Echoes & Paradoxes

Echoes and Paradoxes
“Candid echoes of our past create paradoxes in our present, shaping the ever-evolving narrative of our lives.”
Aemen Zulfikar Maluka
*The oldest posts appear at the end.

Favourite Quotes :

(1) “You may charge me with murder–or want of sense–
     (We are all of us weak at times):
But the slightest approach to a false pretense
     Was never among my crimes! (Lewis Carroll)

(2) Curiouser and curiouser!’  (Lewis Carroll)

(3) “I enjoy talking to you. Your mind appeals to me. It resembles my own mind except that you happen to be insane.”― (George Orwell, 1984)

(4) “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”

(5) “The time has come, ” the Walrus said, “To talk of many things: Of shoes—and ships—and sealing-wax— Of cabbages—and kings— And why the sea is boiling hot— And whether pigs have wings.” Lewis Carroll


This personal blog is written by Barrister Aemen Zulfikar Maluka 


February 1st 2023 

A Promising Start: Reflecting on the First Month of the Year for Our Law Firm

As the first month of the year has swiftly passed, it’s a great opportunity to take a moment and reflect on the promising start we’ve had at our law firm. While it’s just the beginning, the strides we’ve made and the groundwork laid down in January are indicative of the trajectory we envision for the rest of the year. Our journey through this initial phase has been marked by strategic planning, early achievements, and a reinforced commitment to our clients and the broader community.

Strategic Planning and Goal Setting

The start of the year is always an ideal time for strategic planning and goal setting, and we’ve embraced this fully. We’ve taken this time to reassess our objectives, align our resources, and set clear, achievable goals for the year ahead. This planning phase has involved every member of our team, ensuring that we are all committed to a unified vision. Our focus has been not just on growth but on sustainable and responsible expansion that adheres to our core values and commitment to legal excellence.

Early Achievements

Even in this short span, we’ve already marked some significant early achievements. We’ve successfully concluded several cases that carried over from the previous year, providing our clients with favorable outcomes. These successes serve as a testament to our team’s dedication and expertise and set a positive tone for the months to come.

Reinforcing Commitment to Clients

A key focus for us this year is to deepen our client relationships. We understand that the legal landscape can be daunting, and we want our clients to feel fully supported and understood. To this end, we’ve introduced new communication channels and client service initiatives aimed at enhancing our responsiveness and accessibility. Our aim is to make every client feel valued and prioritized, a commitment that we believe is fundamental to our practice.

Community Engagement and Pro Bono Efforts

Our responsibility extends beyond our immediate client base to the broader community. This month, we’ve laid the groundwork for our pro bono and community service initiatives for the year. We believe in the power of giving back and are committed to making a meaningful impact in our community through legal aid services, educational programs, and partnerships with local organizations.

Looking Ahead

While it’s only been a month into the year, the momentum we’ve built is encouraging. The challenges and opportunities that lie ahead are significant, but with our strategic planning, early achievements, and the dedication of our team, we are optimistic about what the year will bring. Our focus will remain on delivering exceptional legal services, fostering strong client relationships, and making a positive impact in our community.

January 2nd 2023 

Happy New Year 

Welcome to 2024! As we step into this year, my law firm, Josh and Mak International in Islamabad, is poised to embrace new challenges and opportunities. This year, we aspire to further cement our reputation as a leading legal practice, distinguished by our commitment to authentic legal research and unwavering dedication to client satisfaction.

Our focus remains steadfast on providing clear, effective communication, and delivering solutions that meet the highest standards of legal excellence.

In 2024, we are particularly excited to expand our areas of expertise, incorporating contemporary legal issues and technological advancements into our practice. This includes staying at the forefront of emerging legal fields such as cyber law, intellectual property rights in the digital age, and international trade law, ensuring that our clients receive the most current and comprehensive legal advice.

Moreover, we aim to enhance our client engagement and experience. This involves leveraging new technologies to improve our service delivery, making our interactions more efficient and accessible. We are also committed to nurturing the next generation of legal professionals, offering mentorship and training to young lawyers who join our team.

At Josh and Mak International, we believe in the power of community and ethical practice. This year, we plan to increase our pro bono work and community service, contributing positively to societal legal awareness and aiding those who may not have access to quality legal representation.

As we embark on this exciting journey in 2024, we invite you to join us, confident that together we can navigate the legal landscape with skill, integrity, and success.

December 12, 2023 

Of Echoes and Paradoxes revisited 

Ah, paradoxes – they’re like the brain teasers of the legal world, aren’t they? They twist and turn, leading us down rabbit holes of legal reasoning that can sometimes make our heads spin! Take, for example, the paradox of a law that’s on the books but not enforced. It exists, but does it really? Or consider the classic ‘irresistible force paradox’ where an unstoppable force meets an immovable object – in legal practice, this could resemble two equally valid laws or rights clashing head-on with no clear winner in sight.

Navigating through these legal labyrinths requires a sharp mind and a creative spirit. It’s not just about the black letter law; it’s about interpreting the grey areas, finding balance in the scales of justice, and sometimes, accepting that two seemingly contradictory truths can exist simultaneously. Paradoxes remind us that the law isn’t just a set of rules to follow blindly; it’s a living, breathing entity that sometimes asks us to acknowledge the existence of two opposites at the same time. They keep us lawyers on our toes, ensuring we never get too comfortable and always keep our wits about us. After all, isn’t the law practice all about finding harmony in the discord, order in the chaos, and, sometimes, just a bit of wisdom in the nonsensical?

So how can we identify the echo in the paradox and the paradox in the echo?

Identifying the echo in the paradox, and the paradox in the echo, is akin to recognizing patterns in reflections – each one gives us insight into the other. In legal practice, this could mean understanding how a precedent echoes forward into new cases, creating a paradox when it doesn’t quite fit the circumstances. Conversely, a paradox can echo backward, challenging our understanding of past decisions. It’s about listening for the repetition of themes and issues and seeing how they conflict or harmonize with established principles. It’s a dance of legal theory and practice, where the steps we take today resonate with the past and reverberate into the future.

December 11, 2023 

Of Partnership with infinity & the need for compassion

In the face of life’s adversities, particularly those that strike the most vulnerable among us, it is an intrinsic human duty to act as agents of compassion and healing. The philosophy here is not passive but active; it calls for a proactive engagement in the alleviation of suffering through kindness and the sharing of wisdom. This approach advocates for a collective responsibility to bring light to the darkest of circumstances, emphasizing the power of unity and the impact of benevolent actions. In this collective endeavour, no one is isolated; the very act of reaching out and healing is what forges stronger bonds within our communities. Through concerted efforts rooted in empathy and understanding, we can contribute to the restoration of hope and the fostering of resilience.

December 10, 2023 

Is darkness just the absence of light?

In the realm of moral philosophy and legal ethics, the dichotomy between good and evil is often depicted as a battle, a conflict requiring the triumph of one over the other. However, an insightful perspective suggests that this dichotomy is, much like light and darkness, not a clash of two forces but rather the presence and absence of a single quality. In this view, darkness, symbolizing evil, is not an entity in itself but merely the absence of light, representing good. This metaphor extends to the belief that to dispel the ‘darkness’ in our world, one does not need to engage in battle but rather to introduce ‘light’ – to uncover and promote inherent goodness. For the legal mind, this represents a paradigm shift from combatting wrongdoing to fostering rightfulness, a significant pivot from the traditional adversarial approach to a more restorative justice perspective. It encourages a re-examination of legal principles and strategies, aiming to reveal and cultivate the underlying good within individuals and societies rather than merely suppressing the ‘evil’. This transformative approach has profound implications for legal theory and practice, suggesting a path towards a more harmonious and inherently just society.

December 8, 2023

In the silent sanctuary of solitude, one can find a profound strength that the chaos of the crowd often drowns. Like a hermit retreating into the heart of the forest, we too can embrace the solitude of our own minds to cultivate inner growth. In this quiet retreat, away from the world’s relentless pace, we discover that progress need not be a loud, public spectacle, but a serene, personal journey marked by subtle yet significant strides.There is true value of solitude in personal development. Sometimes stepping away from the hustle and bustle of the world allows us to grow in ways that might not be immediately visible to others, but are deeply transformative.

December 7, 2023 

In the intricate dance of life, it is not the loudest voice or the most forceful step that orchestrates the rhythm of progress, but the quiet whisper of wisdom and the subtle art of listening. In a world clamouring for attention, the true power lies in discerning what to heed and what to gently let pass by.And this is true, in many aspects.Knowing what to gently pass by.This thought reflects on the importance of wisdom and listening in a world that often prioritises noise and action. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most impactful changes and decisions come from quiet contemplation and careful consideration of the voices around us. Sometimes we are better off waiting and watching carefully before taking any drastic actions and wasting our energy there.

November 19, 2023

Growing up in the  90’s 

90’s! It was a decade unlike any other, a magical time that seems like just yesterday and a lifetime ago all at once. For those of us who were kids during this era, it’s more than just a time period; it’s a feeling, a shared experience that binds us together. It was the time of neon colors, chunky sneakers, and of course, some of the most iconic music that still resonates in our hearts.As an only child I spent my entire time doing my homework in front of MTV, CNN, and local channels like STN and PTV.I was absolutely thrilled when we received a gift from one of my dad’s friend’s abroad.It was a Sony music deck, so sleek and black.It could play radio stations and cassettes.

I remember those afternoons spent listening to the radio, waiting for my favorite song to play. One such track that probably still echoes in the ears of every 90’s kid is Chris Cornell’s “Mission 2000.” It was more than just a song; it was an anthem, a powerful tune that captured the spirit of the time – a blend of grunge and rock that made us feel invincible.I actually remember listening to this song a lot preparing for my O’levels.

