Wilful Default in Pakistani LawWilful Default in Pakistani Law

Josh and Mak International, as a law firm in Pakistan with a focus on client satisfaction and effective communication, offers a comprehensive range of legal services related to willful default, corporate compliance, and regulatory matters:

  • Regulatory Compliance Advisory: Assisting companies in understanding and complying with the regulatory requirements imposed by bodies such as the SECP to avoid willful default. This includes advising on the Securities and Exchange Commission (Insurance) Rules, the Non-Banking Finance Companies and Notified Entities Regulations, and other relevant laws.
  • Corporate Governance Consultancy: Advising on the roles, duties, and liabilities of directors and officers to ensure they meet the higher standard of accountability required by law and to prevent willful default.
  • Financial Reporting and Auditing Compliance: Offering services to ensure that financial reporting, auditing, and disclosures meet statutory requirements, such as those under the Companies Ordinance.
  • Litigation and Legal Representation: Representing clients in courts or before regulatory bodies like the SECP in matters related to allegations of willful default, seeking to either prosecute or defend such claims.
  • Due Diligence Services: Conducting thorough due diligence for clients involved in mergers, acquisitions, or investments to ensure there are no issues of willful default which could affect the transaction.
  • Contract Review and Risk Management: Reviewing contracts and business practices to identify and mitigate risks associated with willful default.
  • Training and Workshops: Providing training sessions and workshops for companies on legal obligations and best practices to prevent willful default.
  • Dispute Resolution: Offering dispute resolution services for conflicts arising from allegations of willful default, including negotiation, arbitration, and mediation.
  • Penalty and Sanctions Advisory: Advising clients on the potential penalties and sanctions that may arise from willful default and developing strategies to minimize exposure.
  • Crisis Management: Assisting companies in managing and responding to crises resulting from allegations of willful default, including public relations strategies and legal remedies.
  • Landlord and Tenant Law Services: Specializing in landlord and tenant disputes, particularly concerning issues of willful default in rent payment and compliance with rent control laws.
  • Restoration of Possession: Assisting landlords in the legal process for the restoration of possession of their property from tenants who have been evicted due to willful default.
  • Legal Drafting: Preparing legal documents that clearly outline the responsibilities and obligations of parties to minimize the risk of willful default, including drafting of compliance policies, corporate governance charters, and internal control procedures.
  • Internal Investigations: Conducting internal investigations for clients who suspect willful default within their organization to identify, address, and resolve the issues promptly and effectively.

Overview of the legal framework 

  1. Legal Framework for Fiscal Recovery and Criminal Proceedings: The Financial Institutions Ordinance (FIO), 2001, along with the Code of Civil Procedure (1908) and the Code of Criminal Procedure (1898), provides a comprehensive legal structure for dealing with willful defaults in financial transactions. This framework facilitates fiscal recovery and outlines procedures for initiating criminal proceedings against customers who default willfully.
  2. Role of Banking Courts: Banking courts, as defined under the FIO, 2001, play a pivotal role in the determination and execution of rights related to financial defaults. They possess the authority to handle both civil and criminal aspects of banking-related disputes, ensuring an integrated approach to resolving such issues.
  3. Willful Default as a Specific Offense: Willful default is clearly defined and treated as a specific offense under the FIO, 2001. The ordinance categorizes offenses related to willful default as bailable, cognizable, and compoundable, with stricter punishments compared to other financial offenses.
  4. Involvement of Investigation Agencies: The FIO, 2001 empowers investigation agencies like the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to play a crucial role in criminal proceedings related to willful defaults. These agencies operate under the guidance of the Federal Government and contribute significantly to enforcing the legal provisions against willful defaulters.
  5. Judgments from Apex Courts: The Apex Courts’ judgments provide vital insights and precedents in handling cases of willful default. These decisions underscore the necessity of case-specific approaches and highlight the importance of judicial interpretation in enforcing and understanding the legal provisions of the FIO, 2001.
  6. Significance of Effective Implementation: The effectiveness of the legal framework in managing willful defaults is heavily dependent on the proper implementation and, where necessary, the amendment of existing laws. This ensures that the legal mechanisms remain relevant and robust in addressing the evolving landscape of financial risks.
  7. Impact on Financial Stability: The legal provisions and their enforcement have significant implications for the stability and integrity of the financial sector. Effective management of willful defaults is essential for maintaining trust in financial institutions and ensuring the smooth functioning of the financial system in Pakistan.

In summary, the legal framework in Pakistan, particularly the FIO, 2001, provides a structured approach to managing willful defaults, combining fiscal recovery mechanisms with the enforcement of criminal liabilities. The involvement of banking courts and investigation agencies, along with the interpretive guidance from Apex Courts, forms the backbone of this framework, ensuring the protection of financial institutions and the overall stability of the financial sector.

