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At Josh and Mak International, we provide comprehensive legal guidance on regulatory frameworks within the energy sector. This article offers a detailed overview of the “Natural Gas Regulated Third Party Access (TPA) Rules, 2012,” issued by the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) of Pakistan. These rules are designed to regulate third-party access to natural gas transmission and distribution networks, ensuring fair and non-discriminatory access to the gas pipeline infrastructure.

Scope and Applicability

The Natural Gas Regulated Third Party Access (TPA) Rules, 2012 apply to all entities operating natural gas transmission and distribution networks as common carriers. These rules are applicable beyond the exclusivity period of marketing within the authorized area by the Authority, ensuring that all parties have equitable access to the gas pipeline transportation system.

Key Provisions of the Rules

1. Short Title, Commencement, Extent, and Applicability

  • These rules are cited as the “OGRA Natural Gas (Regulated Third Party Access) Rules, 2012.”
  • They come into force immediately upon publication.
  • The rules extend to the whole of Pakistan and apply to entities operating natural gas pipelines as common carriers, both in transmission and distribution networks.

2. Definitions

  • The rules provide definitions for key terms such as access arrangement, available capacity, base conditions, capacity allocation, common carrier, connected system, and many others. These definitions ensure clarity and consistency in the application of the rules.

3. Scope of Services

  • The transportation service involves taking delivery of gas from the shipper at one or more entry points along the pipeline and delivering an equivalent quantity of gas at one or more exit points, subject to adjustments for System Use Gas (SUG), Transportation Loss (TL), and Line Pack (LP).
  • Shippers have access to the gas pipeline system for each singular natural gas consumer or RLNG end buyer. Access to the distribution system is allowed when it is opened for competition beyond the exclusivity period granted under the Natural Gas Regulatory Authority (Licensing) Rules 2002.

4. Facilities on Gas Pipeline Transportation System

  • Shippers or connected system operators are responsible for delivering gas at the entry point and providing all necessary facilities, including measurement equipment. The title of the gas remains with the shipper or connected system operator until it reaches the exit point.
  • Tie-in of facilities to the transporter’s gas entry point is executed by the transporter and is part of the transporter’s tariff computation.
  • Shippers are responsible for owning, operating, and maintaining facilities upstream of the transporter’s onshore entry point at their own cost and risk.

5. Access Arrangements

  • Access arrangements are agreements between the transporter and shipper, or between the transporter and connected system operator, approved by the Authority. These arrangements outline the terms and conditions for the use of the gas pipeline system, including capacity allocation, transportation tariffs, and service commitments.

6. Capacity Allocation and Management

  • Capacity allocation refers to the maximum daily quantity of gas that can be delivered at specific entry and exit points as per the access arrangement. The rules define procedures for managing available capacity, contracted capacity, and handling positive and negative imbalances.
  • Shippers are allowed a certain tolerance limit for imbalances, with charges applicable for any imbalances beyond this limit.

7. Transportation Tariffs and Losses

  • Transportation tariffs are charges payable by the shipper to the transporter for transporting gas, including fixed charges under the access arrangement. These tariffs are approved by the Authority.
  • Transportation losses, including measurement uncertainties and operational releases, are accounted for based on historical data or agreed terms in the access arrangement.

8. Dispute Resolution

  • The rules provide mechanisms for resolving disputes between parties to the access arrangement. Disputes are resolved through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration, as specified in the access arrangement.

9. System Integrity and Use

  • The rules emphasize maintaining system integrity by ensuring that gas quality and pressure remain within specified limits. System Use Gas (SUG) is the quantity of gas used by the transporter for operating and maintaining the pipeline system.

10. Technical Standards and Compliance

  • All facilities and operations must comply with relevant technical standards and regulatory requirements. The rules mandate regular inspections, maintenance, and reporting to ensure compliance and operational safety.

Legal and Operational Implications


  • Adherence to these rules is mandatory. Non-compliance can result in legal and financial consequences, including fines, suspension of access rights, and increased liability.

Fair Access

  • The rules ensure fair and non-discriminatory access to the gas pipeline transportation system, promoting competition and efficiency in the natural gas market.

Transparency and Accountability

  • Detailed record-keeping and reporting requirements promote transparency and accountability within the industry. This facilitates regulatory compliance and enables quick identification and rectification of any issues.

Efficiency and Reliability

  • Implementing these rules ensures the efficient and reliable operation of the gas pipeline system, reducing the risk of failures and enhancing overall service quality.