And who can forget the sweet melody of “Set Adrift on Memory Bliss” by the Backstreet Boys? That song was like a ticket to a nostalgic journey, filled with memories of first loves, school dances, and carefree days. The gentle rhythms and harmonies take us back to a time when the biggest worry was recording our favorite songs onto a mixtape.

The 90’s were a simpler time, weren’t they? We didn’t have smartphones or social media or youtube. Our connections were made in person, and friendships were forged over shared interests in music and movies. We traded CDs and Cassettes, discussed the latest music videos, and debated over which band was better. These discussions weren’t just about music; they were about who we were and who we were becoming.

It’s fascinating how certain songs can capture the essence of an era. “Mission 2000” and “Set Adrift on Memory Bliss” are more than just melodies; they are time capsules. They hold within them the laughter, the dreams, and the youthful energy of all us 90’s kids.

So, to my fellow 90’s kids, let’s take a moment to remember and cherish those days. Let’s put on these tracks and let the music transport us back to that cherished time. Even though we can’t return to that simpler era, the memories and the music will always be with us, like old friends waiting to reminisce about the good old days.

Here’s to the 90’s – a time of great music, great memories, and an everlasting bond that connects all of us who lived and loved through it.

November 12, 2023 

“Taking that Pause….”

It has been exactly a month since I last wrote something here. I have been, what my doctor called ‘taking a pause’. And I have come to understood that taking a pause is pretty important no matter how busy you are and how hectic your work schedule is.More importantly I have learnt the importance of good sleep and eating habits.But this ‘taking a pause’ concept extends beyond mere self care.

Taking a pause in our fast-paced lives is an essential practice that offers numerous benefits, both mentally and physically. In today’s world, where constant activity and busyness are often glorified, the art of pausing can seem counterintuitive. However, it is precisely in these moments of stillness and reflection that we can find clarity, rejuvenation, and a deeper sense of purpose.I have learnt that a pause doesn’t necessarily mean a complete halt in our activities. It can be as simple as taking a few moments to breathe deeply, stepping away from our work for a short break, or even dedicating a day to rest and relaxation. The act of pausing allows us to disconnect from the external noise and pressures, enabling us to reconnect with our inner selves. This reconnection can lead to increased creativity, improved focus, and a greater capacity for empathy and understanding in our interactions with others.

Moreover, pausing can be a powerful tool in decision-making processes. In the midst of a hectic schedule, decisions can often be rushed or made based on immediate pressures rather than careful consideration. By taking a pause, we allow ourselves the space to consider different perspectives and outcomes, leading to more thoughtful and effective decisions.

Physiologically, taking a pause can reduce stress and its associated health risks. Stress is a common factor in numerous health issues, from heart disease to mental health disorders. By incorporating regular pauses into our routine, we give our bodies a chance to reset and our minds an opportunity to clear, reducing the overall impact of stress.

I guess the concept of taking a pause extends to various aspects of life. It can mean pausing to appreciate the small joys and wonders of daily life, pausing to listen actively to someone else, or even pausing to reflect on our life’s direction and our personal and professional goals.

October 12, 2023 

The True Measure of People’s Character: When Things Don’t Go Their Way

In the radiant tapestry of human interactions, it’s often said that the most revealing moments aren’t those of success and celebration, but rather the instances of adversity and disappointment. We tend to judge others by their best moments, their achievements, and their high points. However, as many of us have come to realise, you never truly know someone until things don’t go their way.

Consider for a moment the numerous relationships and acquaintances you’ve fostered over the years. Think of the times when everything was going smoothly. It’s easy to be generous, understanding, and patient when the seas are calm. But what happens when the waters turn turbulent?

Adversity, in all its unwelcome forms, acts as a magnifying glass on one’s character. The pressures of a challenging situation can cause some to fold, revealing impatience, frustration, or even hostility. In contrast, others might rise to the occasion, exuding grace, resilience, and empathy even when faced with setbacks. These reactions offer profound insights into one’s true nature, far more than any curated display of kindness or success ever could.

As I see it observing how others handle challenges can lead to a deeper appreciation of their strengths and vulnerabilities. It fosters empathy, reminding us that everyone is fighting their own battles, often hidden from view.

After all, you never truly know someone until things don’t go their way.

October 11, 2023 

The Truth About Stay Orders and Injunctions 

The thrill of obtaining a Stay Order or an Injunction on a property can often be exhilarating, especially if you’ve been embroiled in a contentious legal dispute. Many clients perceive these orders as a definitive sign of triumph, a legal seal of approval that their stance is unassailable. However, while Stay Orders and Injunctions are undoubtedly significant legal tools, it’s essential to understand that they are just one step in a broader legal journey.

At their core, Stay Orders and Injunctions are preventive measures. They aim to maintain the status quo and prevent any party from taking unilateral actions that might prejudice the other side. They are not judgments or verdicts on the merits of the case. Instead, they are temporary measures put in place until the court can hear the matter in full.

It’s crucial to view these orders in the right context. While they can certainly be indicative of a strong case, they are by no means a guarantee of final victory. They are procedural tools designed to ensure fairness and prevent irreparable harm.

After obtaining a Stay Order or Injunction, the substantive legal proceedings must still continue. Evidence needs to be presented, witnesses examined, and legal arguments made. The actual determination of rights and liabilities is a separate process, and the final judgment can often be very different from the interim relief granted.

Legal battles are not just about rights and wrongs; they also have financial implications. Prolonged litigation, even with a Stay Order in place, can lead to mounting legal fees, opportunity costs, and potential financial liabilities if the final judgment goes against you.

It’s also worth noting that interim orders can be challenged and overturned. The opposing counsel can present fresh arguments, provide new evidence, or appeal to a higher court. Thus, resting on the laurels of an interim order can be a risky strategy.

Finally,  legal disputes, especially those involving properties, can be emotionally draining. The uncertainty, the constant back-and-forth, and the high stakes involved can take a toll on one’s mental well-being. Viewing a Stay Order as the end of the road can lead to complacency and a lack of preparedness for the challenges that lie ahead.

In conclusion, while Stay Orders and Injunctions are undoubtedly milestones in a legal journey, they are not the destination. It’s essential for clients to temper their enthusiasm with a dose of realism and understand that the path to legal resolution is often long and winding. With the right perspective and the guidance of a competent legal counsel, one can navigate these challenges effectively and work towards a favourable outcome.

October 10, 2023

The Age of Legal Misinformation

I have had many less than pleasant exchanges with prospective litigants who claim they have seen a video on some law firm’s youtube channel or a post of Facebook which they swear is more authentic that the advice we are giving them.A client I remember some time back even claimed they had become legal experts in Stay Orders by watching so many youtube videos. The fate of their ill-advised Stay Order (filed by another lawyer obviously) has proven to be a cautionary tale for many such litigants.

In today’s digital age, legal information rather mis-information is more accessible in Pakistan than ever before. From DIY tutorials to intricate legal advice, the internet is teeming with a plethora of resources catering to every possible query. While this accessibility is undoubtedly a boon in many respects, it also presents a double-edged sword, especially when it comes to legal matters.

Only last week I crossed a lawyer confidently posting on facebook that that the Federal Shariat Court in a recent case had disallowed Khula without husband’s permission.And this so called lawyer was running a large facebook group for legal advice.I have almost lost faith in what the so-called citation cards advertised by law firms say about the actual principles enunciated in the case.Pakistani lawyers are pretty much guilty of spreading misinformation to people on many issues.At another time I saw a lawyer confidently boasting online that he has taken a property dispute to the consumer court.As logical would entail, there was no update to the matter as real estate matters are certainly not in the jurisdiction of the consumer court as goods or services.

I have noticed many Pakistani litigants in Pakistan and Abroad , in an attempt to save on legal fees, resort to seeking free advice from multiple attorneys, legal forums, and YouTube videos. While the intention behind this approach is understandable, it often leads to more harm than good.We run a small free advice on our own website too, and  while many beneficiaries of our advice are deserving people with limited funds, we have noticed that its mostly litigants asking for 3rd , 4th or 5th Opinions about an already pending case in a court.What becomes more apparent as we probe into the facts of the matter while interviewing such people is that they keep hiding material facts of the case.For example in asking for advice when their right of defence has been closed for good by the judge, they omit to mention that they took a lawyers advice to avoid court summons on purpose for a good sixth months.

Here’s why:

  1. Legal matters are deeply personal and context-specific. What may apply in one case might not necessarily apply in another, even if they seem similar on the surface. Free advice forums and generic videos rarely delve deep into individual circumstances. By relying on such sources, litigants risk misinterpreting the advice and making ill-informed decisions.
  2. Soliciting advice from multiple attorneys can lead to a barrage of contrasting opinions. Different lawyers have different approaches, and while diversity in perspective can be beneficial, it can also be confusing for someone unfamiliar with the legal landscape. This inconsistency can lead to indecision, errors in judgment, and ultimately, detrimental outcomes.
  3. The law is ever-evolving, with statutes, regulations, and case laws constantly changing. Free advice platforms might not always be up-to-date with the latest legal developments. Relying on outdated information can lead to misguided actions and potential legal repercussions.I have witnessed a surprising number of lawyers online base their advice on outdated laws and cases.
  4. One of the primary benefits of hiring a dedicated attorney is the sense of responsibility and commitment they bring to your case. Free advice, on the other hand, comes with no strings attached. If things go awry, there’s no one to hold accountable, leaving the litigant to bear the brunt of any adverse outcomes.
  5.  The legal world is intricate, with multiple avenues and strategies available for different scenarios. A dedicated attorney, with a deep understanding of your case, can identify opportunities that might be overlooked when sourcing free advice. These missed opportunities can be pivotal in determining the outcome of a case.
  6.  As mentioned above, not all sources of free legal advice are credible. With the proliferation of content on platforms like YouTube, there’s always a risk of stumbling upon misleading or downright false information. This misinformation can have serious legal consequences.