Wilful Default in the Context of Pakistani Law 

In the context of Pakistani law, wilful default generally refers to a deliberate, intentional, or conscious failure to perform a legal or contractual duty or obligation. It is not merely negligence or an oversight, but a calculated and knowing disregard of one’s obligations. The term “wilful” implies that the default was done with a wrongful intent or without justifiable excuse, rather than inadvertently.

Wilful default can occur in various contexts such as failure to comply with regulatory requirements, failure to repay loans or financial obligations, failure to follow corporate governance norms, or failure to perform any act that a party is legally obligated to do after being aware of such an obligation. It can also encompass acts that are done in bad faith, with reckless disregard for the consequences, or with an actual intention to cause harm or loss to another party.

For example, in corporate and securities law, as evidenced by the cases cited previously, wilful default may involve situations where company directors fail to comply with the statutory requirements of reporting and governance. This may include not maintaining proper accounts, not disclosing material information as required, or not adhering to investment limits set by regulations.

The concept of wilful default is significant because it often triggers certain legal consequences, which may include financial penalties, disqualification from holding certain positions, reputational damage, or even criminal liability depending on the severity of the default and the specific legal provisions under which the default occurs.

In terms of legal proceedings, demonstrating wilful default typically requires evidence that the defaulter was fully aware of their obligations and chose not to fulfil them. This can be established through documents, communications, or behaviour that indicate a conscious decision to ignore the duty in question.

The consequences of wilful default are varied and can be severe, potentially involving both civil and criminal penalties. These consequences are intended to punish the wrongdoer, deter similar conduct, and protect the integrity of legal and financial systems. In summary, wilful default in Pakistani law encompasses a conscious and deliberate failure to fulfil legal or contractual duties, with potential civil and criminal repercussions for the defaulting party.

An Analysis of the Current laws and regulations

The examination of financial risk management, particularly in relation to willful defaults, is critical for financial institutions. This analysis delves into the legal framework provided by the Financial Institutions Ordinance (FIO), 2001, along with relevant judgments from Apex Courts. These legal provisions outline the strategies for the fiscal recovery of suits and the initiation of criminal proceedings against customers who willfully default on financial obligations.

The FIO, 2001, alongside the Code of Civil Procedure (1908-Act, V) and the Code of Criminal Procedure (1898-Act, V), establishes clear guidelines for addressing willful defaults in financial transactions. The FIO, 2001 specifically details the jurisdiction of banking courts in handling such matters. These courts are empowered to determine the rights of parties involved and execute decrees in accordance with Pakistani law. It’s important to note that the implementation and amendment of these laws are pivotal in ensuring their effectiveness.

In cases of willful default, which is defined as a failure to repay finance, loans, or advances obtained intentionally, the FIO, 2001 outlines specific legal consequences. Under Section 20 (6) of the FIO, 2001, offenses related to willful default are categorized as bailable, cognizable, and compoundable, with a notably severe punishment compared to other offenses.

Banking courts, under the FIO, 2001, are granted the authority to appoint technical assistants for cases involving complex banking transactions. These assistants are required to have substantial experience and relevant qualifications in banking or finance. The courts also possess the power to handle both civil and criminal matters related to banking, as stipulated in Section 7 of the FIO.

In recent times, the role of investigation agencies, such as the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), has been emphasized, especially in cases where criminal proceedings are necessary. These agencies operate under the directives of the Federal Government, as stated in Section 20 (7) of the FIO, 2001.

Moreover, the Apex Courts have contributed significantly through their judgments on cases of willful default. These judgments provide a clearer understanding of how banking courts and investigation agencies should navigate cases involving willful default in financial transactions. The courts’ decisions underscore the importance of analyzing each case based on its specific facts and circumstances.

In conclusion, the FIO, 2001, and the relevant legal frameworks play a crucial role in safeguarding the interests of financial institutions against willful defaults. The banking courts, supported by investigation agencies, are key in ensuring that financial obligations are met and that willful defaults are appropriately addressed. This legal structure not only aids in fiscal recovery but also in maintaining the integrity and stability of the financial sector in Pakistan.

