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Quashment or Quashing of FIR (First Information Report)  refers to the process of seeking the cancellation or dismissal of an FIR filed against an individual in Pakistani law. An FIR is the initial complaint or report lodged with the police to initiate a criminal investigation. However, there may be situations, where the accused party believes that the FIR filed against them, is baseless, malicious, or lacks merit.In Pakistani law, the power to quash an FIR lies with the higher courts, such as the High Court or the Supreme Court, through a legal process called a “Quashment Petition.” The objective of filing a quashment petition is to request the court to review the FIR and, if deemed appropriate, to quash it or declare it null and void.As we will see below, this is different from Quashment of Proceedings.

In Pakistan, the Code of Criminal Procedure (Cr.P.C.) provides various powers and authorities to different courts. One such power, specifically vested in the High Court, is under Section 561-A Cr.P.C., which empowers the High Court to exercise its inherent powers to make such orders as may be necessary to prevent an abuse of the process of any court or to secure the ends of justice. One of the manifestations of this power is the ability of the High Court to quash a First Information Report (FIR) in certain circumstances.

Quashment, Quashing of FIRWhen is an Application for FIR Quashment More Successful?

From the cases cited above, certain patterns emerge regarding the success of quashment petitions:

  • Jurisdictional Errors: If an FIR is registered by authorities without proper jurisdiction or with a misunderstanding of the law, the High Court is likely to quash it, as seen in Muhammad Measum’s case.
  • Lack of Evidence: When there’s a clear lack of evidence implicating the accused, as in Gul Muhammad’s case, the High Court may quash proceedings to prevent unnecessary harassment.
  • Abuse of Process: The High Court intervenes when there’s an abuse of the legal process, ensuring justice isn’t compromised, as evidenced in Rahat Zaman’s case.
  • Alternate Remedies: However, if the accused has alternative remedies available, like approaching the Trial Court, the High Court might be less inclined to quash the FIR, as witnessed in Trust Investment Bank Ltd.’s case.

The grounds for seeking FIR quashment may vary depending on the specific circumstances of each case. However, some common grounds include:

Lack of sufficient evidence: If the accused can demonstrate that there is a lack of prima facie evidence supporting the allegations made in the FIR, the court may consider quashing the FIR.

Mala fide intention or ulterior motive: If the accused can prove that the FIR was filed with mala fide intentions, such as personal vendetta, harassment, or to settle a personal score, the court may quash the FIR.

Settlement between the parties: In certain cases, if the parties involved in the dispute reach a settlement or compromise, and it is in the interest of justice to quash the FIR, the court may consider doing so.

Violation of legal procedures: If there are procedural irregularities or violations in the filing of the FIR, such as non-compliance with mandatory legal requirements, the court may quash the FIR.

It is important to note that the decision to quash an FIR rests solely with the discretion of the court. The court carefully examines the facts and circumstances of each case before making a decision. Therefore, it is crucial to seek professional legal advice and representation to present a strong case for FIR quashment.

Quashment of FIR is not the same as quashment of proceedings

Section 561-A of the CrPC and the High Court’s Power to Quash Proceedings

Section 561-A of the CrPC empowers the High Court to exercise its inherent powers in order to secure the ends of justice. This includes the quashment of proceedings to ensure that no abuse of the process of any court occurs. Over the years, various High Courts in Pakistan have exercised this power in a variety of cases, shedding light on the contours and limits of this inherent jurisdiction.

High Court has exercised its powers under Section 561-A of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) to allow the quashment of proceedings, based on the cases provided.

Instances of Quashment

  • In the case of Mst. GUL SANGA v. State (2021 PCrLJ 66 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT), the High Court observed that when the offence reported was non-cognizable, the police should have followed the procedure under Section 155, Cr.P.C. The Ex-officio Justice of Peace lacked the power to direct the police to proceed against the accused in this instance. The continuation of such proceedings was deemed an abuse of the process of law, leading to the quashment of the proceedings.
  • In BAHAWAL KHAN v. RAB NAWAZ (2021 YLRN 53 QUETTA-HIGH-COURT-BALOCHISTAN), the concept of “double jeopardy” was invoked. The petitioner was prosecuted for producing a false mutation entry based on an agreement. The subsequent FIR for the same alleged act amounted to a mockery of the law, and the High Court deemed it a case of “double jeopardy”. Hence, the FIR was quashed.
  • The case of MEHMOOD RANGOONWALA v. FURQAN ALI MUSTAFA (2019 PCrLJ 1634 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH) highlighted that once cognizance has been taken by the Trial Court, the accused should approach the Trial Court for early acquittal, rather than seeking quashment.
  • In MUHAMMAD AZEEM KAKAR v. SESSIONS JUDGE, ZHOB (2018 YLR 654 QUETTA-HIGH-COURT-BALOCHISTAN), it was emphasized that the jurisdiction for quashment of proceedings is of an extraordinary nature and should be exercised only in extraordinary cases where no other remedy is available.

When is an application for Quashment of Proceedings More Successful?

From the above cases, it becomes evident that applications for quashment of proceedings under Section 561-A of the CrPC are more successful in the following circumstances:

  • When there is a violation of mandatory directions of law or a clear abuse of the process of law
  • In cases of “double jeopardy” where a person is being prosecuted twice for the same offence.
  • When the High Court believes that a matter holds extraordinary circumstances that warrant such an intervention.