In conclusion, while the allure of free legal advice is undeniable, it’s essential to approach it with caution. Legal matters, with their potential for long-lasting consequences, warrant careful consideration and expert guidance. Investing in professional legal counsel you can actually hold accountable for the advice they give,  might seem like an added expense initially, but it’s a small price to pay for peace of mind and the assurance of informed, strategic decision-making.

October 9 2023 

Can frivolous litigants be deemed mentally ill?

It is about time, someone looked into this matter.  Firstly, it’s crucial to differentiate between legal terms and medical or psychological diagnoses. Terms such as “psychotic behaviour” are clinical in nature and pertain to specific symptoms and conditions that are diagnosed by mental health professionals. Using them loosely in a legal context could be misleading and may not accurately represent the individual’s mental state.

I know that feeling prosecuted, launching multiple frivolous claims or wanting to delay trials can be indicative of various motivations, not solely rooted in one’s mental health. For example, delaying trials could be a strategic move in certain cases, whereas feeling prosecuted might be a result of perceived injustice or other personal experiences. And I do understand that it’s essential to avoid overgeneralising or making assumptions without comprehensive evidence.

However in the legal realm, evidence-based arguments are paramount. Thus, if there are concerns about a litigant’s mental health or their intent in court proceedings based on their conduct, it would be best to gather evidence and consult with experts, such as forensic psychologists, to provide a well-informed perspective.In particular if a litigant seems unusually paranoid, or unreasonable in their claims, or keeps making frivolous submissions and claims the courts should have the absolute authority to order psychological evaluations of such a litigant’s mental state. Such evaluations can then inform the court’s decisions, ensuring that justice is served while also considering the well-being of all parties involved.

October 8 2023 

Diagnosing mental disorders like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia is a complex process that should be undertaken by qualified mental health professionals. However, as a lawyer, being able to identify potential signs of mental health issues in a client can be beneficial for ensuring they receive the appropriate support and representation. Here are some signs that might indicate a client may be experiencing bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, though they should not be used for diagnostic purposes:

Bipolar Disorder:

Mood Swings: Extreme mood swings from periods of emotional highs (mania or hypomania) to lows (depression).
Impulsivity: Engaging in risky behavior or having a lack of consideration for the consequences of actions.
Rapid Speech: Speaking very fast, jumping from one idea to another, having racing thoughts.
Increased Energy: Having an unusually high amount of energy, with decreased need for sleep.
Irritability or Agitation: Exhibiting an easily irritable or restless demeanor.


Hallucinations: Experiencing sensory perceptions like hearing voices or seeing things that aren’t present.
Delusions: Holding false beliefs that are not based in reality, for example, believing that they are being persecuted without basis.
Disorganized Thinking or Speech: Difficulty concentrating, following a conversation, or organizing thoughts.
Flat Affect: Showing a lack of emotional expression or reacting inappropriately to situations.
Social Withdrawal: Preferring to be alone and avoiding social interactions.

It’s always advisable to approach this topic with sensitivity and without jumping to conclusions. We never know the other persons journey or traumas and we need to respect their current state of mind.

October 7 2023

Mandela Effect

So I was looking up Mandela Effect and trying to figure out how can an entire significant group of people remember something incorrectly.How come this is isn’t collective Amnesia or Dementia? Well turns out the Mandela Effect is not a disease, but rather a sociocultural phenomenon where a significant group of people remember an event or fact differently from the way it occurred or is recorded in reality. The name derives from a common false memory of believing that Nelson Mandela died in prison during the 1980s, whereas he actually died in 2013 and was released from prison in 1990.(I can swear all my life I thought he died in jail too).

Coming to memory inaccuracies and the collective misremembering of common events or details the phenomenon showcases the fallibility of human memory and how social or communal reinforcement of a false memory can lead to a widely accepted, albeit incorrect, recollection of an event or fact.

The Mandela Effect is hence often associated with memory biases or errors rather than a pathological condition or disease. It sheds light on how our cognitive processes, particularly memory, are influenced by a variety of factors including social dynamics, personal biases, and external cues.

So how can bad collective memory be linked to the law?

The Mandela Effect, as discussed, typically manifests in the realm of popular culture or collective societal memory. However, its underlying principles concerning memory fallibility could extend to the legal domain, particularly in the areas of eyewitness testimony and the recollection of events.

Here are some ways I figured where the Mandela Effect might intersect with the legal field:

  1. Eyewitness Testimony:
    • Eyewitnesses might misremember events or details, which can be exacerbated by external influences, misinformation, or the passage of time. These inaccuracies can create a form of collective misremembering among a group of witnesses or within a community, somewhat similar to the Mandela Effect.
  2. Misrecollection of Legal Precedent:
    • There might be instances where legal professionals misremember a precedent or misquote legal texts, leading to a common misconception that might spread within legal circles.
  3. Public Misinterpretation:
    • The public’s understanding of laws or legal rulings might be skewed by widespread misinformation or misinterpretation, creating a collective false memory or misunderstanding of legal principles or historical legal events.

While these scenarios may not be exact representations of the Mandela Effect, they do underscore the broader theme of memory fallibility and the potential for collective misremembering or misunderstanding, which can have significant implications within the legal arena.

On a lighter note, don’t we all have collective Amnesia on the history of our country, Pakistan?

October 6 2023

Onsets, Splitting, Neuro-divergence and Dissociation 

I frequently have to deal with clients with mental health issues and a knowledge of the DSMV (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) has always helped. I am particularly fascinated with the terms onset and dissociation. I have also been reading up on splitting.All of these terms are connected to manifestation and progression of various mental disorders.Sometimes there are tell tale signs that a client is placing instructions in a manic state.Therefore it becomes a lawyers duty to try and rationalize with the mentally unstable client so they do not end up making rushed decisions.

Onset refers to the beginning or emergence of symptoms characteristic of a particular mental health disorder. It’s a crucial concept as it helps in understanding when a disorder begins, which can be instrumental for diagnosis, treatment planning, and prognostic evaluation. The onset can be sudden or gradual, and may occur at different life stages, with certain disorders having a typical age of onset. For instance, disorders like Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often have an early onset, typically in childhood, while other disorders like Alzheimer’s disease typically have a later onset.

There are various signs which can indicate the onset of different mental disorders. For instance:

  1. Mood disorders: The onset may be marked by persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness or hopelessness, or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed.
  2. Anxiety disorders: Onset signs might include excessive worry, fear, or avoidance behaviours.
  3. Psychotic disorders: The onset might be indicated by hallucinations, delusions, or disorganized thinking and speech.

Splitting, on the other hand, is a defense mechanism postulated by classic psychoanalytic theory, often associated with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). It involves the compartmentalization of experiences into ‘all good’ or ‘all bad’ categories, without an ability to integrate these into a cohesive whole. Individuals who employ splitting may have difficulty holding onto a balanced view of themselves and others, especially when under stress.

In Borderline Personality Disorder, signs of splitting may manifest as idealization and devaluation cycles, where individuals fluctuate between overvaluing and undervaluing others. This can lead to unstable and intense relationships.

Splitting can also be seen in other disorders, although to a lesser extent, and its manifestation can vary. For instance, in certain types of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, splitting may manifest as a chronic pattern of over-idealization and devaluation of oneself in relation to others, stemming from an unstable self-image and intense fear of inadequacy.

Both onset and splitting are significant terms that contribute to the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders. They reflect the intricate mechanisms through which mental health issues develop and manifest, underlining the importance of a nuanced understanding in providing effective clinical care.

Another important term in mental health studies is neurodivergence which is a term rooted in the neurodiversity movement which posits that diverse neurological conditions are a result of normal variations in the human genome. This term encompasses a variety of conditions including but not limited to Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, Dyslexia, and others. Neurodivergence seeks to move away from pathologizing these conditions and instead, recognises them as legitimate cognitive variations with unique strengths and weaknesses.

In relation to the concepts of onset and splitting in mental health, neurodivergence provides a broader framework for understanding individual differences in neurocognitive functioning and how these might interact with mental health conditions.

The onset of neurodivergent conditions often occurs early in life, and understanding this onset is crucial for providing appropriate support and accommodations. For instance, early identification of neurodivergent conditions like Autism or ADHD can lead to early intervention and support, which can significantly improve quality of life and functional outcomes for individuals.

On the other hand, splitting, as a psychological defense mechanism, can occur in individuals regardless of neurodivergence. However, individuals with certain neurodivergent conditions might experience mental health challenges, like Borderline Personality Disorder where splitting is often observed, in a unique manner due to their neurocognitive differences. The interaction between neurodivergent cognitive profiles and mental health conditions can be complex and individualised.

Neurodivergence also invites a discussion on the acceptance and understanding of cognitive diversity, which might challenge traditional pathologizing views of mental health conditions and promote a more holistic and person-centered approach to mental health care. This paradigm shift could lead to more nuanced and effective strategies for supporting individuals with various mental health conditions, by respecting and accommodating their neurodivergent traits rather than attempting to pathologize or ‘cure’ them.

Coming back to dissociation, in the thriller movie “Fractured,” the protagonist, Ray Monroe, experiences a harrowing ordeal following an accident that his wife and daughter suffer at a rest area. As the narrative unfolds, it becomes apparent that Ray’s perception of reality is distorted. The film suggests that he is experiencing a form of dissociative amnesia or a dissociative disorder, where he’s unable to recall crucial personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.This movie fascinates me to no end.