Review of case law 

  1. The consequences of willful default can be severe and multifaceted, affecting both civil and criminal aspects of law. In civil cases, it can lead to the termination of contracts, eviction, financial penalties, and enforcement actions. In criminal cases, it may result in investigations by federal agencies, charges of fraud or theft, and potential imprisonment if found guilty.These issues are evident in various kinds of cases, including but not limited to financial recovery by institutions, landlord and tenant disputes, and corporate governance. The citations provided span a range of scenarios where willful default is a central issue, demonstrating the application of both civil and criminal provisions.In the 2022 CLD 128 Quetta-High-Court-Balochistan, the court allowed the petition due to the premature nature of the criminal proceedings before the determination of liability under civil law. This illustrates that for a willful default to be recognised in a criminal proceeding, there often needs to be a prior adjudication of default under civil law.
  2. The case of 2022 MLD 961 Quetta-High-Court-Balochistan highlights the use of willful default in landlord-tenant disputes, where the court accepted the appeal of the landlord based on the unrebutted documentary evidence of ownership and the failure of the tenant to disprove the claim.
  3. In the citation 2022 CLC 1354, the principle of res judicata was discussed in the context of willful default in eviction proceedings, demonstrating that private settlements or past compromises do not permanently preclude a landlord from evicting a tenant for personal use.
  4. Regarding the criminal aspect, in the 2022 CLD 1042 Karachi-High-Court-Sindh, the High Court set aside the trial court’s order acquitting the accused of willful default, emphasizing the necessity of providing both parties with the opportunity to present evidence.
  5. Additionally, the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code and the Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance come into interplay, as seen in cases like the 2022 PLD 97 Quetta-High-Court-Balochistan, where the Rent Controller allowed eviction based on the willful default of the tenant in paying rent, and the landlord’s bona fide need was established.
  6. The 2022 MLD 471 Lahore-High-Court-Lahore case deals with the procedural aspects of documentary evidence in willful default cases, underscoring the importance of timely objections to the admissibility of evidence.
  7. In the 2022 MLD 1951 Karachi-High-Court-Sindh, it was determined that the matter of willful default had not been adjudicated by a judicial forum, thereby allowing the petitioners to have their nomination papers accepted by the Cantonment Board, signifying the importance of proper adjudication before classifying an act as willful default.
  8. In the case of “Misbah Ud Din Zaigham v. Federal Investigation Agency” (2021 CLD 906 Lahore High Court Lahore), the court held that the offence of wilful default could only arise once the proceedings before the Court of original jurisdiction and also before the Appellate Court had concluded. This judgment underscores the fundamental right of appeal and the principle that a person’s civil liability should be determined conclusively before invoking criminal consequences for wilful default.
  9. Similarly, “Aameer Mustaaly Karachiwala v. Deputy Commissioner Inland Revenue” (2021 PTD 335 Karachi High Court Sindh) delineates the contours of wilful default within the ambit of tax law, suggesting that non-filing due to the absence of a prescribed form does not automatically amount to wilful default without establishing mens rea or a deliberate intent.
  10. In the case of “Muhammad Arshad Latif v. State” (2021 CLD 1252 Karachi High Court Sindh), the court upheld a conviction for wilful default in loan repayment, emphasizing the accused’s failure to communicate changes in their address and to respond to notices as indicative of their wilful intent to evade repayment.
  11. The case of “Muhammad Haseeb Fatani v. Federation of Pakistan” (2021 CLC 1222 Karachi High Court Sindh) deals with the consequences of wilful default, wherein the petitioner, declared a wilful defaulter and a proclaimed offender, was denied relief from the Exit Control List, illustrating how wilful default can impact a defaulter’s legal rights and privileges.
  12. In “Mian Waqar Akhtar Paganwala v. State” (2021 PCrLJ 1200 Karachi High Court Sindh), the court dismissed an appeal against a conviction for wilful default, holding that the trial court’s judgment was in accordance with the law and the prosecution had proved its case beyond reasonable doubt.
  13. In “Junaid Asad Khan v. State” (2021 PLD 152 Karachi High Court Sindh) clarifies that while a reference by the Governor State Bank of Pakistan may indicate a case of wilful default, it is ultimately the National Accountability Bureau’s responsibility to inquire and investigate to determine if a wilful default has indeed been committed.
  14. Courts have been willing to recognise an act as wilful default in cases where there is a clear indication that the default was intentional and deliberate, particularly when the borrower uses funds for purposes other than those for which they were borrowed, or when there is a mismanagement of the borrowed funds leading to a business collapse. This is evident from the case of Junaid Asad Khan v. State (2021 PLD 152 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH), which distinguished between “simple default” and “wilful default”, with the latter having more serious implications and being within the ambit of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) under the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999.
