility and ensuring you never miss an important update.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: The desktop version offers a larger interface, making it easier to view and respond to messages, share documents, and contribute to discussions. This can significantly enhance our collaborative efforts.
  • Efficient Information Sharing: You can easily share articles, documents, and research findings through WhatsApp Desktop, fostering a dynamic exchange of information among team members.

Please note that while installing WhatsApp Desktop is encouraged, we understand that individual preferences and circumstances may vary. If you choose to install WhatsApp Desktop, please ensure that you use it responsibly and in accordance with our team’s communication guidelines.

For those who are new to WhatsApp Desktop, you can follow these steps to get started:

  • Visit the official WhatsApp website:
  • Download and install the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows or macOS).
  • Open the application and follow the setup instructions to link your WhatsApp account.

We believe that using WhatsApp Desktop will contribute to a more seamless and productive research collaboration. Your active participation is greatly appreciated as we work together to achieve our goals.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

13th of August 

WhatsApp Learning and Reporting Group Guidelines for Internees

Welcome to the WhatsApp Learning and Reporting Group for Internees at Josh and Mak International. We are delighted to have you as a part of our team and look forward to your valuable contributions. To ensure a respectful, professional, and productive environment, please adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Professional Communication:
Maintain a high standard of professionalism in all your interactions within the group. Use courteous and respectful language when communicating with fellow internees, mentors, and administrators. Avoid casual or informal language that may undermine the professional atmosphere.
2. Relevant Discussions:
Engage in discussions that are relevant to the scope of the group, such as legal matters, professional development, and learning opportunities. Off-topic discussions, personal chit-chat, and non-professional content should be avoided.
3. Respect for Diversity:
Treat all members with respect and consideration, regardless of their background, gender, ethnicity, or any other factor. Offensive, discriminatory, or disrespectful comments will not be tolerated.
4. Private Communication:
Refrain from initiating private conversations with female internees within the group, especially those of a personal nature. All discussions should take place within the group to ensure transparency and professionalism.
5. Harassment-Free Environment:
Creating a safe and harassment-free environment is of utmost importance. Any form of harassment, including but not limited to, verbal, written, visual, or physical, will not be tolerated. Report any instances of harassment to the group administrator immediately.
6. Learning and Sharing:
Use the group as a platform to share knowledge, ask questions, and seek advice. Constructive criticism and feedback are encouraged but remember to maintain a respectful tone.
7. Reliable Sources:
When sharing information, ensure that it comes from reputable and reliable sources. Misinformation or unverified content should not be circulated.
8. Confidentiality:
Respect the confidentiality of sensitive discussions or information shared within the group. Do not disclose private or confidential details without proper authorization.
9. Group Administration:
Follow instructions and directives from the group administrators and mentors. If you have any concerns or suggestions regarding the group’s functioning, address them to the administrators privately.
10. Consequences of Violation:
Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in temporary or permanent removal from the group and jeopardize your internship tenure with us.

By adhering to these guidelines, you contribute to creating a positive and conducive learning environment for all internees. Let’s work together to make the most of this platform for your professional growth and development.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the group administrator via private chat or via email [email protected]
Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to maintaining a respectful and professional atmosphere.

Barrister Aemen Zulfikar Maluka

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