The people I have met with mental health issues, can swear they saw something or someone say something, when it was never there. I know it sounds like the Mandela Effect only that one person is experiencing it.I will speak about the Mandela Effect in another post.

Anyways, the psychological impact of trauma is that  it can create alternative narratives or realities as a coping mechanism to deal with distressing events.  Dissociative disorders, including dissociative amnesia, are legitimate and recognized mental health conditions. They can occur following traumatic events or extreme stress, and individuals experiencing these disorders may have gaps in memory or feel disconnected from their identity or reality.

October 5 2023 

Repression of Memory as a survival mechanism?

So I was watching the movie, Gothika, today and this phrase on Repression came up. It led me down quite a rabbit hole. As I see it the discourse surrounding repression of memories, particularly distressing or traumatic ones, can be explored from a number of angles including psychological, neurological, and evolutionary perspectives. From what I have learnt, there’s a substantial body of research and theory which suggests that repression, or the blocking out of traumatic memories, serves as a survival mechanism. This argument has roots in both the psychological mechanisms of an individual and possibly in the evolutionary adaptation of our species.

Also, from a psychological standpoint, the repression of traumatic memories can be considered a defense mechanism that helps an individual cope with distressing events. As per classical psychoanalytical theory, for instance, repression serves as a mechanism to keep disturbing or threatening memories out of conscious awareness, thereby reducing anxiety and allowing the individual to continue functioning. This perspective states that by repressing traumatic memories, individuals can prevent overwhelming anxiety, which in turn could incapacitate them or significantly impair their functioning.

Also again, neurological perspective, there’s evidence that the brain has mechanisms for inhibiting the retrieval of distressing memories. Research in the field of neuroscience has shown that certain neural pathways are involved in the suppression of unwanted memories. This neurobiological basis for memory repression indicates a built-in mechanism that could potentially serve a protective or survival function.

From as evolutionary point of view , it could be argued that the capacity for memory repression may have evolved as a survival mechanism to enable individuals to cope with the harsh and often traumatic realities of human existence. If individuals were incapacitated by traumatic memories, they would be less able to respond to ongoing threats and challenges. Thus, the ability to repress distressing memories could have conferred a survival advantage.

There is also a view against the concept of repression, suggesting that it is not a well-supported or empirically validated concept. They argue that what is often labeled as repression might be better explained by other psychological processes such as forgetting, denial, or dissociation.Is this not what happens in onset of mental disease?  Many times we see that mentally ill people have unresolved trauma could manifest in maladaptive behaviors or mental health issues over time.

It is hence true that unresolved trauma, it’s argued, can manifest later as mental health disorders such as PTSD, anxiety, or depression. Moreover, the process of trying to recover repressed memories can sometimes lead to the creation of false memories, which can have serious consequences for individuals and their families.

Coming back to this film “Gothika”, the movie is a fictional portrayal mirrors the real-world theory that repression serves to shield the mind from emotionally distressing or traumatic experiences, thereby allowing individuals to continue functioning in their daily lives.The depiction of memory repression as a survival mechanism aligns with psychoanalytical theories which posit that repression serves to protect the individual from distressing or overwhelming emotions associated with traumatic events. For me the movie opened an internal dialogue on the implications of memory repression both on an individual and societal level.

October 4 2023 

Mental Health Legislation, the journey so far 

The narrative surrounding mental health legislation in Pakistan offers a compelling case study of evolving attitudes towards mental health, juxtaposed against a background of constitutional and governmental transitions. A rich history of legislative activity, from the Lunacy Act of 1912 to the Mental Health Ordinance of 2001, has shown Pakistan’s efforts to modernise its mental health laws. The ordinance of 2001 was particularly noteworthy for its focus on the rights and care of the mentally ill, shifting the paradigm from mere detention to humane treatment.

However, the journey towards effective legislation has been fraught with challenges. The devolution of health responsibilities to provincial governments post the 18th amendment complicated matters further. This resulted in a fragmented legislative landscape where only Sindh and Punjab have functional mental health acts. This territorial inconsistency creates an imbalance in the level of healthcare and legal protection available to mentally ill patients across the provinces.

Historically, the Lunacy Act of 1912 laid the groundwork for how mental health was approached in Pakistan. It was not until the Mental Health Ordinance of 2001 that a more comprehensive and humane treatment of mental disorders was considered. This ordinance aimed to make provision for better care, treatment, and management of properties and affairs of those with mental disorders. It recognised the right to appeal against involuntary admission and limited the period of forced detention. Moreover, it addressed competency, capacity, and guardianship issues and sought to protect the human rights of those with mental illnesses.

However, the Federal Mental Health Authority, established under this ordinance, failed to make significant progress, thus widening the gap between legislative intent and practical implementation. The ordinance itself lapsed because it was not converted into a parliamentary act, leaving a legislative vacuum in its wake. The situation was further complicated by the 18th constitutional amendment, which transferred health responsibilities to the provincial level. This has led to a patchwork of regulations and acts, with Sindh and Punjab taking the lead, while Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa lag behind in this crucial area.

Sindh’s Mental Health Ordinance of 2013 is particularly noteworthy for its emphasis on human rights and its provisions to divert offenders with mental disorders away from the criminal justice system. However, the Punjab Mental Health Act of 2014 fell short in terms of consultation with mental health professionals and advocacy groups. The act is essentially an amended version of the 2001 ordinance, reflecting a lack of innovation and stakeholder engagement.

One of the most pressing issues remains the implementation of these laws. The absence of a recognised authority for emergency psychiatric cases poses a significant challenge. Families, who are often the primary caregivers, are left without adequate resources or guidance, making the mentally ill vulnerable to human rights abuses. Similarly, there is a lack of oversight for private in-patient facilities, leading to instances of patient abuse.

In conclusion, while there have been strides in raising awareness and reducing the stigma associated with mental illness, the legislative framework lags behind. The need for comprehensive and uniformly applied mental health laws is pressing. Stakeholders such as advocacy groups, families, and mental health professionals need to come together to exert political pressure for the establishment of a robust mental health legislative framework. Unfortunately, the journey from drafting to implementation is often marred by delays, but it is a journey that must be undertaken urgently for the welfare of Pakistan’s population.

In light of the ongoing challenges, it’s crucial to consider the future directions for mental health legislation in Pakistan. The experience gleaned from the provinces of Sindh and Punjab can serve as valuable lessons for other provinces that are yet to enact their own laws. The advocacy work done by mental health professionals and patients’ rights groups in Sindh, for example, can act as a blueprint for similar campaigns in other provinces. The key is to ensure that the legislation is not only comprehensive but also actionable, closing the gap between the written law and its practical implementation.

Additionally, while the 18th amendment to the constitution has devolved health responsibilities to the provincial governments, there’s a pressing need for a national framework or guidelines to ensure uniformity. This will help in creating a level playing ground and in setting minimum standards of mental health care and patient rights across the country. It might also be beneficial to establish a new federal body or authority to oversee the implementation of mental health legislation, thereby ensuring that the law doesn’t remain confined to paper but has a real-world impact.

Moreover, the issues of emergency psychiatric cases and the lack of a defined authority for the same need to be addressed urgently. One approach could be to establish crisis helplines and emergency response teams that are trained in mental health care. These could be integrated into the broader healthcare system to ensure rapid, appropriate responses to emergencies.

It is equally important to improve training programmes for police officers, judges, and lawyers concerning mental health issues. This can mitigate the risk of human rights abuses and ensure that mentally ill individuals are treated with the dignity and care they deserve. Furthermore, it would be beneficial to involve these professionals in the consultation process when drafting new laws or amending existing ones, to make sure the legislation is practical and enforceable.

Lastly, the media, both traditional and social, can play an influential role in shaping public opinion about mental health. A concerted effort is needed to utilise these platforms for educational purposes, to reduce stigma, and to promote a more enlightened view of mental illness and its treatment. Public awareness campaigns, similar to those conducted in other countries, could go a long way in changing societal attitudes.

In sum, the path towards effective mental health legislation in Pakistan is fraught with obstacles, but it’s a journey that is crucial for the well-being of countless individuals. While there have been some advances, much work remains to be done. The fragmented state of mental health legislation across the provinces needs to be addressed, and the gap between legislative intent and practical reality must be closed. The rights of mentally ill individuals to dignified and effective treatment should be the cornerstone of any new legislative efforts, and a multi-faceted approach involving legal experts, healthcare providers, and the wider society is vital to make this a reality.

October 3 2023 

Misapplication of PECA 2016: Legal Paradoxes Unveiled

The Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) 2016, a legislation aimed at combating cybercrimes in Pakistan, has often been the subject of controversy. Not because of what it aims to achieve, but because of how it has been applied—or rather, misapplied. This post seeks to explore the legal paradoxes that arise from the continuous misapplication of PECA 2016.

The Paradox of Section 10

Section 10 of PECA pertains to cyber terrorism and is supposed to be applied in conjunction with Sections 6, 7, 8, and 9. In many cases a person is charged by Section 10 but not under Sections 6, 7, 8, or 9, creating a legal conundrum. How can one be charged with cyber terrorism without first being charged with the offences that define the scope of cyber terrorism?

Stretching the Boundaries of Section 11

Section 11 of PECA is another point of contention. It pertains to interfaith, sectarian, or racial hatred but has been used to charge individuals for critique against state institutions. Many FIRs lodged under this section seem to miss the elemental understanding that critique of state institutions does not equate to hate speech. This misuse presents another paradox: how can a law designed to prevent hate speech be used to stifle legitimate criticism?