  15. To prove wilful default successfully, one must demonstrate that the defaulter had no intention of repaying the borrowed funds and that there was a misuse of the funds, poor investment, or mismanagement of the business, as illustrated in the same citation (2021 PLD 152). Documentary and oral evidence, consistency and reliability of witness testimonies, and failure of the accused to provide plausible reasons for non-repayment can substantiate claims of wilful default.
  16. For instance, in Mir Aziz Ullah Khan v. Muhammad Sabir (2020 YLR 1741 KARACHI-HIGH-COURT-SINDH), the tenant’s wilful and deliberate default in payment of rent and his failure to contest the case on merit led to his eviction.
  17. In the context of taxation, Fumicon Services (Pvt.) Ltd. v. Assistant Commissioner, SRB, Karachi (2020 PTD 1980) demonstrated that mere non-compliance without wilfulness, mala fides, or mens rea does not entail penalties.
  18. The Securities and Exchange Commission cases (2019 CLD 721 and 2019 CLD 375) emphasise the need for evidence of malice or intention to commit wilful default, which must be established beyond mere non-compliance or multiple ratings.
  19. In the cases cited, such as 2019 CLCN 30 Lahore-High-Court-Lahore, the courts assessed the evidence to determine whether there was a tenancy agreement and if the tenants could demonstrate a lack of wilful default. Similarly, in 2019 CLCN 27 Lahore-High-Court-Lahore, the court examined the regularity of rent payment under an oral tenancy agreement and upheld the Rent Tribunal’s decision based on the evidence of payment (or lack thereof).
  20. In eviction petitions based on wilful default, the courts have emphasised the need for landlords to prove their claim to the property and establish the tenant’s wilful failure to pay rent, as seen in 2019 YLR 1126 Karachi-High-Court-Sindh. The courts also consider personal bona fide needs for eviction as a ground, provided the landlord can demonstrate such need convincingly, as in 2019 MLD 1625 Karachi-High-Court-Sindh.
  21. When it comes to telecommunications, such as in 2019 MLD 1053 Karachi-High-Court-Sindh, the courts have addressed issues of wilful default in payment by looking into the petitioner’s conduct and the validity of recovery notices.
  22. Regarding the interplay between criminal and civil provisions, the National Accountability Ordinance and the Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance highlight the legislative intent and jurisdictional nuances in cases of wilful default, with different implications for the accused in terms of the severity of the sentence and the scope of the law, as discussed in 2019 MLD 127 Karachi-High-Court-Sindh.
  23. Service of notice is also a pivotal aspect in establishing wilful default in tenancy matters. The courts have outlined the standards for due service and the shifting burden of proof in such scenarios, demonstrated by 2019 CLC 657 Karachi-High-Court-Sindh.
  24. In eviction petitions, courts have been willing to recognise an act as wilful default typically when a tenant fails to pay rent deliberately. For example, in the case of Amir v. Nasir Ahmed (2019 CLC 85 Karachi-High-Court-Sindh), the court held that the mere denial of a landlord-tenant relationship and the pendency of a civil suit did not negate the Rent Controller’s jurisdiction over an eviction petition due to wilful default in rent payment. The tenant’s failure to pay rent while claiming to have purchased the premises was considered a wilful default.
  25. Wilful default touches upon various provisions of law and civil procedure. For instance, in tenancy cases, sections of local rent control ordinances are often cited, as seen in the cases of Muhammad Farooque Aqeel Akber v. Javed Ahmed (2019 CLCN 9 Karachi-High-Court-Sindh) where the existence of a landlord-tenant relationship was pivotal.
  26. In regulatory matters, such as those involving the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, wilful default might arise under specific rules that govern the conduct of companies and their officers, as demonstrated in HG Markets (Pvt.) Limited v. Muhammad Asif Jalal Bhatti (2018 CLD 1362 Securities-and-Exchange-Commission-of-Pakistan).
  27. In the case of Kabir Ahmad versus The Additional District Judge, Lahore (2018 CLC 161), the Lahore High Court addressed the issue of willful default in the context of an ejectment petition due to non-payment of rent. The Court found that the tenant had not paid rent in accordance with the agreement terms, as required under Section 7 of the Punjab Rented Premises Act, 2009. The tenant’s argument for adjusting the security amount towards the rent was invalidated because the agreement did not provide for such an adjustment. This case illustrates that for a willful default to be recognized, adherence to the explicit terms of the contract is paramount.
  28. In the domain of taxation, the Karachi High Court in Commissioner Inland Revenue, WHT, Zone, RTO-II, Karachi versus Tianshi International Pakistan Co. Pvt. Ltd., Karachi (2018 PTD 900), discussed willful default in the context of default surcharge under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. The Court maintained the Appellate Tribunal’s decision, which did not suffer from legal infirmity and depicted the correct legal position on willful default.
  29. The matter of jurisdiction and applicability of laws concerning willful default was elaborately discussed in Intikhab A. Syed versus Chairman, NAB (2018 CLD 1505). The Court clarified the significant differences between the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999, and the Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance, 2001, as amended. It highlighted that cases of willful default are to proceed under the ordinance that is most relevant to the context of the financial institution or the accused.