However, it’s crucial to remember that quashment is an extraordinary remedy, and each case is judged on its unique facts and circumstances. Courts are often reluctant to interfere unless there’s a compelling reason to prevent an abuse of process or secure the ends of justice.The, the power under Section 561-A of the CrPC is a potent tool in the hands of the High Court to ensure that justice is delivered and that the process of the court is not abused. However, this power is exercised judiciously and in extraordinary situations.

At Josh and Mak International, our team of experienced lawyers specializes in criminal law and can provide expert guidance and representation for FIR quashment cases. We understand the intricacies of the legal system and can assist you in navigating the complex process of seeking the quashment of an FIR. Contact us today at [email protected] to discuss your situation and benefit from our comprehensive legal services.

The landscape of quashing FIRs in Pakistan is defined by a balance of constitutional provisions, specific statutes, and judicial precedents. While the High Courts possess both constitutional and inherent powers to quash FIRs, these powers are subject to various limitations. The principle of ‘double jeopardy’, the stage of the criminal procedure, the nature of the allegations, and whether the case has been subject to abuse or exploitation all factor into the decision to quash an FIR. Therefore, each case must be assessed on its unique facts and merits within the framework of these guiding principles.

Constitutional Jurisdiction & Quashment of FIR

In the first case cited, “2023 PLD 265 SUPREME-COURT”, the Supreme Court establishes that the High Courts have jurisdiction under Article 199(1)(a)(ii) of the Constitution of Pakistan to quash an FIR or an investigation if these acts are found to be made without lawful authority. This underscores the constitutional potency of the High Courts in Pakistan to scrutinise and, if needed, quash FIRs.

Inherent Power & Judicial Proceedings

However, the same case also sheds light on Section 561-A of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C.), stating that the High Court doesn’t have the power to quash an FIR under this section. The High Court’s authority is restricted to quashing judicial proceedings before subordinate courts.

Double Jeopardy

The case “2021 YLRN 53 QUETTA-HIGH-COURT-BALOCHISTAN” brings into focus the principle of ‘double jeopardy’, protected under Article 13 of the Constitution. Here, the High Court accepted the quashment of the FIR as the petitioner was being subjected to prosecution for the same alleged act twice.

Specific Statutory Provisions

In “2021 PCrLJ 844 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE”, the petitioner sought to quash an FIR related to illegal kidney transplantation. The Court distinguished between taking cognizance of an offence and investigating it, stating that Section 14 of the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act, 2010, does not bar the police from registering an FIR and conducting an investigation.

Factual Controversies & Alternate Remedies

The “2020 PCrLJ 471 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT” case emphasises that an FIR cannot be quashed during investigation unless exceptional circumstances are present. This would otherwise stifle the investigative process. This case and several others stress on the principle that quashing an FIR is a rare exception and not a rule.

Post-Cognizance & Quashment

The “2020 PCrLJ 1201 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE” case adds another layer, stating that once a report under Section 173, Cr.P.C., has been submitted, the FIR cannot be quashed. This implies that the quashment is primarily a pre-trial remedy.

Civil and Criminal Proceedings

The “2020 PCrLJ 111 HIGH-COURT-AZAD-KASHMIR” case establishes that merely because a civil suit is pending, it’s not a ground for quashing an FIR, particularly when the FIR was registered after a significant lapse of time. This underscores the idea that civil and criminal liabilities can proceed in parallel.

Early Acquittal & Alternative Remedies

Lastly, the “2019 PCrLJ 1634 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH” case emphasises that when a trial court has already taken cognizance, the proper course for the accused is to seek early acquittal through Section 265-K, Cr.P.C., rather than seeking to quash the FIR.

Concluding Remarks

In summary, the principles for quashing an FIR in Pakistan are nuanced and layered. High Courts have constitutional and inherent powers, yet these are circumscribed by specific statutes, procedural stages, and principles like ‘double jeopardy’. Courts are generally reluctant to interfere with ongoing investigations and emphasise that quashment is an exceptional remedy.

Timing and Circumstances

The timing of the request to quash an FIR also plays a critical role in the judicial decision-making process. As demonstrated in the “2020 PCrLJ 1201 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE” case, once the report under Section 173 of the Cr.P.C. has been submitted, the window for quashing the FIR effectively closes. This implies a time-sensitive nature to the remedy of quashing an FIR.

Abuse of Process & Exploitation

The courts are vigilant against any abuse of the process of law, as exemplified in the “2021 YLRN 53 QUETTA-HIGH-COURT-BALOCHISTAN” case. Here, the FIR was quashed due to the principle of ‘double jeopardy’, which the court saw as an exploitation and mockery of law. This shows that the court will step in to prevent misuse of legal procedures.

Investigative Obligations

The principle of non-interference in ongoing investigations is prominent in the “2020 PCrLJ 471 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT” case. The court highlighted that the Investigating Agency has a statutory duty to investigate a cognizable offence and that quashing an FIR during an investigation would essentially halt this process, which is generally not permissible under the law.

Multiple Jurisdictions

It’s worth noting that the cited cases cover various jurisdictions within Pakistan, from the Supreme Court to High Courts of different provinces and territories like Azad Jammu and Kashmir. This presents a multi-faceted view of how different courts approach the quashment of FIRs. Nevertheless, there are common legal principles that most courts agree upon, such as the exceptional nature of quashing an FIR and the necessity for strong grounds to do so.