The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has often added sections of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) to FIRs lodged under PECA, as is evident from the addition of Section 109 of the PPC in similar cases. This practice brings into play a paradox relating to jurisdiction. According to 2016 SCMR 447, the FIA has been barred from investigating and charging private individuals for certain offences, thus creating a conflict of jurisdiction between local police and FIA. This conflicting jurisdiction creates an environment where the law can be manipulated to suit certain ends, thereby undermining its very purpose.

In the past Several cases, including FIR No. 15/2017 against Anwar Adil Tanoli, FIR No. 31/2018 against Hayat Preghal, and FIR No. 06/2019 against journalist Shahzeb Jillani, among others, have shown similar trends of misapplication. These cases further deepen the legal paradoxes and call into question the intent and effectiveness of PECA as a legislative tool for combating electronic crimes.

These legal paradoxes not only undermine the very essence of PECA but also raise questions about the intent behind its enforcement. If the application of the law itself becomes a paradox, it threatens the integrity of the legal system and undermines citizens’ confidence in the rule of law. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the legal community and policymakers to address these issues to ensure that laws like PECA are applied judiciously and in accordance with their intended purpose.

The legal paradoxes surrounding the application of PECA 2016 are not just academic discussions; they have real-world implications that affect individuals’ lives and freedoms. It’s time for a comprehensive review to ensure that the law serves its intended purpose without becoming an instrument for abuse or misapplication.

October 2 2023 

Mental Health Legislation in Pakistan

Mental health legislation in Pakistan is an area fraught with complexities and paradoxes, many of which stem from the tension between modern medical understanding, legal frameworks, and cultural beliefs.

  1.  One of the biggest challenges in mental health legislation is the prevailing societal stigma associated with mental illness. Laws may aim to protect and treat individuals with mental health conditions, but the cultural stigmas often deter people from seeking help, thereby rendering the laws ineffective to some extent.
  2. There is often a paradoxical tension between safeguarding an individual’s civil liberties and ensuring their safety or the safety of others. For example, involuntary commitment of individuals for psychiatric treatment can be life-saving in some instances but can also be seen as an infringement on personal freedoms.
  3.  In the legal system, determining the criminal responsibility of individuals with mental health conditions presents a paradox. On one hand, the law needs to ensure that justice is served; on the other, it has to take into account the diminished culpability of individuals who commit crimes while suffering from a mental illness.
  4.  The medical community and the legal system often have different criteria for diagnosing and understanding mental illness. This discrepancy can lead to paradoxical situations where an individual may be considered ill by medical standards but not eligible for protections under mental health legislation.
  5.  Many of Pakistan’s mental health laws and treatments are modelled after Western norms and practices, which may not always be directly applicable or culturally sensitive. This creates a paradox where global standards may conflict with local beliefs and practices, complicating the implementation of effective mental health care.
  6.  While legislation may exist to provide access to mental health services, the quality and availability of these services can be highly variable. This creates a paradox where the law mandates access to care, but the healthcare system is not adequately equipped to provide it.
  7.  In Pakistani society, family often plays a significant role in the care and decision-making process for individuals with mental illness. Laws that focus solely on the individual may not be entirely effective in a culture where familial involvement is the norm, and yet, overreliance on families can sometimes lead to abuse or neglect.
  8.  Mental health professionals often face a paradox when it comes to patient confidentiality. While they are generally required to maintain confidentiality, they also have a “duty to warn” if they believe the patient poses a danger to themselves or others, which can contradict the principle of patient-doctor confidentiality.

October 1 2023

So I was reading some old articles by Nighat Dad on Dawn today and found one from 2015. The article discussed the increasing risk of cyber harassment and blackmail faced by women in Pakistan and proposed seven-step guide to help victims protect themselves and take appropriate action. While the guide provides essential steps to counteract online harassment, it also highlights the need for a multi-faceted approach involving legal support, awareness initiatives, and societal change to fully address the issue.

The article set in 2015 seemed timely, given the surge of smartphone usage in Pakistan. The benefits of widespread internet access, such as access to education and financial independence for women, are being overshadowed by the malicious activities of certain individuals. Cyber harassment is becoming another avenue through which societal prejudices and gender discrimination are manifesting themselves.

I was very concerned however when I turned to the comments.The responses ranged from appreciative to critical.For example, some comments highlighted the importance of strong passwords and ethical behaviour online, which align with the article’s advice. However, there are also troubling comments that victim-blame, suggesting that women “deserve” to be exploited because they are “foolish” online. This mindset is a significant part of the problem. It perpetuates a culture that allows harassment to continue, shifting the blame away from perpetrators and onto victims.

The comments section of the article presents a range of opinions, some of which could be categorised as critical or troubling, particularly those that engage in victim-blaming or make sweeping generalisations about women’s behaviour online. For example, one commenter, suggests that a large percentage of women online are “downright foolish” and “deserve” to be exploited by predators. This comment goes on to assert that women refuse to heed warnings from men about the dangers of online life, and instead embrace their newfound online freedom irresponsibly.

This line of argument is problematic for several reasons. Firstly, it shifts the responsibility of the crime from the perpetrator to the victim, suggesting that women bring harassment upon themselves through their behaviour. This not only perpetuates the cycle of abuse but also discourages victims from speaking out for fear of being blamed. Secondly, it assumes that men possess a superior understanding of the risks involved in online behaviour, thereby reinforcing patriarchal norms. Lastly, it fails to acknowledge that harassment and blackmail are actions committed by one party against another; they are not ‘deserved’ under any circumstance.

Another troubling comment, states that “women have gone bad in our society. Men are where they always were.” This generalisation not only misrepresents the issue but also upholds a binary view that serves to perpetuate gender inequalities. The comment suggests that women are the ones who have changed for the worse, implying that the rise in cyber harassment cases is a result of this moral decline rather than the actions of the harassers themselves.

Such comments can be highly damaging, as they feed into the broader stigmas and stereotypes that women face, both online and offline. They contribute to an environment where women may feel unsafe or unwelcome, not just in digital spaces but in society at large. For a comprehensive solution to the issue of online harassment and blackmail, it’s crucial to address these underlying attitudes and make clear that the onus of responsibility should be on stopping harassers, not on blaming those they harass.

While the primary focus of the article by Nighat Dad is on women as victims of cyber harassment, the comments section does touch upon the notion of women as potential online predators. Specifically, one commenter,  claims that there are “very many women and girls of all ages and matrimonial status who are themselves predators on the social media.”

It’s essential to approach this claim with a balanced perspective. First, it’s worth acknowledging that online harassment and predatory behaviour are not limited to any one gender. Both men and women can be perpetrators or victims. However, the frequency, nature, and consequences of such behaviour often differ significantly due to societal norms, power dynamics, and gender roles.

In most societies, including Pakistan’s, the prevailing patriarchal structures often place women at a disadvantage, making them more susceptible to harassment and less likely to be seen as potential harassers. That said, it would be an oversimplification to categorise all women as victims and all men as perpetrators. Instances of women being online predators do exist, but they are generally the exception rather than the rule and are often framed within different power dynamics than cases involving male predators.

The perception of women as potential predators online could be viewed in the broader context of changing gender roles and the anonymity provided by the internet. Online platforms can offer a kind of ‘level playing field,’ where traditional power imbalances are less overt, allowing for the possibility of women engaging in predatory behaviour. However, this should not divert attention from the widespread issue of women facing online harassment, which is supported by extensive data and research.

In summary, while it’s important not to overlook or dismiss cases where women are the perpetrators of online harassment or predatory behaviour, these instances are generally less common and often occur within a different societal and psychological framework than cases involving male perpetrators. The focus should remain on addressing the root causes and systemic issues that allow harassment and predatory behaviour to thrive online, irrespective of the gender of the perpetrator.

So what are the paradoxes here? I would say there are many!In fact several legal paradoxes often arise in the realm of cyber harassment and online predatory behaviour due to the complex interplay between law, technology, and social norms.

Below are some examples of legal paradoxes that could be relevant to the situations discussed:

  1. One of the fundamental tenets of the internet is the right to anonymity. However, this very feature also enables online harassment. Laws that protect anonymity can inadvertently shield harassers, while laws requiring identification can infringe upon privacy rights. Striking the balance between the two is a legal and ethical challenge.
  2. The global nature of the internet often leads to jurisdictional issues. If a perpetrator and victim are in different countries, whose laws apply? This creates a paradox where a person could be committing an act considered illegal in the victim’s jurisdiction but not in their own, making legal redress complicated.
  3. In democratic societies that value freedom of expression, there is a constant tension between protecting free speech and curbing hate speech or harassment. Crafting laws that effectively prevent online harassment without stifling legitimate discourse is a complex task.
  4. In many jurisdictions, minors can’t be held fully accountable for their actions in the same way adults can be. This presents a paradox when minors engage in cyber harassment or predatory behaviour. Legal systems struggle with how to justly penalize minors without imposing overly harsh sentences that could have long-lasting impacts on their lives.
  5. Gathering evidence in cyber harassment cases often requires access to private communications and personal data. This sets up a paradox where the need to protect potential victims conflicts with individual privacy rights, making it difficult for investigators to build a strong case without infringing upon those rights.
  6.  Legal systems aim to provide due process to all parties involved. However, the nature of online platforms often demands quick action to prevent the dissemination of harmful content. This creates a paradox where efforts to ensure fair legal proceedings may compromise the immediate safety of victims.
  7. Online platforms are often caught in a paradox regarding their role in preventing cyber harassment. If they take an active role in moderating content, they risk being seen as publishers and could be held liable for the content. Conversely, if they adopt a hands-off approach, they may be criticized for not doing enough to prevent harassment.