  30. In cases concerning eviction, such as Muhammad Taqi Khan versus Darululoom Qadria Rizvia Trust (2018 YLR 1664), the Court found that the tenant’s default was willful and upheld the landlord’s bona fide need for possession. The Court emphasized the consistency of the landlord’s evidence and the tenant’s admission of default.
  31. The consequences of willful default vary depending on the context. In tenancy matters, it can lead to eviction. In financial matters, it may result in penalties, surcharges, and even criminal proceedings. The courts also consider the personal bona fide needs of the complainant, as seen in Nayab Ali versus Mst. Hameeda Bano (2018 MLD 1649).
  32. In the case of Akhlauque Ahmed Sohail v. Muhammad Yahya (2018 CLC 523 Karachi High Court Sindh), the court noted that the tenant’s approach to court appeared to be with the intention of dragging on the matter on irrelevant grounds. Such conduct was deemed akin to wilful default, particularly in light of procedural abuses.
  33. Similarly, in Anthoney Joseph (Late) v. Miss Rubina (2018 CLCN 121 Karachi High Court Sindh), the court observed the tenant’s indolence and deliberate avoidance of contesting the matter, which again amounted to wilful default in the context of eviction proceedings.
  34. For example, in Sui Southern Gas Company Ltd., Karachi v. Commissioner Inland Revenue, Zone-III, Karachi (2018 PTD 1522), the appellate tribunal found no mens rea or wilful default could be established by the department, leading to the deletion of the penalty. This underscores the necessity of establishing intent for a finding of wilful default.
  35. For example, in Sajid Bashir Weaving Factory, Gojra v. C.I.R. (Appeals), R.T.O., Faisalabad (2018 PTD 905), the tribunal concluded that the taxpayer’s late filing of sales tax returns was due to financial hardship and not wilful default, thereby preventing the imposition of penalties.
  36. In Ali Aslam Malik, Chief Executive v. Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (2017 CLD 1395), the meaning of ‘wilful default’ is elaborated upon, indicating that even in the absence of mens rea, failure to exercise due care and skill required by directors of a company could lead to penalties under corporate laws.
  37. In the case of ANS Capital (Pvt.) Limited v. Director (SMD), Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (2017 CLD 686), the court held that the delay in filing the required forms was not wilful since there were no transactions made that would necessitate the urgency of such filings. The court stressed the importance of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan maintaining consistency in its decisions, as per S.20(6)(c) of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan Act, 1997. This case illustrates that wilful default requires an element of deliberateness that was absent in this instance.
  38. To prove wilful default successfully, it is necessary to establish the intentional nature of the non-compliance. As seen in Credit Insurance Company Limited v. The Director (Insurance Division) Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (2017 CLD 517), the court inferred wilfulness from the company’s failure to submit its audited annual accounts and regulatory returns after an extended period, despite having a history of non-compliance. The court noted that when statutory requirements are violated, there is no need to establish bad faith or mens rea to prove non-compliance.
  39. The consequences of wilful default can range from monetary fines to more severe legal repercussions, including eviction, disqualification from holding certain positions, and criminal charges. For instance, in the case involving Lutfullah v. Shahid Inayat (2017 YLR 1622), the Rent Controller’s failure to serve a show-cause notice and conduct a proper inquiry before eviction due to wilful default on rent led to the proceedings being declared void ab initio.
  40. Wilful default is not restricted to civil matters but also extends to criminal proceedings. For example, in Alamdar Hussain v. National Accountability Bureau (2017 CLD 1101), it was argued that the National Accountability Bureau did not have authority over matters of wilful default that were covered by the Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance, 2001, indicating an overlap between civil and criminal jurisdictions in cases of wilful default.
  41. 2017 YLR 1511: In this case, the court concluded that a tenant’s failure to pay rent due to a dispute over property ownership was not a valid excuse. The tenant should have deposited the rent in court during such a dispute. The act of not depositing rent for twelve years was seen as wilful default.
  42. 2017 MLD 200: Here, failure to pay the agreed amount under a Voluntary Return agreement with the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) was not considered wilful default under the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999. The remedy for NAB lay in invoking specific provisions for recovery.
  43. 2017 YLRN 361: The court found that the tenant’s failure to pay rent monthly and instead depositing a lump sum in court was a wilful default, as it went against the agreed mode of payment.
  44. 2017 YLRN 211: The court held that a tenant cannot deny the title of the landlord to resist ejectment proceedings on the ground of an executed sale agreement, especially when the tenant admitted to being a tenant under a previous agreement.
  45. 2017 YLRN 138: The court affirmed the decision of a Rent Controller to strike off a tenant’s defence and accept an eviction petition due to the tenant’s failure to comply with an order to deposit rent arrears.
