The termination of employment following the abolition of posts is a complex issue that intersects with various legal principles and regulations. This blog post examines several pivotal cases to understand how different legal systems and tribunals have approached the issue. The cases span across different jurisdictions and highlight the nuanced legal landscape governing such terminations.

1. Kh. Manzoor Qadir vs. Azad Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir (2011 PLC(CS) 90 Supreme Court Azad Kashmir)

In this case, the appellant, Kh. Manzoor Qadir, was appointed on a contractual basis as Deputy Director (Legal). His termination followed the abolition of his post due to downsizing and administrative decisions. The Supreme Court of Azad Kashmir dismissed his appeal, emphasizing that contractual obligations, especially under the terms agreed upon at the time of appointment, are not enforceable through writ jurisdiction. This case underscores the principle that contract employees’ retention is contingent on the necessity and availability of posts within the organization. The court noted that termination on a month’s notice or pay in lieu thereof was within legal bounds, given the contract’s conditions.

2. Shalimar Recording and Broadcasting Co. Ltd. vs. Tariq Mahmood (2004 PLC(CS) 630 Supreme Court)

In contrast to the first case, the Supreme Court highlighted the employer’s obligation to attempt to accommodate employees whose posts have been abolished. Here, the company terminated Tariq Mahmood’s service due to the abolition of his post. However, the court found that the employer did not take genuine steps to accommodate Mahmood in another position, as required by the Company’s Employees Service Rules. The failure to disclose information about available posts in the same group and pay scale was a critical factor in the court’s decision to reinstate the employee.

3. Jehangir Khan vs. Commissioner, Afghan Refugees, N.-W.F.P., Peshawar (2002 PLC(CS) 103 Federal Service Tribunal)

This case dealt with the counting of leave towards pension for civil servants whose posts were abolished. The Federal Service Tribunal clarified that leave granted under R.27 of the Revised Leave Rules, 1980, to civil servants upon the abolition of their posts, cannot be counted towards their pensionable service. This decision differentiated between leave granted during service and leave sanctioned upon the termination of service due to post abolition, affirming the independence of the Revised Leave Rules and Civil Service Regulations.

4. Muhammad Bashir Shah vs. Chairman, WAPDA (1984 PLC(CS) 431 Federal Service Tribunal)

Muhammad Bashir Shah’s case highlights the importance of a lien in employment law. Shah, a WAPDA employee on deputation, was terminated upon repatriation because there was allegedly no available post. The Federal Service Tribunal ruled that a lien implies the existence of a post for the deputationist to revert to. Therefore, termination should target the junior-most employee, not a senior one like Shah. This ruling emphasizes the protection that a lien provides to employees.

5. K. B. Salik vs. The District Manager, Government (1970 PLC 415 West Pakistan Industrial Appellate Tribunal)

The termination of K.B. Salik’s service as an Inspector, while his colleagues were retained under a different designation but similar pay scale, raised questions of unfair dismissal. The West Pakistan Industrial Appellate Tribunal found that this act violated Section 37 of the Industrial Relations Ordinance 1969. Salik’s case highlights the need for fairness and transparency in the process of post abolition and termination.

The key takeaways from the discussed legal cases are vital for litigants facing similar situations involving the termination of services due to the abolition of posts. These takeaways offer guidance on how courts and tribunals have historically approached such matters, providing insights into potential legal strategies and considerations.

1. Importance of Contractual Terms in Temporary or Contractual Employment

Case Reference: Kh. Manzoor Qadir vs. Azad Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir

  • Key Takeaway: For contractual or temporary employees, the terms and conditions set out in the employment contract are crucial. The court upheld the termination of services based on the contractual terms agreed upon at the start of employment.
  • Implication for Litigants: It’s essential to thoroughly understand and potentially negotiate the terms of a contract before signing. Pay particular attention to clauses regarding termination, notice period, and downsizing.

2. Employer’s Duty to Accommodate in Case of Post Abolition

Case Reference: Shalimar Recording and Broadcasting Co. Ltd. vs. Tariq Mahmood

  • Key Takeaway: When a post is abolished, employers may be obligated to explore other available positions within the organization for the affected employee.
  • Implication for Litigants: If facing termination due to post abolition, an employee should investigate if the employer made genuine efforts to accommodate them in a different role, as per company policies or relevant labor laws.

3. Differentiation Between Types of Leave in Relation to Service Termination

Case Reference: Jehangir Khan vs. Commissioner, Afghan Refugees, N.-W.F.P., Peshawar

  • Key Takeaway: Leave granted upon the abolition of a post (under specific rules) does not necessarily count towards pensionable service.
  • Implication for Litigants: Employees should be aware of the nuances in leave policies, especially how they impact retirement benefits. In cases of termination due to post abolition, understanding the nature of leave and its implications on pension can be crucial.

4. Protection Offered by Lien in Employment

Case Reference: Muhammad Bashir Shah vs. Chairman, WAPDA

  • Key Takeaway: A lien on a position can offer a level of job security, implying that there is a post to revert to upon the end of a deputation.
  • Implication for Litigants: Employees on deputation should understand the concept of lien and its implications. In case of termination, it might be argued that a lien ensures a right to revert to the original position or similar.

5. Fairness and Non-Discrimination in Termination Processes

Case Reference: K. B. Salik vs. The District Manager, Government

  • Key Takeaway: Termination processes must be fair and non-discriminatory, especially in cases where only certain employees are terminated while others are retained in similar roles.
  • Implication for Litigants: Employees facing termination should scrutinize the process for potential unfair or discriminatory practices. The retention of similarly situated employees under different designations can be a point of legal contention.

General Advice for Litigants:

  • Documentation and Record-Keeping: Keep a thorough record of all employment contracts, communications, and relevant documents.
  • Legal Counsel: Seek legal advice to understand the specific implications of employment laws and regulations in your jurisdiction.
  • Negotiation: Before pursuing legal action, consider negotiation or mediation as potential routes to resolve disputes.
  • Awareness of Precedents: Understanding how similar cases have been adjudicated can provide strategic insights.


(1) These cases offer rich lessons for litigants. They illustrate the importance of understanding the legal intricacies of employment contracts, the responsibilities of employers in termination processes, the nuances of employment benefits in relation to termination, and the significance of fairness and non-discrimination in employment practices. As each case is unique, personalized legal advice is recommended for anyone facing similar circumstances.

(2) These cases collectively underscore the complexities in the termination of services following the abolition of posts. They reveal the importance of adhering to contractual terms, the necessity of exploring employee accommodation, the differentiation between service during employment and upon termination, the protection offered by a lien, and the requirement for fairness and non-discrimination in termination decisions. Each jurisdiction and case presents unique facets, emphasizing that the legal handling of such terminations requires a careful and nuanced approach.

By The Josh and Mak Team

Josh and Mak International is a distinguished law firm with a rich legacy that sets us apart in the legal profession. With years of experience and expertise, we have earned a reputation as a trusted and reputable name in the field. Our firm is built on the pillars of professionalism, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to providing excellent legal services. We have a profound understanding of the law and its complexities, enabling us to deliver tailored legal solutions to meet the unique needs of each client. As a virtual law firm, we offer affordable, high-quality legal advice delivered with the same dedication and work ethic as traditional firms. Choose Josh and Mak International as your legal partner and gain an unfair strategic advantage over your competitors.

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