Islamabad, the 12th June, 1996
S.R.O. 511 (1)/96. – In exercise of the powers conferred by section 43 of the Drugs Act, 1976 (XXXI of 1976), the Federal Government is pleased to direct that the following further amendments shall be made in the Drugs (Appelate Board) Rules, 1976, the same having been previously published as required by sub-section (3) of the said section, namely :-
In the aforesaid Rules, in rule 2 , –
(i) in clause (b), after the word “ex-officio”, the words, commas, letters and figure “or his representative, not below the rank of an officer in BPS 19, who is an expert in medicine, pharmacology or pharmacy’ shall be added ;
(ii) in clause (c), after the word “ex-officio”, the words, commas, letters and figure “or his representative, not below the rank of as officer in BPS 19, who is an expert in medicine, pharmacology or pharmacy’ shall be added ;
(iii) in clause (e), after the word “ex-officio”, the words, commas, letters and figure “or his representative, not below the rank of an officer in BPS 19, who is an expert in medicine, pharmacology or pharmacy’ shall be added ;
(iv) in clause (e), after the word “ex-officio”, the words, commas, letters and figure “or his representative, not below the rank of an officer in BPS 19, who is an expert in medicine, pharmacology or pharmacy’ shall be added ;
(v) in clause (g), after the word “pharmacology”, the words pharmacology or medicine” shall be inserted ;
Drugs Controller.