  46. 2017 PCrLJN 150: This case emphasized that the NAB should not be used as a debt collection agency for minor defaults and that wilful default under the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 is intended for large-scale bank loan defaults.
  47. 2017 CLCN 197: In this case, the court dismissed a constitutional petition regarding an ejectment proceeding, highlighting that wilful default of payment of rent and other charges was a valid ground for eviction.
  48. 2017 PTD 2280 & 2017 PTD 867: These cases from the Inland Revenue Appellate Tribunal of Pakistan discuss the levy of sales tax, default surcharge, and penalties for short payment or non-payment of tax, emphasizing the need to establish mens rea or wilful intent for the application of such charges.
  49. In the case of KAMAL LIMITED v. C.I.R.(A), Faisalabad (2017 PTD 113), the tribunal found that without establishing that the taxpayer acted deliberately or dishonestly, the imposition of a penalty and default charges was deemed illegal and harsh.
  50. In DV COM DATA v. PAKISTAN TELECOMMUNICATION AUTHORITY (2017 PLD 177), the court determined that the late payment fee was not a penalty but rather compensation, and the imposition of such did not require the default to be willful.
  51. In the context of corporate governance, MUHAMMAD SOHAIL TABBA v. DIRECTOR ENFORCEMENT, SECP (2016 CLD 1697) demonstrates the imposition of penalties for wilful default when a company failed to adhere to investment resolutions and required disclosures.
  52. The Supreme Court of Pakistan in The STATE v. MUHAMMAD ASIF SAIGOL (2016 PLD 620) clarified the definition of ‘wilful default’ and indicated that mere inability to pay did not constitute ‘wilful default’. It was necessary for the prosecution to prove that there was a deliberate refusal to pay.
  53. 2016 MLD 86 Karachi-High-Court-Sindh: In this case, the tenant’s failure to comply with the payment order under Section 16(1) of the Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance, 1979, resulted in a wilful default. The courts recognised that no further evidence was needed at the time of passing the tentative rent order, emphasising that compliance with such orders is mandatory.
  54. 2016 YLRN 1 Karachi-High-Court-Sindh: The appellate court corrected its stance by acknowledging that waiver of a right cannot be assumed from mere silence. The landlord’s clear intent to reconstruct and the tenant’s admission of rent due reinforced the view of wilful default for non-payment
  55. 2016 CLC 474 Islamabad: Here, the tenant’s non-payment of rent was considered wilful default, regardless of the landlord’s title document’s status. The court held that a defect in the title does not absolve the tenant of their obligation to pay rent.
  56. 2015 SCMR 742 Supreme-Court-Of-UK: This case from the UK Supreme Court presents an interesting perspective where an employer’s contractual discretion in determining the cause of an employee’s death was scrutinised. The case illustrates the principle that such decisions must be based on reasonable grounds and that a contractual fact-finding function must align with the implied obligation of trust and confidence within an employment contract.
  57. 2015 MLD 1342 Peshawar-High-Court: The Peshawar High Court ruled that even a delay of a single day in depositing rent as per the tentative rent order could constitute wilful default under Section 17(9) of the Cantonments Rent Restriction Act, 1963.
  58. 2015 CLC 1247 Peshawar-High-Court: Wilful default in the context of eviction was found when the tenant failed to pay rent despite having no rent agreement and the landlord needing the premises in good faith.
  59. 2015 CLD 1274 Lahore-High-Court-Lahore: The Lahore High Court addressed wilful default in the context of a financial facility. A novation of contract, where the original contract is replaced with a new one, was found to extinguish any previous defaults, whether wilful or not.
  60. 2015 PLD 375 Lahore-High-Court-Lahore: The non-production of evidence by a plaintiff despite multiple opportunities was held to be a wilful default, with the court invoking its power to strike off the right to produce evidence.
  61. 2015 YLR 1179 Lahore-High-Court-Lahore: Depositing rent in the name of a deceased owner, despite knowing of the death, was considered a wilful and contumacious default, warranting eviction.
  62. 2015 PCrLJ 1240 (Lahore-High-Court-Lahore) involved a constitutional petition where the court acknowledged that the novation of a contract, which replaces the original obligations with new ones, could extinguish any alleged willful default under the original agreement.
  63. 2015 CLD 918 (Karachi-High-Court-Sindh) demonstrated the refusal of bail to a petitioner who willfully defaulted on a significant financial obligation, highlighting the court’s inclination to view willful default as a serious matter with substantial legal consequences.
  64. 2015 YLR 647 (Karachi-High-Court-Sindh) addressed a tenant’s willful default in paying rent, emphasizing that established relationships such as landlord-tenant carry inherent obligations that, when willfully ignored, can lead to legal action.
  65. 2015 PCrLJ 1311 (Karachi-High-Court-Sindh) involved a criminal breach of trust, where the court held that failing to perform legally obligated actions can amount to willful default with criminal implications.
  66. 2015 PCrLJ 729 (Karachi-High-Court-Sindh) discussed the concept of willful default in the context of banking and financial institutions, indicating the court’s position that criminal proceedings should be stayed pending the outcome of civil litigation to determine liability.


