Performance Appraisal Guidelines for Law Interns at Josh and Mak International

Performance appraisals are an essential tool for evaluating the progress and contributions of our law interns during their online internships at Josh and Mak International. These guidelines outline the key criteria and expectations that will be used to assess the interns’ performance every 25 days. The objective is to provide constructive feedback, recognize achievements, and guide interns in their professional development.

Note: These appraisals will be private and not shared with third parties upon request. While an appraisal is taking place(which can take up to 7 days) the intern can continue their internship, and depending on the results of the appraisal this will be counted within the period of the next cycle of the internship.

Interns may request a signed copy of each appraisal of their 25-day period of internship for use in their academic/job applications later on. A request must be sent to [email protected] 

Quality of Work:

Research and Analysis: Assess the depth, accuracy, and relevance of legal research conducted by the intern.

Document Drafting: Evaluate the quality of legal documents drafted, including contracts, memos, briefs, and opinions.

Attention to Detail: Review the intern’s ability to identify and correct errors in documents and submissions.

Communication Skills:

Written Communication: Evaluate the clarity, coherence, and effectiveness of the intern’s written communication.

Verbal Communication: Assess the intern’s ability to articulate legal concepts and opinions clearly and confidently.

Legal Knowledge and Understanding:

Application of Law: Measure the intern’s ability to apply legal principles and statutes to real-world scenarios.

Understanding of Legal Concepts: Evaluate the intern’s comprehension of fundamental legal concepts relevant to their assignments.

Time Management and Efficiency:

Task Completion: Assess the intern’s ability to meet deadlines and manage their workload effectively.

Multitasking: Evaluate the intern’s capacity to handle multiple assignments concurrently and prioritize tasks.

Initiative and Proactive Engagement:

Problem-Solving: Review the intern’s approach to identifying legal issues and proposing practical solutions.

Participation: Evaluate the intern’s active involvement in discussions, brainstorming, and team meetings.

Professionalism and Ethics:

Conduct and Behavior: Assess the intern’s adherence to professional standards, including punctuality, respectful communication, and ethical behavior.

Confidentiality: Review the intern’s commitment to maintaining client and firm confidentiality.

Feedback Incorporation:

Adaptability: Evaluate the intern’s ability to incorporate feedback into their work and improve over time.

Learning Curve: Assess the intern’s progress in addressing areas of improvement identified in previous appraisals.

Teamwork and Collaboration:

Collaboration: Evaluate the intern’s ability to work harmoniously within the team and contribute to group tasks.

Knowledge Sharing: Assess the intern’s willingness to share insights and assist peers.

Scoring System:

Each criterion will be rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “Needs Significant Improvement” and 5 being “Exemplary.” A detailed explanation and feedback will be provided for each score to facilitate the intern’s understanding of their performance.

Final Remarks:

Performance appraisals serve as a valuable tool for interns’ professional growth. Constructive feedback will help interns enhance their skills and contribute effectively to our law firm. We encourage open communication and active engagement to ensure a successful and enriching internship experience.

Performance Appraisal Form: Law Intern Evaluation

Intern Information:

Name: ______________________________________

Intern ID: ____________________________________

Evaluation Period: From ____________ To ____________

Evaluator Information:

Evaluator’s Name: _____________________________

Position: _____________________________________

Date of Evaluation: ____________________________

Performance Criteria and Ratings:

Quality of Work:

Research and Analysis: [1-5] ________

Document Drafting: [1-5] ________

Attention to Detail: [1-5] ________

Communication Skills:

Written Communication: [1-5] ________

Verbal Communication: [1-5] ________

Legal Knowledge and Understanding:

Application of Law: [1-5] ________

Understanding of Legal Concepts: [1-5] ________

Time Management and Efficiency:

Task Completion: [1-5] ________

Multitasking: [1-5] ________

Initiative and Proactive Engagement:

Problem-Solving: [1-5] ________

Participation: [1-5] ________

Professionalism and Ethics:

Conduct and Behavior: [1-5] ________

Confidentiality: [1-5] ________

Feedback Incorporation:

Adaptability: [1-5] ________

Learning Curve: [1-5] ________

Teamwork and Collaboration:

Collaboration: [1-5] ________

Knowledge Sharing: [1-5] ________

Overall Rating:

Intern’s Overall Performance: [1-5] ________

Comments and Feedback:

(Provide specific feedback for each criterion, including strengths and areas for improvement. Include any notable achievements or contributions.)

Intern’s Self-Evaluation (optional):

(Allow the intern to provide their own assessment of their performance, strengths, and areas for growth.)

Goals and Development Plan:

(Outline specific goals for the intern’s future development and suggest actions they can take to enhance their skills.)


Intern’s Continued Participation: [ ] Yes [ ] No

[Signature of Evaluator]

[Date of Signature]

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