September 13 , 2023 

Mental Health Challenges in Client-The signs

Mental health issues, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or dementia, can significantly impact an individual’s legal capacity to engage in legal proceedings or sign on important documents. I have in my career, made the following observations :

(1) Clients struggling with mental health conditions may exhibit unpredictable behavior. They may have sudden mood swings, extreme irritability, or periods of withdrawal. Recognizing these fluctuations can help you understand their emotional state and adapt your approach accordingly.

(2) Clients with schizophrenia or certain forms of dementia may have difficulty expressing themselves coherently. They may exhibit disorganized thinking, tangential speech, or even delusional beliefs.

(3) Dementia, in particular, can lead to significant memory impairments. Clients may forget important details, dates, or events related to their case. This can impact their ability to provide consistent and accurate information.

(4) Schizophrenia and other mental health disorders may lead to paranoia or delusional thinking. Clients may express beliefs that seem irrational or disconnected from reality.

(5) Bipolar disorder and other mental health conditions can cause difficulties with concentration and focus. Clients may struggle to stay on topic during discussions or become easily distracted. This can affect their ability to provide relevant information.

(6) Clients with bipolar disorder may experience intense emotional highs and lows. Be prepared for moments of extreme elation followed by periods of deep depression. These emotional swings can impact their decision-making and behavior.

(7) In some cases, individuals with mental health challenges may neglect their personal care, hygiene, or living conditions. Be attentive to signs of self-neglect, as they may indicate underlying mental health issues that require attention.

(8) If you suspect that your client’s mental health condition may impact their legal competency, it is crucial to consult with appropriate experts, such as mental health professionals or forensic psychologists. They can assess your client’s capacity to make informed decisions related to their case.However there is a lot of conflict here in Pakistan with requirements of keep client records private and overall looking out for their best interests.In such cases we will decide to simply decline the representation request.

September 12, 2023 

In my experience with Divorce cases in Pakistan,  I have noticed that clients may not be entirely truthful, either unintentionally or deliberately. One of the most obvious signs that a client may be lying is inconsistencies in their narrative. Clients who are misrepresenting facts may struggle to provide concrete evidence to support their claims.A client who is not forthcoming with information or evades specific questions may have something to hide about their financial situation, assets, or other relevant matters. While emotions are a natural part of divorce, clients who overemphasize emotional distress while avoiding discussions about facts and evidence may be attempting to manipulate the situation. Emotions can cloud judgment, but they should not replace verifiable information in legal proceedings.

I have also noticed the tendency of people to exploit procedural law, especially  women.Men, on the other hand go to extra lengths to conceal their finances.Sometimes I feel that after land law matters, divorce cases are the second platforms for the most procedural abuse and deliberate misrepresentations over documents filed on Oath.Worst still with the exception of a couple of sections the  Qanun e Shahadat Act does not apply to family matters. I just find this becoming a core reason for increased mud-slinging and lying in court proceedings by parties.

The recovery and enforcement process is even more complicated.I think at the core of all the mistakes people make is getting a simple Molvi sb to fill their Nikah documentation.This should ideally be done by a lawyer who knows what the the implications for either parties of filling each and every column of their Nikah documents.There is a sea of litigation especially on columns 13 to 19 of the Standard Nikah Nama signed in Pakistan.

Anyways, I will leave it to another day to discuss my views on these matters.

September 11, 2023

“Next Steps” v. “Let the Events Develop”

In law practice a common phrase we often hear is “next steps.” It’s a term that signifies progress and forward motion, and it certainly has its place in our work. However, at times, it might be beneficial to take a step back and consider a slightly different approach: “letting the events develop.”

What does this mean, exactly? It’s all about striking a balance between action and patience. Instead of rushing headlong into the next course of action, it’s about giving room for circumstances to unfold naturally and strategically.

As I see it and keep conveying it to my current and prospective clients, every case is unique, and each situation comes with its own set of variables. What works as a rapid response in one case might not be suitable for another. That’s where “letting the events develop” shines. It’s about recognizing that not all answers are immediate and not all actions should be hurried.

“Let the events develop” allows us a number of advantages:

  1. By stepping back and allowing events to unfold, you gain valuable time for observation. You can assess changing dynamics, gather additional information, and truly understand the nuances of your case. This deeper insight can lead to more informed decisions.
  2. “Letting the events develop” is a strategic move. It means you’re not simply reacting but actively strategizing. You’re waiting for the right moment to take action, aligning it with your goals.
  3.  The legal landscape is dynamic. By embracing patience and adaptability, you’re better prepared to adjust your course of action as needed. This ensures that your legal strategy remains flexible and effective.
  4. Clients appreciate an approach that prioritizes their best interests over haste. When you advise them to “let the events develop,” you convey a sense of care and diligence in handling their case.

Remember, this isn’t about procrastination or inaction. It’s about making conscious choices, acknowledging that the timing of actions matters, and ensuring that every step you take aligns with your client’s goals.

So, the next time you find yourself considering the “next steps” in a legal matter, take a moment to reflect. Is it the right time to let events develop instead?

September 10, 2023

The Alarming Increase in VISA Marriages in the Pakistani Community

In recent years, there has been a concerning rise in what many describe as “VISA marriages” within the Pakistani community. These marriages are often characterized by individuals seeking to wed someone with foreign citizenship, primarily for the purpose of gaining access to countries like the United States in pursuit of economic opportunities. While arranged marriages have long been a cultural norm in Pakistan, the motives behind some of these unions have taken a distinct turn, prompting questions about the true nature of such relationships.

The issue of VISA marriages hit close to home when my Client in USA became engaged to an individual whose intentions were shockingly transparent. During one of their family meetings, he candidly admitted that his primary goal was to marry the lady to secure a pathway to the United States, where he believed he could make money to support his family. This revelation left her family bewildered and deeply concerned. As a result, they promptly called off the engagement, recognizing that the foundations of this relationship were built on deception and opportunism.

The lady’s experience is not isolated. VISA marriages have become a pervasive trend within the Pakistani community, raising serious ethical and moral questions. While arranged marriages based on compatibility and shared values have traditionally been the norm, there is a growing subset of unions driven solely by the desire for financial gain and access to foreign lands.

In many cases, individuals involved in VISA marriages prioritize their own economic advancement over the emotional and personal aspects of marriage. They may view marriage as a transactional arrangement, where the prize is a foreign passport and the accompanying opportunities. These motives are often rooted in the pursuit of better living conditions, higher-paying jobs, and an escape from the economic challenges faced in Pakistan.

VISA marriages not only cast a shadow over the sanctity of marriage but also have lasting repercussions on individuals and families involved. Such unions are often fraught with mistrust and a lack of genuine emotional connection. The consequences of entering into a relationship under false pretenses can be emotionally devastating, leading to broken families and shattered dreams.

It is crucial to address the alarming rise in VISA marriages within the Pakistani community. Open and honest communication within families can help identify potential red flags and ensure that individuals are entering into marriages for the right reasons. Moreover, a broader societal conversation is needed to challenge the motivations behind such marriages and explore alternatives for individuals seeking economic opportunities abroad.

September 9, 2023

The MLM Dilemma: Are Recruiters True Believers or Complicit Peddlers?

Have you ever had an encounter that left you questioning someone’s intentions and the murky world of multi-level marketing (MLM) schemes? I recently experienced just that, and it got me thinking: do MLM recruiters genuinely believe in their pyramid schemes, or are they knowingly involved in a deceptive game?

It all started innocently enough. A facebook contact from abroad about a decade older than me, wanted to speak to me on the phone.As we spoke the conversation quickly veered towards a “mentoring opportunity” that she wanted to share with me. According to her, someone was volunteering impart their knowledge, boasting of running a six-figure e-commerce business. At first, I was intrigued. Who wouldn’t be interested in learning from successful entrepreneurs? However, as she continued talking, my alarm bells started ringing.

What she said next made me question the authenticity of this opportunity. She emphasized how selective her seniors were when choosing whom to work with and how my mindset perfectly matched their criteria. She even hinted at not readily sharing her business contacts, portraying this as an exceedingly rare chance. My subsequent research shed light on the true nature of these organizations and their involvement in the MLM world. These entities often encourage recruits to buy and sell products, promising financial freedom within a few years.

Now, I find myself grappling with questions about my friends intentions. Did she genuinely believe in this scheme, or was she knowingly trying to lure me into a predatory system? Could she be so blind to the truth that she genuinely thought she was helping me? Or was it simply an act to further her own interests? I chose to ignore her after this, despite many follow ups.

One thing is clear: MLMs in Pakistan & Abroad have a notorious reputation for exploiting individuals’ dreams and ambitions. The allure of quick wealth and financial independence can blind even the most well-intentioned individuals. However, the harsh reality is that the vast majority of participants in MLMs end up losing money, while those at the top reap the benefits.In Pakistan they thrive because of poor education and poor regulation.

It’s crucial to understand the mindset of MLM recruiters. While some may be fully aware of the dubious nature of these schemes, others might genuinely believe in the products and the potential for success. MLM recruiters often tow a fine line between being true believers in the system and knowingly promoting a questionable venture. Some may have initially joined with genuine hopes of financial gain but became disillusioned over time. Others, particularly those with large social media followings, may continually jump from one MLM to another, creating a cycle of hype and disappointment.

The world of MLMs is complex and rife with contradictions. While some recruiters may genuinely believe in the products they promote, they often fail to recognize the inherent flaws in the system. The statistics speak for themselves: the vast majority of MLM participants experience financial losses, and the promised financial freedom remains elusive.

Anyways, another day, another scam. I am just think how vulnerable people could be to such recruiters.

September 8, 2023

As a child I saw in horror when the case of Javed Iqbal the serial killer came out in the 90’s.The main had murdered 100 young boys.The whole scenario revealed several legal gaps and challenges in the investigation of criminal matters in Pakistan. One significant gap was the delay in detecting and reporting the crimes committed by Javed Iqbal. Despite his gruesome actions, it took some time for authorities to become aware of his activities. This delay raises questions about the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in promptly identifying and responding to criminal activities.