  • These cases show that willful default can be a factor in a wide variety of legal issues, including contractual disputes, property law, financial regulations, and criminal law. Relevant provisions of laws may include sections of the Contract Act, the Companies Ordinance, the Constitution of Pakistan, the National Accountability Ordinance, and the Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance, among others.
  • In the context of civil procedure, the recognition of willful default can impact the enforcement of judgments, the grant or denial of bail, and the potential for the quashing of legal proceedings. In criminal law, willful default can lead to charges such as fraud or criminal breach of trust.
  • The interplay of these various legal provisions demonstrates the necessity for a comprehensive approach to legal strategy when addressing allegations of willful default. Careful legal analysis and presentation of evidence are essential to both proving and defending against such allegations. It is also critical to understand the procedural nuances of each legal system and how they can affect the outcome of cases involving willful default.
  • The recognition of an act as “willful default” by the courts typically involves a demonstration that the defaulting party has intentionally failed to perform an obligation, despite being aware of it and having the capacity to fulfill it. The threshold for proving willful default is intentionally high, as it carries significant consequences.
  • To successfully prove willful default, it is necessary to establish that the default was not due to inadvertence, mistake, or a misunderstanding, but was a conscious and deliberate act or omission, in spite of the party’s knowledge of the obligations and the potential repercussions of non-compliance. Demonstrative evidence, such as correspondence indicating the defaulting party’s awareness of their obligations, records of consistent non-compliance, and any refusal to correct the issues when given the opportunity, can be powerful indicators of willful default.
  • The consequences of willful default can be severe, including financial penalties, revocation of licenses, damage to reputation, and in some cases, criminal charges if the default breaches statutory duties. Additionally, directors and officers who are found to have willfully defaulted may face personal liabilities.
  • Willful default often appears in cases related to corporate governance, financial reporting, and compliance with regulatory frameworks. For instance, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) often deals with such issues, as evidenced by the provided citations.
  • In the case of the Asian Mutual Insurance Company (Guarantee) Limited (2014 CLD 791), the company failed to comply with regulatory requirements relating to the recording and reporting of investment properties. The SECP inferred that the default was committed knowingly and willfully, imposing a fine and requiring corrective actions.
  • Similarly, the Asian Stock Fund Limited (2014 CLD 570) faced penalties for willfully exceeding exposure limits in violation of financial regulations, despite repeated advisories from the Commission.
  • Cases of willful default can also implicate various provisions of the civil procedure code, such as those concerning the duties and responsibilities of auditors, as in the case of Asral-ul-Majeed Khan (2014 CLD 330), where the auditor’s failure to comply with statutory requirements was deemed willful.
  • In criminal law, willful default can lead to more severe consequences, especially when the default results in fraudulent activities or breaches of trust, as was the case in Dawood Capital Management Limited (2014 CLD 203), where wilful authorization of privileged information and provision of forged documents led to the cancellation of licenses and substantial fines.
  • In terms of specific laws and provisions, willful default can trigger actions under various sections of the Companies Ordinance, the Securities and Exchange Commission Act, and the regulations made thereunder. For instance, sections dealing with the submission of financial statements and compliance with fiduciary duties are often invoked.
  • The Rent Controller cases (2014 GBLR 86, 2014 MLD 397, and 2014 CLC 1463) illustrate the application of willful default in landlord-tenant disputes, where tenants can be evicted for willfully failing to pay rent, even in the absence of a formal legal agreement to that effect.
  • In drafting documents or preparing for litigation, it is crucial to understand the specific legal framework and obligations imposed on the parties involved, as well as the evidentiary standards required to prove or defend against allegations of willful default. It requires a strategic approach to gather evidence, analyze the applicable laws, and articulate a compelling narrative to demonstrate the presence or absence of a willful default.
  • The recognition of an act as “willful default” is a critical determination in a variety of legal contexts, from contractual disputes to criminal allegations of fraud and breach of trust. The term “willful default” generally refers to a deliberate failure to perform a duty or fulfill an obligation, particularly when such a failure results from a conscious and intentional decision, rather than from accident or other innocent cause.
  • To successfully prove willful default, the accuser must typically establish that the defaulter had knowledge of the obligation, had the ability to comply with the obligation, and made a conscious choice not to do so. This requires a thorough examination of the defaulter’s conduct and state of mind, often through the presentation of evidence showing intentional actions or inactions that led to the default.
  • The consequences of willful default can be severe, including but not limited to damages in a civil lawsuit, termination of a contract, forfeiture of assets, and in some cases, criminal penalties. The specific consequences will depend on the context of the default and the governing legal framework.

