Going through the complexities of financial instruments is crucial for individuals and businesses alike. Among these instruments, blank cheques hold a unique position due to their convenience and the inherent risks involved. In Pakistan, the legal framework surrounding blank cheques is both intricate and dynamic, shaped significantly by landmark court rulings and legal interpretations. This client information article aims to delve into the nuances of this framework, providing insights and guidance on the use, risks, and legal implications of blank cheques in Pakistan.

Through a comprehensive analysis of key Pakistani court cases, we will explore how the legal system approaches issues related to blank cheques, including fraud, criminal liability, procedural complexities, and the presumption of liability. Our objective is to equip you with a clear understanding of your rights, responsibilities, and the precautions necessary when dealing with blank cheques. Whether you are a business owner, financial professional, or an individual navigating financial transactions, this article serves as an essential resource to understand the legalities and practical aspects of blank cheque usage in Pakistan’s legal context.

Blank Cheques and Legal Implications: Insights from Pakistani Case Law
The issuance of blank cheques has been a focal point in various legal disputes in Pakistan. These cases provide a rich tapestry of legal interpretations and applications surrounding blank cheques. Let’s explore these cases to understand the complexities and legal frameworks involved.

Messrs Ghulam Hussain & Co. vs. National Bank of Pakistan [2004 CLD 1640 Lahore High Court]

  • Context: In this case, the defendant provided blank cheques to a bank manager, leading to a dispute over the recovery of a bank loan.
  • Key Takeaway: The court held that if a manager commits fraud using a blank cheque, the bank may not necessarily be held responsible. The court emphasized the accountability of the person issuing the blank cheque.
  • Legal Implication: This ruling underscores the risk involved in handing over blank cheques and places the onus on the issuer regarding their use.

District Superintendent of Post Office, Jhang vs. Shahid Javid Amin [1996 PLC 690 Labour Appellate Tribunal Punjab]

  • Context: An employee was dismissed on allegations of misconduct, including extracting a blank cheque from a postal envelope.
  • Key Takeaway: The tribunal upheld the dismissal, emphasizing the seriousness of the misconduct, which included misusing a blank cheque.
  • Legal Implication: This decision highlights how misuse of blank cheques can lead to severe employment consequences, reflecting on their legal and ethical importance.

Muhammad Hussain vs. The State [1986 PCRLJ 1196 Lahore High Court]

  • Context: The accused, a clerk, was involved in preparing cheques from a spurious chequebook.
  • Key Takeaway: The court found prima facie evidence of the accused’s involvement in fraudulent activities using blank cheques. Bail was denied due to the gravity of the offences.
  • Legal Implication: This case illustrates the criminal implications of misusing blank cheques and the stringent approach of courts in such fraud cases.

Muhammad Hanif vs. State [1981 PCRLJ 229 Lahore High Court]

  • Context: A government employee was accused of being part of a scam involving a blank cheque.
  • Key Takeaway: Despite evidence of the petitioner’s involvement in the blank cheque issue, the court granted bail due to incomplete evidence regarding the sharing of ill-gotten money and the completion of the investigation.
  • Legal Implication: This case shows the court’s approach in bail matters related to blank cheque issues, focusing on the extent of evidence and the stage of investigation.

Nazir Ahmad alias Bhaga vs. State [2022 SCMR 1467 Supreme Court]

  • Issue: Dishonestly issuing a cheque under Penal Code S. 489-F and bail considerations.
  • Details: Nazir Ahmad allegedly issued a cheque for Rs. 100,00,000 that was dishonored. He claimed that he had given a blank cheque for a different purpose.
  • Outcome: The Supreme Court granted bail, noting the need for further inquiry and the non-applicability of prohibitory clauses for bail under S. 497, Cr.P.C.
  • Implication: This case highlights the complexity of blank cheque disputes and the courts’ approach to bail in such cases.

Bashir Ahmad vs. Shahid Nadeem [2022 MLD 1955 Lahore High Court]

  • Issue: Non-denial of signatures on a cheque and the burden of proof.
  • Details: Bashir Ahmad issued a blank cheque as a security for a transaction, which was later filled and presented.
  • Outcome: The court dismissed the revision petition, emphasizing the burden of proof on the person who denied the cheque’s validity.
  • Implication: The case underscores the legal presumption of the validity of a cheque and the challenges in proving otherwise.

Gulsher Ahmed Chachar vs. National Accountability Bureau (NAB) [2019 YLR 1016 Karachi High Court]

  • Issue: Bail in a case of misappropriation and misuse of authority.
  • Details: Chachar was implicated in a scam involving the movement of funds through various accounts, including blank cheques.
  • Outcome: Bail was denied due to the prima facie connection of the accused with the offence.
  • Implication: This case illustrates the serious implications of using blank cheques in fraudulent schemes.

Muhammad Abdullah vs. Muhammad Aslam [2014 CLD 920 & 2014 CLC 1205 Lahore High Court]

  • Issue: Summary suit on negotiable instruments and stamp duty requirements.
  • Details: Abdullah handed over blank cheques, which were later filled and presented for payment.
  • Outcome: The appeals were dismissed, emphasizing the presumption of correctness attached to negotiable instruments.
  • Implication: The judgments highlight the legal risks associated with issuing blank cheques and the importance of adhering to stamp duty laws.

Naseeb Gul vs. Amir Jan [2013 PCrLJ 175 Quetta High Court]

  • Issue: Appeal against acquittal in a dishonestly issued cheque case.
  • Details: Gul was forced to issue a cheque, which was later dishonored.
  • Outcome: The appeal against acquittal was dismissed, noting the lack of dishonest intention.
  • Implication: This case reflects the importance of intention in determining the culpability in cheque dishonor cases.