Inherent Limitations and Scope

It’s crucial to understand the limitations inherent in the process of quashing an FIR. As the “2023 PLD 265 SUPREME-COURT” case indicates, while High Courts have constitutional jurisdiction to quash an FIR, this power is not present under Section 561-A of the Cr.P.C for FIRs or investigation proceedings. This sets a boundary on the scope of the High Court’s powers in this regard.

Substantive Grounds for Quashment

Delay in Filing FIR

In the case “2018 YLRN 223 SHARIAT-COURT-AZAD-KASHMIR,” the delay in filing the FIR was a critical argument for quashing the FIR, although it was ultimately not sufficient. The court noted that an FIR could be quashed if it did not contain any definite or clear allegation or if the allegation did not disclose the commission of any offence.

Alternate Remedies

The principle of alternate remedies is highlighted in “2018 YLR 665 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT,” where both parties sought quashment of FIRs against them. The court noted that alternate remedies under the law were available, and thus constitutional jurisdiction could not be exercised.

Specific Requirements of Laws

The case “2018 PCrLJ 826 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT” delves into the requirement under specific laws, such as the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Prevention of Gambling Ordinance, 1978, that only particular authorities are competent to carry out searches and investigations. This case sets a precedent for quashing FIRs if procedures outlined in specific laws are not followed.

Procedural Grounds for Quashment

Stage of Proceedings

The stage of the proceedings can have a significant impact on whether an FIR can be quashed. This is evident from “2018 YLRN 223 SHARIAT-COURT-AZAD-KASHMIR,” which states that quashing an FIR at an early stage without evidence would stifle criminal proceedings.

Jurisdiction and Competency

Jurisdictional issues play a crucial role in the quashment of FIRs. In the case “2018 PCrLJ 169 HIGH-COURT-AZAD-KASHMIR,” the FIR was quashed because it was lodged at a local police station while the accused were public servants. According to the Anti-Corruption Establishment Act, 1993, the FIR should have been lodged at the Anti-Corruption Police Station.

Impact of Special and General Laws

The importance of adhering to special laws over general laws is highlighted in the case “2018 PCrLJ 826 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT.” Here, the FIR was quashed because the raid was conducted by authorities not specified under the special law governing the offence.

Absence of Proper Procedure

In “2018 YLR 2668 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE,” the FIR was quashed on the grounds that the Federal Investigation Agency conducted a raid without obtaining a warrant, which was a mandatory requirement under Section 19(3) of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947.

Exceptional Circumstances

In “2018 YLR 1255 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH,” the court quashed the FIR due to exceptional circumstances, noting that the matter involved a dispute of custody given the colour of criminal proceedings.

The legal principles elucidated from these cases cover a broad spectrum of issues, both substantive and procedural, that courts consider when dealing with petitions for the quashment of FIRs. The courts weigh multiple factors, including the nature of the allegations, the stage of the proceedings, jurisdictional issues, and whether the FIR meets the requirements of specific laws, among others. This analysis provides a nuanced understanding of the prevailing legal landscape concerning the quashment of FIRs in Pakistan.

Constitutional and Statutory Interpretation

Many of the recent cases invoke constitutional and statutory provisions as grounds for or against quashment. In “2018 PCrLJ 1345 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT,” for example, the court referred to the need for proper investigation and inquiry as per the Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C.) before reaching any conclusion. Similarly, in “2018 PLD 1 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH,” the court was cautious about quashing an FIR that was largely based on documentary evidence without providing the prosecution an opportunity to substantiate its allegations.

The case “2018 YLR 78 HIGH-COURT-AZAD-KASHMIR” also underscores the idea that the quashment of an FIR is generally not permissible in writ jurisdiction, again emphasising the need for the due process of law to take its course.

Onus on the Accused to Prove Grounds for Quashment

The accused have the burden to demonstrate sufficient grounds for quashment. In “2018 YLR 1255 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH,” for instance, the court found that the minor was very much attached to her adoptive parents, creating a strong case for quashment. In contrast, the petitioners in “2018 PLD 1 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH” failed to show sufficient reasons to warrant a quashment of the FIR against them, leading to the dismissal of their constitutional petition.

Jurisdictional Overreach and Misuse of Power

In the case of “2018 MLD 1777 Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Court,” the court deemed the Judicial Magistrate’s order for registering an FIR against the SHO (Station House Officer) as beyond his jurisdiction. The SHO had released a juvenile accused on bail for a non-bailable offence. The court found that the Magistrate had travelled beyond his jurisdiction in ordering the FIR and thus allowed the petition for quashment.

Evidentiary Concerns and Due Process

In “2018 MLD 815 Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Court,” the petition for quashment was allowed because the FIR and subsequent investigation did not convincingly implicate the petitioners. The place of occurrence in the site plan contradicted the FIR, and the statements of injured ladies did not corroborate the allegations against the petitioners.

Double Jeopardy and Constitutional Safeguards

The case “2017 PCrLJ 1466 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT” dismissed the application for quashment based on the principle of double jeopardy, as articulated in Article 13(a) of the Constitution of Pakistan and Section 403 of the Cr.P.C. The court clarified that the accused could not claim double jeopardy as he had neither been acquitted nor convicted for the offence in question.

Alternate Remedies and Procedural Integrity

“2017 MLD 2064 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT” dismissed a constitutional petition for quashment on the grounds that alternate remedies under Sections 249-A and 265-K of the Cr.P.C were available. The court noted that it would be unfair to quash an FIR that was still under investigation and at a preliminary stage.