Connecting Provisions and Interplay with Other Laws

Wilful default in tenancy matters often involves provisions of the local Rent Restriction Acts, as seen in the cases above. In civil procedure, orders related to the production of evidence and eviction proceedings can intersect with wilful default. Additionally, criminal provisions related to fraud or intentional breach of contract may also come into play if the default is part of a broader scheme of misconduct.


  • A clear, intentional breach of obligation constitutes wilful default.
  • Compliance with court or statutory orders is paramount in avoiding wilful default.
  • Wilful default has severe consequences, including eviction and financial liabilities.
  • Evidence of intent and capacity to perform is crucial in proving wilful default.
  • Legal provisions related to tenancy, civil procedure, and even criminal law can intersect in cases of wilful default.
  • Willful default is recognised by courts when there is evidence of intentional non-compliance or dishonesty.
  • Proving willful default requires evidence of intent, which can be inferred from conduct.
  • The consequences of willful default are severe and can extend beyond civil penalties to include criminal liability.
  • A variety of legal provisions may be relevant in cases of willful default, including tax laws, corporate regulations, and criminal statutes.

The above analysis underscores the need for parties to remain vigilant in their obligations and for legal practitioners to thoroughly understand

Understanding Wilful Default

Willful default appears in various cases, including commercial disputes, contractual breaches, insolvency proceedings, and regulatory compliance matters. It interacts with numerous provisions of laws, such as the Sales Tax Act, Companies Ordinance, Telecommunication Regulations, and the National Accountability Ordinance.

The concept of wilful default has been explored and defined across various legal jurisdictions, including Pakistan. It refers to a situation where a party intentionally fails to fulfil its obligations, despite being aware of them and having the capacity to perform. In contractual and leasing matters, particularly concerning tenancy and payment of rent, courts have been stringent in defining what constitutes a wilful default.

Proving Wilful Default

Proving wilful default involves demonstrating that the defaulting party had a clear understanding of their obligations and intentionally chose not to meet them. Evidence such as written correspondence, financial records, and behaviour patterns that show a conscious decision to ignore the obligations could be critical. In the case of tenancy, non-payment of rent after a clear demand and in the absence of any justifiable excuse is often considered wilful default.

Consequences of Wilful Default

In criminal matters, the consequences of willful default can be severe, including imprisonment and fines, as seen in the different treatment under the National Accountability Ordinance and the Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance. The principle of statutory interpretation also plays a role in determining which law applies, especially when there are amendments or conflicts between statutes.

In conclusion, the recognition of willful default in Pakistani jurisprudence requires clear evidence of an intentional failure to fulfill an obligation when able to do so. The implications can span civil penalties to criminal consequences, and the approach to proving such a default must be meticulous, considering the specific provisions of the relevant laws. It is crucial for legal practitioners to closely examine the terms of agreements, statutory duties, and the factual matrix of each case to address willful default effectivel

The consequences are severe and can include eviction, forfeiture of a tenancy, financial penalties, and in some cases, criminal liability. The burden is on the aggrieved party to establish the intentional nature of the default, and courts will scrutinise the evidence presented to ensure that the default was indeed wilful.

The recognition of an act as wilful default in legal terms refers to an intentional failure to perform an action that is required by law, such as the payment of debt or the fulfilment of a contractual obligation. Courts are generally willing to recognise an act as wilful default when there is clear evidence that the default was intentional or reckless, without legal justification or excuse, and not due to inadvertence, honest misunderstanding, or an inability to pay.

To prove wilful default successfully, one must typically demonstrate that the defaulter had knowledge of the obligation and the means to fulfil it but chose not to. It requires establishing that the act was deliberate or that there was a conscious decision not to comply with the obligation. Documentary evidence such as communication records, financial statements, and the defaulter’s past conduct can be vital in proving wilful default.

The consequences of wilful default can vary depending on the context but often include legal penalties, such as the payment of damages or specific performance, and in some cases, criminal charges. Additionally, it can lead to the loss of credibility, reputational damage, and the potential for punitive actions by regulatory bodies.

Wilful default appears in various cases, especially in financial matters such as loan agreements, tenancy matters where rent payments are intentionally withheld, or failure to comply with court orders. In the context of civil procedure, the relevant provisions may include those related to the enforcement of judgments, such as orders for attachment and sale of property, orders for the payment of money, and contempt of court proceedings. Wilful default may also intersect with criminal law provisions where the default amounts to an act of fraud or misappropriation.

By The Josh and Mak Team

Josh and Mak International is a distinguished law firm with a rich legacy that sets us apart in the legal profession. With years of experience and expertise, we have earned a reputation as a trusted and reputable name in the field. Our firm is built on the pillars of professionalism, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to providing excellent legal services. We have a profound understanding of the law and its complexities, enabling us to deliver tailored legal solutions to meet the unique needs of each client. As a virtual law firm, we offer affordable, high-quality legal advice delivered with the same dedication and work ethic as traditional firms. Choose Josh and Mak International as your legal partner and gain an unfair strategic advantage over your competitors.

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