Dispute Resolution

  • The provision for dispute resolution mechanisms ensures that conflicts between parties are resolved promptly and fairly, maintaining the stability and integrity of the gas market.

Critical Analysis of the Natural Gas Regulated Third Party Access (TPA) Rules, 2012

While the Natural Gas Regulated Third Party Access (TPA) Rules, 2012, aim to provide a comprehensive framework for regulating third-party access to natural gas transmission and distribution networks, several areas require critical examination. This analysis highlights potential deficiencies and areas for improvement in these rules.

Identified Deficiencies

1. Complexity and Implementation Challenges The rules are highly detailed and technical, which can present significant implementation challenges for smaller companies or new market entrants. The complexity of the regulations may require extensive legal and technical expertise, potentially limiting broader participation and competition in the market.

2. Ambiguity in Definitions and Provisions While the rules provide definitions for key terms, some areas remain ambiguous or lack specificity. For example:

  • The term “System Use Gas (SUG)” is defined, but the exact methodology for calculating SUG is not clearly outlined. This can lead to disputes and inconsistencies in its application.
  • The rules mention “historical data” for determining transportation losses but do not specify the criteria or period for collecting such data, leading to potential discrepancies.

3. Capacity Allocation and Management The capacity allocation process, while comprehensive, may not be stringent enough to prevent capacity hoarding or anti-competitive practices. The rules allow for a certain level of imbalances with charges for excess, but they do not specify robust measures to deter or penalize intentional capacity hoarding by larger players.

4. Transportation Tariffs The rules mandate that transportation tariffs be approved by the Authority, but the process for setting and adjusting these tariffs lacks transparency. There is insufficient detail on how tariffs are calculated and the factors considered, which could lead to arbitrary or unfair pricing.

5. Dispute Resolution Mechanisms While the rules provide for dispute resolution through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration, the mechanisms may not be accessible or affordable for all parties, particularly smaller shippers. The rules do not specify timelines for dispute resolution, which could result in prolonged conflicts and operational disruptions.

6. Technical Standards and Compliance The rules mandate compliance with technical standards, but they do not provide detailed guidelines on the specific standards to be followed. This can lead to inconsistencies in implementation and difficulties in regulatory enforcement. Clearer and more detailed technical guidelines would enhance compliance and operational safety.

7. System Integrity and Use The emphasis on maintaining system integrity is commendable, but the rules do not sufficiently address procedures for handling emergencies or unexpected failures. Including detailed emergency response protocols and contingency plans would ensure better preparedness and resilience.

8. Limited Scope for Innovation The rules are prescriptive and may not fully accommodate technological advancements or innovative practices in the natural gas sector. Encouraging the adoption of new technologies and allowing for more flexible arrangements could enhance efficiency and competitiveness.

9. Lack of Provisions for Environmental Impact The rules do not adequately address the environmental impact of natural gas transportation. Including provisions for monitoring and mitigating environmental impacts, such as emissions and leaks, would align the rules with international best practices and enhance sustainability.

10. Insufficient Stakeholder Engagement The process for reviewing and updating the rules does not explicitly include mechanisms for stakeholder engagement. Regular consultations with industry stakeholders, including shippers, transporters, and consumers, would ensure that the rules remain relevant and effective.


While the Natural Gas Regulated Third Party Access (TPA) Rules, 2012, provide a necessary framework for regulating third-party access to Pakistan’s natural gas pipeline transportation system, addressing the identified deficiencies could enhance their effectiveness and practicality. Simplifying the implementation process, clarifying definitions, increasing transparency in tariff setting, strengthening dispute resolution mechanisms, providing detailed technical guidelines, and incorporating provisions for environmental impact and stakeholder engagement would contribute to a more robust and efficient regulatory environment. At Josh and Mak International, we are committed to helping our clients navigate these complexities and advocate for continuous improvements in the legal framework. For detailed advice and support, please contact our expert team.

By The Josh and Mak Team

Josh and Mak International is a distinguished law firm with a rich legacy that sets us apart in the legal profession. With years of experience and expertise, we have earned a reputation as a trusted and reputable name in the field. Our firm is built on the pillars of professionalism, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to providing excellent legal services. We have a profound understanding of the law and its complexities, enabling us to deliver tailored legal solutions to meet the unique needs of each client. As a virtual law firm, we offer affordable, high-quality legal advice delivered with the same dedication and work ethic as traditional firms. Choose Josh and Mak International as your legal partner and gain an unfair strategic advantage over your competitors.

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