Specificity and Relevance of Allegations

In “2017 CLD 1 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE,” the court held that an FIR could only be quashed if the criminal offences were not established from its contents. This case emphasized that the nature of the offences mentioned in the FIR must be scrutinized carefully to assess the validity of quashment.

Reliance on Inherent Powers of High Court

The case “2017 YLR 533 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH” showcased the High Court’s inherent powers under Section 561-A of the Cr.P.C. The FIR was quashed due to a series of false allegations and inconsistencies in the statements of the complainant party.

Absence of Sanction and Legal Process

Lastly, “2017 PLD 64 ISLAMABAD” allowed the quashment of an FIR registered for offences against the State because it was done without the approval of a competent authority, which is mandatory under Sections 196 and 196-A of the Cr.P.C.

These cases demonstrate that the quashment of FIRs is a complex issue involving multiple facets of law, including jurisdiction, due process, evidentiary requirements, and constitutional protections. Each case presents its unique set of circumstances and legal considerations, making the outcomes highly fact-specific.

Cooperation with Investigative Authorities

The case “2017 YLRN 444 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH” dismissed the application for quashment, citing the accused’s lack of cooperation in the investigation. It emphasized that the accused wasn’t entitled to extraordinary relief, as he had neither surrendered before the Investigating Officer nor obtained bail before arrest from the Sessions Court. This underscores the importance of procedural compliance and cooperation with law enforcement.

Multiple Offences and Legal Frameworks

In “2017 YLR 105 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH,” the court dismissed the application for quashment, observing that the plea of alibi would be considered only after the recording of evidence. Despite the police placing the accused’s name in Column No. II of the Challan, the court took cognizance of the offence, reinforcing that the police’s opinion is not binding on the court.

What are the key takeaways on achieving successful quashment of FIR ?

The key takeaways for successfully quashing an FIR, as evident from the cases you’ve provided, can be summarised as follows:

Jurisdictional Competence

Ensure that the authority issuing or handling the FIR is within its jurisdictional bounds. If an FIR or subsequent order is found to be the result of jurisdictional overreach, there are higher chances of successful quashment.

Evidentiary Support

Substantial contradictions or gaps in evidence can be strong grounds for quashing an FIR. If the FIR lacks credible evidence or is inconsistent with other pieces of evidence like site plans or witness statements, it may be successfully quashed.

Constitutional and Legal Safeguards

Use constitutional provisions and legal principles such as double jeopardy to your advantage. If an accused is being tried for the same offence more than once, or if there are violations of constitutional rights, the FIR stands a good chance of being quashed.

Availability of Alternate Remedies

The court is more likely to quash an FIR if there are no alternative legal remedies available to the accused. However, if the court deems that the accused can avail themselves of other legal courses of action, the petition for quashment may not be entertained.

Factual Consistency

Ensure that the facts presented in the FIR are consistent with other records and statements. If the FIR contains factual inaccuracies or inconsistencies, it may be deemed unreliable, and the chances of successful quashment increase.

Legal Procedures and Sanctions

An FIR may be quashed if it is filed without following the prescribed legal procedures or without obtaining necessary sanctions from competent authorities, especially for offences against the state or other special categories of crimes.

Stage of Criminal Proceedings

The stage of the criminal proceedings can also influence whether an FIR is quashed. Courts are generally more cautious about quashing FIRs that are at advanced stages of investigation or trial.

Conduct of the Accused

Courts may consider the conduct of the accused during the investigation. Lack of cooperation with investigative authorities can weaken the case for quashment.

Nature and Specificity of Offences

The more specific and clear the offences listed in the FIR, the less likely it is to be quashed. Vague or overly broad charges may lead to successful quashment.

Understanding these key points can provide valuable insights into the chances of successfully quashing an FIR. Each case is unique, and a detailed analysis is often required to ascertain the likelihood of quashment.

Successfully opposing an application for Quashment of FIR:

Opposing a case for the quashment of an FIR involves a multifaceted approach that utilises both legal and evidentiary elements to assert the validity and necessity of the FIR in question. Here are some strategies and considerations for successfully opposing a quashment petition:

Strong Legal Grounds

Ensure that the FIR is based on a well-founded legal framework. Verify that all sections and clauses invoked are appropriate and accurately depict the alleged offences. This would make it difficult for the defence to argue that the FIR is frivolous or erroneous.

Jurisdictional Validity

Establish that the FIR was filed in the appropriate jurisdiction and that all authorities involved are competent to handle the case. Contesting any claims of jurisdictional overreach can provide a robust defence against quashment.

Adequate and Consistent Evidence

Present a strong evidentiary base to support the allegations in the FIR. This includes corroborative statements from witnesses, material evidence, and other supporting documents. Consistency in evidence can counter claims that the FIR is baseless or malicious.

Procedural Compliance

Demonstrate that the FIR and subsequent investigations were conducted in strict compliance with statutory requirements and procedural norms. Any deviation from standard procedures can be a ground for quashment, so it is vital to show procedural integrity.

Challenge the Use of Legal Safeguards by Defence

If the defence argues principles like double jeopardy, ensure that you counter by showing that the conditions required to invoke these principles are not met. For example, if double jeopardy is claimed, prove that the accused is not being tried for the ‘same offence’ as stipulated by the law.

Factual Relevance and Specificity

Argue that the facts stated in the FIR are not only true but also pertinent to the case at hand. Any ambiguity or irrelevance can be a ground for quashment, so maintaining factual clarity and relevance is crucial.