Secondly,  there was a lack of surveillance and monitoring of individuals like Javed Iqbal, who were known to have engaged in suspicious or criminal activities. This gap allowed him to continue his heinous crimes for an extended period without detection. Implementing better surveillance and monitoring systems for individuals with a history of criminal behavior could help prevent such cases from going unnoticed.

Thirdly, the investigation into Javed Iqbal’s crimes revealed significant shortcomings in Pakistan’s forensic capabilities. Proper forensic evidence collection and analysis are crucial in criminal investigations, and the lack of advanced forensic tools and expertise can hinder the prosecution’s ability to build a solid case against the perpetrator.

Fourthly, the case raised concerns about the treatment of suspects in police custody. One of Iqbal’s accomplices died in police custody under suspicious circumstances, with indications of physical abuse. Ensuring the safety and humane treatment of suspects in custody is essential to prevent coercion and abuse.

Fourthly, the sentencing of Javed Iqbal, where the judge passed a sentence mirroring his crimes but was contradicted by the Interior Minister, highlighted discrepancies in sentencing and the need for clarity in the legal framework. Such discrepancies can erode public confidence in the justice system and call for more consistent sentencing guidelines.

Fifthly, the families of the victims in this case were subjected to immense trauma and distress, including being forced to witness Iqbal’s crimes. The legal system should provide adequate protection and support to the families of victims, ensuring their rights are respected during the investigative and trial processes.

The controversy surrounding the proposed sentence for Javed Iqbal highlighted the need for Pakistan to adhere to international human rights standards in its legal proceedings. Balancing justice with respect for human rights is essential to maintain the integrity of the legal system.The mysterious deaths of Javed Iqbal and his accomplice in jail, initially ruled as suicides but with evidence of physical abuse, raised questions about the adequacy of the prison system and the protection of inmates’ rights. Ensuring the safety and well-being of prisoners is a fundamental legal responsibility.While on a personal note I do not feel child abusers should have any such rights, but the police do have a duty of care towards detainees.

September 7, 2023


Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Individuals grappling with bipolar disorder often face a range of challenges that extend beyond their emotional and psychological well-being. It is true that individuals with bipolar disorder may face certain health challenges that can potentially affect their life expectancy. Research has shown that people with bipolar disorder may be at a slightly increased risk of certain medical conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity. These factors can contribute to a somewhat shorter lifespan compared to the general population. However, it’s essential to emphasize that advances in mental health care and medical treatment have improved the overall well-being and life expectancy of individuals with bipolar disorder.

The cognitive effects of bipolar disorder are a topic of ongoing research. Some individuals with bipolar disorder may experience cognitive difficulties, including problems with memory and concentration, during manic or depressive episodes. These cognitive impairments can impact daily functioning and contribute to challenges in work or academic settings. It’s important to note that cognitive symptoms often improve when individuals with bipolar disorder receive appropriate treatment and support.

Substance abuse is a concern that frequently co-occurs with bipolar disorder. Some individuals may turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to cope with the emotional highs and lows of the disorder. This self-medication can exacerbate the symptoms of bipolar disorder and lead to a cycle of addiction and mental health struggles. Recognizing the link between substance abuse and bipolar disorder is crucial for providing comprehensive treatment and support.

One of the most challenging aspects of bipolar disorder is how it can strain relationships. During manic or depressive episodes, individuals with bipolar disorder may exhibit erratic behavior, impulsivity, or paranoia. The belief that family and friends are enemies can stem from distorted thinking patterns during these episodes. This can be deeply distressing for both the individual and their loved ones.Recognizing the importance of early intervention, access to mental health care, and fostering a supportive community are essential steps in improving the lives of those affected by bipolar disorder.

September 6, 2023


For years, the world has been captivated by the harrowing and perplexing case of Jeffrey Epstein, a financier and convicted sex offender. His life and the allegations surrounding him have generated numerous questions, not just about his actions but also about the legal aspects of his case. As I watched the Jeffrey Epstein documentary on Netflix, I found myself pondering a number of legal questions that underscore the complexities of this scandal.

One of the most controversial aspects of the Epstein case is his plea deal in 2008. He faced federal charges for sex trafficking of minors but ultimately entered into a plea agreement that allowed him to plead guilty to two state prostitution charges, serving only 13 months in jail. The first legal question that arises is how Epstein managed to secure such a lenient plea deal. What factors influenced this decision, and did it constitute an injustice to his victims?

Secondly, Epstein’s death in 2019 in a Manhattan jail cell raised concerns about whether justice was served. His apparent suicide brought up the legal question of double jeopardy. Could he be tried again for the same crimes at the federal level, considering he had already been prosecuted at the state level? This aspect of the case raises complex constitutional and legal issues.

Thirdly, the documentary delves into the web of individuals associated with Epstein, including Ghislaine Maxwell. Legal questions emerge about potential co-conspirators and their liability. Were there others who should be held accountable for the alleged crimes? If so, what charges might they face, and what legal obstacles might prosecutors encounter in pursuing them?

Fourthly, Epstein’s death left many survivors seeking justice and compensation. The legal system offers avenues for survivors to pursue civil suits against Epstein’s estate. These cases raise questions about the ability of survivors to obtain compensation and hold Epstein accountable posthumously. How will the legal system address these claims fairly and efficiently?

The handling of Epstein’s case by various prosecutors and law enforcement agencies prompts questions about accountability within the legal system. Did Epstein’s wealth and connections influence the actions of those responsible for investigating and prosecuting him? What steps should be taken to ensure that justice is blind and equal for all, regardless of one’s social or economic status?

So in the end it seems true, the wealthy and influential get away with gross breaches of the law.In the cases of Ghislane and Jeffery however the law did catch up with the eventually.But this would be in countries like USA and Europe. In Pakistan, criminals have gotten away with far worse and without accountability.

September 5, 2023 

That white streak of hair though…

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook the subtle changes that shape our existence. Today, as I glanced in the mirror and noticed a whole white streak of hair across my forehead, it served as a poignant reminder of the passage of time and the ever-evolving world around us.

In this fast-paced age, I couldn’t help but reflect on the life my late mother lived during my upbringing. The juggling act between work, raising children, and the constant battle with insomnia was a familiar narrative. The challenges of those times were not to be underestimated, especially in the absence of today’s conveniences.

Back in the 90s, remote work was a distant dream. People commuted to physical offices, enduring the daily grind of traffic and rigid schedules. The advent of the internet and technology has revolutionized the way we work and communicate. In this new era, we find ourselves engaging in online interactions that transcend geographical boundaries. It’s a profound shift that has reshaped our professional and personal lives.

One of the most striking advancements has been the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This cutting-edge technology has not only automated numerous tasks but has also given us instantaneous means of communication. Gone are the days of waiting for letters to arrive or booking international calls in advance. With the touch of a button, we can connect with anyone, anywhere in the world.

Another noteworthy development is the emergence of electronic signatures. These digital counterparts to traditional pen-and-paper signatures have streamlined countless processes, from signing contracts to approving documents. It’s a testament to how technology has made our lives more efficient and convenient.

However, as our world becomes increasingly interconnected and digitized, it brings about significant changes in the realm of law and legal proceedings. One area where these changes are particularly pronounced is the rules governing admissible evidence.

In the past, the admissibility of evidence hinged on physical documentation and eyewitness accounts. Today, with the prevalence of digital records and surveillance technology, the landscape is shifting. Courts now grapple with the intricacies of electronically stored information, social media posts, and even virtual reality simulations.

Yet, as technology advances, so does the challenge of ensuring the integrity of evidence. A new breed of technology experts has emerged, adept at tampering with digital records and manipulating data. This poses a unique dilemma for the legal system, as it must adapt to combat new forms of deception and fraud.

For every innovation, there seems to be an anti-innovation—a countermeasure designed to exploit the very technology that seeks to bring transparency and accuracy. It’s a constant tug-of-war between progress and resistance, a dynamic that keeps the legal profession on its toes.

In conclusion, as I contemplate the white streak of hair on my forehead, I am reminded not only of the passage of time but also of the remarkable transformations that have occurred. We have entered an era of unprecedented connectivity and convenience, thanks to AI, instantaneous communication, and electronic signatures.

Yet, as technology reshapes the legal landscape and the rules of admissible evidence, it also presents new challenges in maintaining the authenticity of information. In this ever-evolving world, one thing is certain: the pursuit of truth and justice will continue to adapt to the changing times.

September 4, 2023

Protecting Your Elderly Parents from Poor Life and Financial Decisions

As our parents age, the roles often reverse, and we find ourselves taking on the responsibility of caring for them. This transition can be emotionally challenging, especially when it comes to ensuring that our elderly parents make wise life and financial decisions. While we want to respect their autonomy, it’s crucial to protect them from potential pitfalls that can arise in later stages of life. The foundation of any effective caregiving strategy is open and honest communication. When in doubt about their mental and physical safety you should try to initiate conversations with your parents about their finances, healthcare preferences, and overall well-being. Ensure they feel heard and respected, which can foster trust and cooperation.

Secondly, knowing the situation in Pakistan where unscruplous relatives will try to deceive your parents Understanding your parent’s financial situation is crucial. Be aware of their income, expenses, investments, and debts. This knowledge will help you identify any unusual or concerning financial activity.

Thirdly, elderly individuals are often targets for scams and financial fraud. Educate your parents about common scams and regularly monitor their accounts for suspicious transactions. Encourage them to verify requests for personal information or money. In the same vein, to prevent missed payments and late fees, set up automatic bill payments for your parents. This can ensure that essential expenses are covered on time, reducing financial stress.