Muhammad Waris vs. D.P.O. [2012 YLR 1288 Lahore High Court]

  • Issue: FIR registration for a dishonestly issued cheque.
  • Details: Cheques were handed over as security in a Panchayat, leading to a dispute.
  • Outcome: The petition was dismissed, noting that the cheques were not issued for consideration or with dishonest intention.
  • Implication: This case highlights the significance of the purpose and intention behind issuing a cheque.

Arshad Hussain vs. State [2012 PCrLJ 428 Lahore High Court]

  • Issue: Grant of pre-arrest bail in a case of a dishonestly issued cheque.
  • Details: Hussain contended that he had provided a blank cheque as security, which was later misused.
  • Outcome: Pre-arrest bail was granted, emphasizing the civil nature of the dispute and the need for further investigation.
  • Implication: This case demonstrates the courts’ approach to bail in cheque-related disputes and the importance of establishing fraudulent intention.

Riffat Masood vs. State [2008 YLR 2027 Lahore High Court]

  • Issue: Bail in cases involving fraudulently obtained cheques.
  • Details: The accused was alleged to have defrauded complainants using cheques.
  • Outcome: Bail was granted, pointing out the need for deeper evidence analysis at the trial stage.
  • Implication: This case underscores the procedural aspects of bail in cheque fraud cases.

Malik Muhammad Mukhtar vs. Province of Punjab [2005 PLD 251 Lahore High Court]

  • Issue: Constitutional jurisdiction and the scope of authority.
  • Details: This case involved a broader interpretation of jurisdiction, not specifically related to cheques but applicable in legal authority context.
  • Outcome: The High Court’s jurisdiction was affirmed, overriding sub-constitutional enactments.
  • Implication: The case is significant for understanding the overarching legal principles that may affect cheque-related disputes.

The cases involving blank cheques in Pakistani jurisprudence offer significant insights into the legal handling of such instruments. Here are the key takeaways from the discussed cases:

1. Risks and Responsibilities of Issuing Blank Cheques

  • Trust and Misuse: The cases emphasize that entrusting someone with a blank cheque is fraught with risks. In Messrs Ghulam Hussain & Co. vs. National Bank of Pakistan [2004 CLD 1640 Lahore High Court], the court held that the person issuing the blank cheque bears responsibility for its misuse, even if the actual fraudulent activity is carried out by another party (such as a bank manager).
  • Implications for the Issuer: The onus is on the issuer to ensure that blank cheques are not misused. This underscores the need for caution and trust in commercial transactions involving blank cheques.

2. Fraud and Criminal Implications

  • Criminal Liability: The misuse of blank cheques can lead to severe criminal consequences. In Muhammad Hussain vs. The State [1986 PCRLJ 1196 Lahore High Court], the involvement in fraudulent activities using blank cheques led to the denial of bail due to the serious nature of the offences.
  • Employment and Ethical Considerations: The case of District Superintendent of Post Office, Jhang vs. Shahid Javid Amin [1996 PLC 690 Labour Appellate Tribunal Punjab] illustrates how misappropriating a blank cheque can result in employment termination and be deemed as gross misconduct.

3. Legal and Procedural Complexities

  • Bail Considerations: In cases where blank cheques are involved, courts carefully consider the evidence and the stage of investigation before granting bail, as seen in Muhammad Hanif vs. State [1981 PCRLJ 229 Lahore High Court].
  • Jurisdictional Authority: The Malik Muhammad Mukhtar vs. Province of Punjab [2005 PLD 251 Lahore High Court] case highlights that constitutional provisions override sub-constitutional enactments, ensuring that the issuance and misuse of blank cheques are subject to the highest legal scrutiny.

4. Presumption of Liability and Burden of Proof

  • Inherent Trust in Cheques: There is a legal presumption that a cheque, including a blank one, is issued for valid reasons and with trust. This presumption places a significant burden of proof on the party contesting the validity or terms of the filled cheque.
  • Challenging Misuse: If a blank cheque is misused, the onus is on the issuer to prove that the cheque was filled in a manner contrary to the agreement or without authorization.

5. Constitutional Safeguards and Rights

  • Protection under Law: The judiciary ensures that the handling and disputes involving blank cheques are within the ambit of constitutional protections. This safeguard is crucial for maintaining trust and integrity in financial transactions.


The Pakistani legal system treats blank cheques with a high degree of seriousness, acknowledging both their utility in commerce and the potential for misuse. These cases collectively underscore the importance of exercising caution when issuing blank cheques, being aware of the legal implications, and understanding the burden of responsibility that comes with such financial instruments. They also affirm that while blank cheques are a common feature in business transactions, their misuse can lead to severe legal consequences, highlighting the need for vigilance and trust in their issuance and use.

By The Josh and Mak Team

Josh and Mak International is a distinguished law firm with a rich legacy that sets us apart in the legal profession. With years of experience and expertise, we have earned a reputation as a trusted and reputable name in the field. Our firm is built on the pillars of professionalism, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to providing excellent legal services. We have a profound understanding of the law and its complexities, enabling us to deliver tailored legal solutions to meet the unique needs of each client. As a virtual law firm, we offer affordable, high-quality legal advice delivered with the same dedication and work ethic as traditional firms. Choose Josh and Mak International as your legal partner and gain an unfair strategic advantage over your competitors.

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