Counter Arguments for Alternate Remedies

If the petition for quashment argues that alternate remedies exist, demonstrate that such remedies are either ineffective or inappropriate given the nature and gravity of the alleged offence.

Timing and Stage of Proceedings

Highlight the stage of the criminal proceedings to argue against quashment. Courts may be less inclined to quash FIRs at advanced stages of investigation or trial unless there are compelling reasons to do so.

Public Interest and Policy Considerations

Lastly, bring in broader public interest or policy considerations where relevant. Argue that quashing the FIR may set a bad precedent or compromise public safety and justice.

By carefully preparing your case along these lines and presenting a compelling argument that adheres to both the letter and spirit of the law, you can improve your chances of successfully opposing a quashment of an FIR.

A review of relevant cases is done below:


In this case, the Supreme Court clarified that the High Court does not have the power under Section 561-A, Cr.P.C. to quash an FIR or an investigation proceeding. However, it can quash a judicial proceeding pending before any subordinate court using this section.


The High Court observed that the speed of reaching the police station to lodge the FIR, although a question of fact, was not impossible. The court emphasised that the guilt or innocence of an accused cannot be determined when invoking the extraordinary jurisdiction under Section 44 of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Interim Constitution Act, 1974, or even under Section 561-A, Cr.P.C.


In an instance of double jeopardy, the High Court quashed the FIR, observing that no proceedings regarding an already adjudicated allegation could be re-prosecuted in a second FIR.


Highlighting the importance of the investigative process, the High Court dismissed the plea to quash the FIR during the investigation stage, stating that doing so would be equivalent to throttling the investigative process.


The High Court highlighted the supremacy of special laws over general laws. A raid conducted by the SHO was deemed illegal as it went against the specific provisions of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Prevention of Gambling Ordinance, 1978.


The Shariat Court held that an FIR cannot be quashed merely because the allegations against the accused are perceived as false. The court emphasised the need for a trial to determine the veracity of the claims.

2018 MLD 815 Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Court

The court highlighted the importance of proper investigation and evidence. Due to inconsistencies in the FIR and other evidence, the notices issued to the petitioners were quashed.


In the case of MUHAMMAD IRFAN vs. D.P.O., the FIR was quashed due to procedural irregularities. The raid, in this case, was conducted by the SHO in the absence of a Magistrate, which was against the provisions of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Prevention of Gambling Ordinance, 1978.

2017 PCrLJ 1477 Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Court

In this case, the High Court did not allow the quashment of the FIR. The Court asserted the importance of the Ex-officio Justice of Peace’s role in directing the SHO to record the complainant’s version under Section 154, Cr.P.C.


The High Court dismissed the petition for quashment, emphasising that illegalities committed during the investigation do not necessarily affect the competency and jurisdiction of the court for trial.


This case saw the FIR quashed, as the complainant had levelled false allegations against the accused due to enmity, and the witnesses failed to corroborate each other.


The High Court highlighted the importance of following procedural rules. In this case, the complainant of the private complaint was neither the victim nor had any authority to file the complaint.

Case of Rahat Zaman vs Mst. Fehmeeda alias Hameeda (2016 PCrLJN 53, PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT)

The High Court quashed the orders of the Trial Court and the Ex-officio Justice of Peace, directing the registration of a separate FIR against the complainant and two accused persons. It was held that the complainant could assert his right to self-defence in the FIR.

Case of Saqib Mukhtar vs Syed Muhammad Sabtain Bukhari (2016 MLD 175, LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE)

The High Court directed the Trial Court to reconsider an application under S. 265-K, Cr.P.C. while focusing on whether provisions of the Offences Against Property (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance, 1979, had been breached.

Case of Trust Investment Bank Ltd. vs Government of Sindh (2016 MLD 278, KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH)

The High Court held that the accused should approach the Trial Court with remedies available under S.249-A or 265-K, Cr.P.C., and dismissed the constitutional petition.

Case of Gul Muhammad vs State (2015 PCrLJ 1329, KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH)

Observing that no eye-witness had implicated the applicant, the High Court quashed the proceedings to the extent of the accused-applicant, determining that his trial would be unnecessary harassment.

Case of Muhammad Rehman vs District Police Officer (2015 PLD 413, LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE)

The High Court held that the FIR could not be quashed on the ground that it was related to the same occurrence, and the accused should let the investigation proceed.

Case of Naeem Abbas (2015 PCrLJ 1592, LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE)

The High Court held that a partial quashment of FIR for one accused is not permissible under the law.

Case of Muhammad Measum vs Federation of Pakistan (2015 PTD 702, KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH)

The FIR was quashed as the Customs authorities acted without jurisdiction while registering it, misinterpreting the conditions stipulated in Notification S.R.O. 670(I)/2013.

Case of Nazir Ahmed vs SHO (2015 PCrLJ 846, KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH)

The High Court dismissed the application for quashment, highlighting that the applicant’s most efficacious remedy would be filing a private complaint against the proposed accused.

Case of Karam Elahi vs Mst. Nasim Bibi (2013 YLR 526, PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT)

The High Court held that the impugned orders by the lower courts were based on correct legal standings and did not require interference, dismissing the quashment petition.

Criminal Intent and the Nature of the Offence:

In 2013 YLR 526 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT, the Court dismissed an application to quash the order, observing that the impugned orders were on firm legal grounds. The Court emphasized that the object of the quashment petition should be to prevent the abuse of court processes rather than promote it.