While it’s essential to protect your parents from potential harm, it’s equally important to maintain their independence and autonomy. Encourage them to remain engaged in activities they enjoy and make decisions when they can do so safely.Keep records of important decisions, conversations, and agreements regarding your parent’s care and finances. This documentation can be invaluable for legal purposes and family communication.

Finally, as we live in the Pakistani society, dealing with controlling elderly parents who are resistant to advice can be challenging and emotionally taxing.If you are in such a situation, begin by trying to understand your parents’ perspective. Aging can be a frightening and vulnerable experience, which may lead to a desire for control. As Islam teaches us even if your parents are controlling, it’s essential to maintain respect for their autonomy and dignity. They have a right to make decisions about their lives, even if you disagree.

You should understand and recognize that not every decision or action needs to be challenged. Focus on areas where their choices may have a significant negative impact on their well-being, safety, or financial security.

Sometimes, an outside perspective can be helpful. Consider involving a trusted friend, family member, therapist, or mediator who can facilitate discussions and provide guidance.I am aware however that relatives in Pakistan can be toxic and greedy and can mislead senior people to further their own aims and interests.My infirm and ill mother was also robbed of her money while on her death bed by such relatives so I can attest to the fact that sometimes involving friends rather than relatives is a better idea.

On a closing note, despite their controlling tendencies, your parents may have valuable life experiences and wisdom to offer. Show appreciation for their knowledge and insights, but remember we all lose our sharpness and cognition as we age.


September 3, 2023 

I keep saying this to clients and friends alike :

A Red Flag at Half Mast is Still a Red Flag

And I get a lot of hate for this too.

In today’s interconnected world, love knows no borders. With the rise of online dating and the increasing ease of international travel, many individuals are embarking on journeys of love that span across countries and cultures. However, amidst the excitement of a blossoming romance, it becomes  crucial to exercise caution and be vigilant for red flags, especially when considering marriage in a foreign country or meeting people online for that purpose.

The first question everyone finding themselves in a foreign online romance is why is this person taking an interest in me? It is human nature to look for love in your physical surroundings.That being said, the modern times have ended up making Facebook, reddit and Whatsapp our virtual networking lounges.That being said, I cannot believe it I just wrote “modern times’. Am I beginning to sound like a boomer? Well we all become all parents one day, don’t we?

Anyways before you take the plunge into an international marriage, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the legal requirements of the country in which you plan to wed. Each country has its own set of rules and regulations governing marriages, including documentation, residency requirements, and waiting periods.

Even before that, pay attention to what this individual is telling you about their life circumstances.If they are telling you constantly they are in financial difficulties, you must be vary of emergency requests for money.I had a good friend in UK once who ended up paying the utility bills for a person she met online from South Africa and the man already had a happy family situation at his end.He was just looking for extra money from a rich foreigner. One common red flag in online relationships is when your partner consistently asks for financial assistance. Be cautious if you are repeatedly asked for money, especially if the reasons seem suspicious or the requests are excessive. Scammers often target individuals in long-distance relationships for financial gain.

On the internet, nobody knows if you are a dog, a psycho, a serial killer or a murder.It is very easy for people to create personas that may not accurately reflect their true selves. Take your time to get to know your prospective partner. Share stories, engage in video calls, and ask probing questions about their life, values, and future goals. Building a foundation of trust is essential before moving forward. However all my years of lawyering and litigating fraud have led me to doubt everything, even when I can see it with my own eyes.

While online communication can be deeply meaningful, meeting your partner in person is a crucial step in any international relationship. It allows you to gauge the chemistry and compatibility that may not be apparent through digital interactions. Plan visits to each other’s countries to spend time together and understand each other’s daily lives.However be vary if your prospective partner starts asking for money for visa, and then starts pretending at the last minutes they have been detained by the customs & immigration at their country when traveling to you.

I always recommend hiring a lawyer in the country of their origin or a private detective to do a background check.In the USA getting access to someone’s public records is not difficult at all.But in countries like Pakistan this information is not  available in as public records.

I always ask people to educate themselves about common online relationship scams. These can range from fake identities to elaborate stories designed to manipulate emotions. Being aware of these tactics can help you spot potential scams early on.

Finally, please listen to this carefully.God gave us intuition as a natural defence mechanism!

If something feels off or too good to be true, trust your instincts. Gut feelings can be powerful indicators of potential issues. Don’t hesitate to seek advice or walk away if you have doubts.

Despite being very skeptical of online romances, I do feel love has the power to transcend borders and bring people together.

Again, a red flag, even at half mast, is still a red flag so never stop investigating whenever you are in doubt.

September 2, 2023

Early onset of mental health problems in a spouse : recognizing the signs 

In any marriage, challenges and difficulties can arise. However, when these challenges are compounded by signs of mental illness in one or both partners, it can create a complex and emotionally draining situation. Recognizing these signs and documenting them is essential for several reasons, including seeking help, ensuring personal safety, and making informed decisions. One of the early signs of mental illness can be noticeable changes in behavior in your spouse. This might include sudden mood swings, excessive irritability, anger, withdrawal from social activities, or a loss of interest in previously enjoyed hobbies.

Physical symptoms like unexplained headaches, stomachaches, fatigue, or sleep disturbances can be related to underlying mental health issues. Sometimes mental health can cause unnatural dips or surges in libido and gender dysphoria.These symptoms should not be dismissed and should be documented.

Secondly, it could just appear at first to be a harmless dependence on Xanax and Prozac or sleeping pills.But watch out.An increase in substance abuse, such as alcohol or drugs, can be a coping mechanism for someone struggling with mental illness. Keep an eye out for changes in substance use patterns, which could even include increase in smoking or abuse of energy drinks.

Thirdly look out for frequent emotional outbursts, including crying spells, shouting, or fits of rage, can indicate emotional distress and may be linked to mental health issues.In the case of women it is not always PMS.

Fourthly, if one partner in the marriage becomes increasingly isolated, avoids social interactions, or withdraws from family and friends, it could be a sign of depression or other mental health challenges.

Fifthly, I have seen this happen with patients of BPD, Parkinson’s and Dementia. Mental illness can manifest in cognitive changes, such as memory problems, difficulty concentrating, hand tremors, or impaired decision-making abilities. Documenting instances of cognitive impairment can help when seeking professional help later on for your spouse.

Finally pay attention to changes in communication patterns within the marriage. Frequent arguments, communication breakdowns, or the inability to resolve conflicts can be indicative of underlying emotional distress.Meltdowns on social media may also be a red flag.

A noticeable neglect of responsibilities, such as household chores, parenting duties, or work-related tasks, might be a sign of a partner’s mental health struggles.I have seen this with mentally ill women.In one case one lady was so depressed she stopped showering and combing her hair for weeks.This may even manifest as parental neglect or spending too much time on social media platforms.In some cases you should watch out if your partner is eating too much or too less, when they are normally not in the habit of either of these behaviours.

Documenting Signs:

Documenting signs of mental illness in a difficult marriage is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Seeking Medical Help: Having a record of concerning behaviors will assist mental health professionals in accurately diagnosing and providing appropriate treatment.
  2. Legal and Safety Concerns: In some cases, documenting signs of mental illness may be necessary for legal matters, such as child custody or divorce proceedings, to ensure the safety and well-being of all involved.
  3. Personal Awareness: Documenting these signs helps you gain a better understanding of the situation and the impact on your own well-being.

When documenting signs, be as specific as possible. Note the date, time, and details of each incident or behavior. Share your concerns with a trusted friend or family member, and consider reaching out to a mental health professional or therapist for guidance on how to proceed.Take photographs of any unusual medications you find in a partner’s belongings.

Remember Mental Illness is still considered a stigma in many parts of the world like Pakistan.Your partner may be having mental health problems and too embarrassed to ask for help. Try to support them and get them help in confidence without informing close friends or relatives at the risk of embarrassing them.

September 1, 2023 :

Making the effort and a few words on human stupidity 

I’ve been eagerly anticipating this moment for quite some time. Amid the whirlwind of work, parenting, and life’s countless demands, carving out a space for my blog has been a long-awaited endeavor. So, here it is—a journal of observations, musings, and a glimpse into my diverse interests. Within these digital paragraphs, you’ll find my fascination with A.I., the intricacies of crime and forensics, the profound impact of mental illness on human decision-making, and my broader perspectives on life. As a lawyer navigating the complexities of the current era, I’ll also delve into the intricate rabbit holes and mysteries of law that I continue to explore.

For starters dive into a topic that never ceases to amaze me—the quintessential human trait: Stupidity. It’s a trait that should never be underestimated.

When we talk about human traits, intelligence often takes center stage, and rightfully so. Intelligence is the engine behind progress, innovation, and understanding. However, nestled in the shadow of intelligence lies its enigmatic counterpart—stupidity.

Stupidity, in all its forms, is a fascinating subject. It’s the invisible force that can turn rational decisions into bewildering blunders. It’s the unseen hand that sometimes guides us toward choices that defy logic and reason.

Throughout my career as a lawyer, I’ve had my fair share of encounters with the bewildering manifestations of human stupidity. Legal disputes and cases often provide a front-row seat to the consequences of poor judgment, impulsive decisions, and a lack of foresight.

But let’s not be too quick to condemn stupidity. It’s not always a result of intellectual deficiency. In fact, it can manifest in the most unexpected places, even among those who possess considerable intelligence. Stupidity can arise from biases, emotional reactions, or simply a momentary lapse in judgment.

To understand this we need to appreciate the complexity of human decision-making. It’s not just about logic and evidence; it’s also about emotions, biases, and the interplay of various factors that can lead to unexpected outcomes.

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