Discrepancies in Investigation Reports:

The case 2012 PCrLJ 1424 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH featured conflicting investigation reports, with two supporting the accused’s contentions and one recommending trial. The High Court held that even if the accused’s version was correct, it couldn’t overlook the loss of two lives. The Court underlined the importance of a thorough trial in determining the truth.

Cooperation with the Investigation:

In 2012 YLR 1648 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT, the complainant’s non-cooperation with the police during the investigation led to the dismissal of the quashment petition. The Court highlighted that the inherent powers under Section 561-A aim to prevent court process abuse and secure justice.

Malafide Accusations:

The case 2012 PCrLJ 1075 ISLAMABAD serves as a prime example where the FIR against the accused was quashed due to apparent mala fide intent and lack of jurisdiction. The Court observed that the registration of the case against the accused was tainted with ulterior motives.

Relevance of the FIR:

In 2011 PCrLJ 1437 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH, the Court dismissed a quashment petition, observing that while the offence in the FIR was stated under one section, the actual FIR’s contents indicated another possible offence.

Multiple FIRs for the Same Offence:

The 2011 MLD 64 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH case saw the quashing of a second FIR for the same offence, as it appeared fabricated and was inconsistent with the first FIR.

In-depth Examination of Facts:

In 2010 MLD 1824 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE the Court refused to quash the FIR, noting that several factual questions raised couldn’t be addressed in quashment proceedings but should be presented before the Trial Court.

Negligence in Investigation:

The case 2010 PCrLJ 368 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH highlighted the importance of thorough investigation. The Court dismissed the quashment application, emphasizing that the Magistrate had scrutinized all material, even if the second Investigating Officer had ignored prior statements.

Existence of Alternate Remedies:

In 2001 PCRLJ 1415 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH, the Court dismissed a quashment petition, pointing out that the accused could avail the remedy under Section 249-A, CrPC.


In summary, the quashment of an FIR in Pakistan is a complex legal procedure subject to a variety of considerations. Courts are generally cautious and prefer not to quash FIRs at an early stage unless there are compelling reasons such as procedural irregularities or the absence of an offence in the allegations.

Substantive grounds may include the lack of a definite allegation, the presence of alternate legal remedies, or the failure to meet specific requirements of the law governing the offence. On the procedural front, considerations involve the stage of the criminal proceedings, jurisdictional issues, and whether special laws have been adhered to.

Furthermore, the accused bear the burden of demonstrating sufficient grounds for quashment, and courts rely heavily on constitutional and statutory interpretations in their decisions.

Thus, the legal principles governing the quashment of FIRs in Pakistan are multifaceted and require a nuanced understanding of both substantive and procedural law. These principles are not only pivotal for legal practitioners but also serve as a guide for individuals involved in criminal proceedings.

From these cases, it’s evident that the courts in Pakistan exercise considerable restraint and deliberation in quashing FIRs. Factors such as jurisdictional competence, evidentiary support, constitutional safeguards, and the availability of alternate remedies play pivotal roles in such determinations. Moreover, the accused’s conduct, the nature of the offences charged, and the stage of criminal proceedings also significantly influence the outcome.

Each case has its nuances, and the court’s decision to quash an FIR is seldom straightforward. It involves a meticulous analysis of both substantive and procedural law. Legal practitioners must pay heed to these multifaceted considerations when dealing with matters of quashment, as the ramifications are far-reaching, affecting not just the accused but also the integrity of the legal system.

The Power of High Courts under Section 561-A of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C.)

Section 561-A of the Cr.P.C. bestows the High Court with inherent powers to make orders as may be necessary to give effect to any order under this Code, or to prevent the abuse of the process of any court or otherwise to secure the ends of justice. A salient feature of this provision is the quashment of proceedings, which the courts invoke in various circumstances. Let’s analyse the instances in which the High Court has exercised this power and the nature of cases where quashment applications have been more successful.

RAFI AHMED vs SPECIAL JUDGE, CENTRAL, LAHORE (2010 PLD 692 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE): In this case, the Court was presented with a contention regarding the definition of ‘complaint’ in the context of the Emigration Ordinance, 1979 and the CrPC. The accused argued that the Special Judge lacked the authority to take cognizance of the cases based on a police report as it did not amount to a ‘complaint’ under the CrPC. The High Court, however, opined that the definition of ‘complaint’ in the CrPC was not applicable to the Emigration Ordinance, which is a special law. Therefore, the proceedings were not quashed in this case.

CHAMAN DIN vs State (2010 YLR 2168 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE): This case underscores that the inherent powers under Section 561-A are not to be used as an alternative to the regular course of criminal procedure. The High Court highlighted that it would be reluctant to intervene when a competent court has determined a prima facie case after examining the evidence before it. The petition under Section 561-A was dismissed.

GUL KHAN vs State (2010 YLR 2448 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE): Here, even though crucial evidence was yet to be recorded, the Court took note of the prolonged detention of the accused. The application for quashment was converted into a bail petition, demonstrating the flexibility with which the Court can use its inherent powers to secure the ends of justice.

MUHAMMAD UBAID vs State (2009 YLR 75 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH): The Court observed a pattern where individuals are detained for long periods without any knowledge of their whereabouts, and eventually, some are implicated in false cases. In such scenarios, continuing with the trial would merely be a formality, likely resulting in acquittal due to lack of evidence. Recognising the futility and the injustice of such proceedings, the Court quashed the proceedings.

SHEVO vs REGIONAL POLICE OFFICER, HYDERABAD REGION, HYDERABAD (2009 PLD 24 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH): The Court elucidated that the powers under Section 561-A should not be exercised mechanically. The allegations made in the FIR constituted cognizable offences, which necessitated a proper trial. The accused was advised to approach the Trial Court under Section 265-K, CrPC.

MUHAMMAD ASLAM (AMIR ASLAM) vs DISTRICT POLICE OFFICER, RAWALPINDI (2009 SCMR 141 SUPREME-COURT): The Supreme Court highlighted that the framing of charges by the Trial Court does not preclude the quashing of proceedings. The decision to quash depends on the facts of each case.

In many of these cases, other provisions of the CrPC, like Sections 249-A and 265-K, are invoked. Section 249-A allows a Magistrate to acquit an accused at any stage of the proceedings if, after hearing the prosecutor and the accused, it appears to the Magistrate that there are no grounds for proceeding against the accused. Section 265-K, on the other hand, allows the Court to acquit the accused at any stage if it finds that there are no reasonable grounds to proceed.

Proceedings Contrary to Other Provisions: In the case of MUHAMMAD SAEED KHAN vs. State (2012 PCrLJ 1337 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT), the general practice of the High Court was highlighted, suggesting that proceedings should not be quashed under Section 561-A, unless the Trial Court had exercised its powers under Sections 249-A or 265-K, Cr.P.C1.

Settling Private Disputes: In GHULAM MUHAMMAD vs. PAINDA RAHMAN (2012 PLD 167 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT), it was observed that proceedings under Section 133, Cr.P.C., were not meant to settle private disputes between members of the public or as an alternative to resolve civil disputes2.

Flawed Use of Accused’s Statement: The case of KHALID MEHMOOD vs. State (2012 PCrLJ 1486 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT) raised concerns about the misuse of statements made by the accused under Section 342, Cr.P.C., against another individual3.

Avoidance of Double Punishment: MUHAMMAD RAMZAN vs. State (2012 PLD 406 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE) underscores that if an accused has already been penalised for an offence in another capacity, they should not be subjected to double punishment for the same offence.

Non-Attraction of Mischief Clauses: In RIZWANA BIBI vs. State (2012 SCMR 94 SUPREME-COURT), it was established that proceedings can be quashed if the mischief clauses of the relevant section are not attracted, particularly in light of personal liberties and constitutional commands.

Civil Nature of Dispute: BALOCH KHAN vs. Haji AHMED SHAH (2012 PCrLJ 1756 QUETTA-HIGH-COURT-BALOCHISTAN) exemplifies that proceedings can be quashed if they seemingly convert a civil dispute into criminal proceedings without any criminal liability.

Non-Cognizable Offences and Jurisdiction Issues: In cases where an offence reported is non-cognizable, the procedure under Section 155 of the Cr.P.C. should be followed, meaning the police must enter the report in a specific register and refer the complaint to a Magistrate. Only the Magistrate is empowered to order an investigation. In the case of Mst. Gul Sanga vs. State (2021 PCrLJ 66 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT), the High Court allowed the quashment of proceedings as the Ex-officio Justice of Peace, who is not empowered to direct the local police in such matters, had done so. The police investigated a non-cognizable offence without the permission of a Magistrate, violating mandatory legal directives and constituting an abuse of the process of law.

Double Jeopardy: The principle of double jeopardy prohibits prosecuting an individual twice for the same offence. In Bahawal Khan vs. Rab Nawaz (2021 YLRN 53 QUETTA-HIGH-COURT-BALOCHISTAN), the petitioner had already been acquitted of charges after a trial. A subsequent FIR for the same alleged act was registered, leading the High Court to quash the FIR, deeming it a violation of the principles of law and the constitutional provision against double jeopardy.

Lack of Evidence or Mala Fide Cases: The High Court has quashed proceedings in instances where the case was found to be based on no evidence, had been registered with mala fide intentions, was of a civil nature, had jurisdictional defects, or the continuation of proceedings would amount to an abuse of the court’s process. For example, in Madad Ali vs. State (2014 MLD 493 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH), the High Court quashed the proceedings as the essential ingredients of the offences were missing, and the continuation of the trial would have been an abuse of the court’s process.

Unjust Proceedings and Abuse of Law: In cases where the proceedings are deemed unjust and an abuse of the law, the High Court has stepped in to quash the proceedings. For instance, in Ahmad Shah vs. Agriculture Inspector SMS Plant Production Department of Agriculture District Mansehra (2018 PCrLJ 512 PESHAWAR-HIGH-COURT), the High Court quashed the proceedings as the petitioner, a landlord, was not involved in the alleged offence, and the continued seizure of his property was unjustified and an abuse of legal authority.

Special Laws and Jurisdictional Challenges: The High Court has consistently held that if a special law is in play, its provisions might override those of the Cr.P.C. In such cases, the court examines the special statute to determine the validity of the proceedings.

Prima Facie Case Requirement: If a competent court, after evaluating evidence, determines that a prima facie case exists against the accused, the High Court is generally reluctant to quash such proceedings.

Importance of Evidence: The nature and strength of the evidence play a pivotal role. If substantial questions of fact are raised or crucial evidence has not been presented, the High Court may defer quashment, suggesting that these issues be addressed during the trial.

Protection against Abuse of Process: One of the primary objectives of Section 561-A is to prevent the abuse of the court’s process. If proceedings are initiated with mala fide intentions, or if they cause undue hardship or agony to the accused without substantive evidence, the High Court is inclined to quash such proceedings.

Interplay with Other Provisions of Cr.P.C.: Sections like 249-A and 265-K of the Cr.P.C. often intertwine with Section 561-A. While 249-A and 265-K allow for acquittal due to insufficient evidence, the High Court can quash proceedings under 561-A if it believes that even the evidence mentioned wouldn’t lead to conviction.

Exercise of Discretion: The High Court exercises its powers under Section 561-A judiciously. It seeks to ensure that justice is served and that the regular course of criminal procedure isn’t unnecessarily halted. However, in exceptional circumstances where the ends of justice require intervention, the court is proactive in using its inherent powers.

Inherent Powers vs. Regular Procedure: The High Court’s inherent powers are not an alternative or additional jurisdiction but are reserved for situations where no other procedure is available to redress grievances. They are invoked to ensure the ends of justice and prevent the abuse of court processes.

In the case of RAFI AHMED vs. SPECIAL JUDGE, CENTRAL, LAHORE (2010 PLD 692 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE), the High Court was approached for quashing on the grounds that the Special Judge was not empowered to take cognizance of certain cases based on the definition of ‘complaint’ in the Cr.P.C and Emigration Ordinance. The High Court dismissed the quashment petition, holding that the Emigration Ordinance, 1979, being a special law, has a different purview, and the Federal Investigation Agency was competent to investigate and submit findings

Prima Facie Case Establishment and Inherent Powers

In CHAMAN DIN vs. State (2010 YLR 2168 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE), the court emphasised that powers under Section 561-A should not be used to interrupt or divert the regular course of criminal procedure. If a competent court determines that there’s a prima facie case against the accused, the High Court would be reluctant to interfere.

Evidence and Factual Controversies

Several cases highlight the importance of evidence and the nature of allegations. For instance, in POLICE STATION CITY, DISTRICT LAYYAH vs. State (2010 MLD 1824 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE), the High Court refrained from quashing proceedings when multiple questions of fact were raised, suggesting these be settled at the trial stage.Similarly, the case GUL KHAN vs. State (2010 YLR 2448 LAHORE-HIGH-COURT-LAHORE) showed the court’s flexibility, converting a quashment petition into a bail petition when the prosecution failed to proceed expeditiously.

Illegal Detentions and False Implications

A notable instance where the High Court quashed proceedings was in MUHAMMAD UBAID vs. State (2009 YLR 75 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH). The accused was found to be in illegal custody at the time of the case’s registration. The court, observing the absence of evidence connecting him to the offence, quashed the proceedings, noting that they were a waste of the Trial Court’s time and caused undue agony to the accused

Interplay with Other Provisions of the Cr.P.C.

Sections 249-A and 265-K of the Cr.P.C often come into play alongside Section 561-A. Section 249-A allows a Magistrate to acquit an accused at any stage of the proceedings if the prosecutor fails to provide evidence. Section 265-K permits the court to acquit the accused at any stage of the trial if the evidence is insufficient. For instance, ALLAH RAKHA vs. ASHFAQ ALI (1995 PCRLJ 874 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH) highlights that if the F.I.R provides a clear picture of evidence against the accused, and the court believes such evidence wouldn’t lead to a conviction, proceedings can be quashed without first moving under Section 249-A.

Applications for quashment under Section 561-A Cr.P.C are more successful in cases where proceedings are deemed an abuse of the court’s process, where there’s a glaring lack of evidence, or where other legal intricacies, such as jurisdictional challenges, come into play. However, the High Court exercises this power judiciously, ensuring that justice is served and the regular course of criminal procedure is not unnecessarily interrupted.

Types of Cases with Higher Success for Quashment of Proceedings

  • Non-Cognizable Offences and Jurisdictional Errors: Cases where the police have acted without jurisdiction, especially in non-cognizable offences, tend to have a higher success rate for quashment.
  • Cases of Double Jeopardy: Instances where an individual is being tried twice for the same offence are strong candidates for quashment, upholding the constitutional safeguard against double jeopardy.
  • Lack of Evidence or Mala Fide Intention: Cases that are initiated based on insufficient evidence or with mala fide intentions are more likely to be quashed to prevent the abuse of the legal process and to protect the rights of the accused.
  • Civil Nature Disputes: Disputes that are essentially of a civil nature but are being pursued through criminal proceedings are often quashed to prevent the misuse of the criminal justice system.
  • Unjust and Abuse of Law: Cases where the proceedings are deemed unjust, causing undue hardship to the individuals involved, or where there is a clear abuse of the legal process, are likely to be quashed by the High Court.
  • The proceedings are contrary to other provisions of the Cr.P.C.
  • The proceedings seem to settle private disputes.
  • There’s a flawed use or misinterpretation of the accused’s statements.
  • The accused faces the threat of double punishment for the same offence.
  • The mischief clauses of the relevant section are not attracted.
  • The dispute is of a civil nature but is presented as a criminal liability.
  • In many of these cases, other provisions of the Cr.P.C. like Section 249-A and 265-K are invoked concurrently. Section 249-A allows for the discharge of accused in certain cases, while Section 265-K pertains to the judgment of acquittal in cases where no evidence is presented or if the evidence presented is insufficient. These sections, together with Section 561-A, form a protective shield for the accused against unjust or unwarranted criminal proceedings.

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